Postpone everything for the next few days because this is a turning point in History. Nothing is more important now for a Digital Soldier than to stay online to counter dis-info, welcome the noobs, thwart the trolls, and guard your own morale so you don't become a doomer and drag down the Patriots, (do that by ignoring the MSM, who want you to think everyone has given up).
Short term to keep calm, downvote every doomer post and troll that slides the board with BS. Upvote every encouraging post. We are going to win this, Patriots, and SOON!
I am writing some notes this week for posterity. I can't remember crap anymore. I want to have something to look back at and read in the future and remember how this time was. Especially for future generations.
Imagine a Ken Burns type production, and they have your notes on there, some resonant voice reading them, dramatic music in the background, (this sure is a drama!). If that never happens so what, you are still an important part of HISTORY.
Not only that, part of staving off the slavery of generations to come. Those are the generations that will know and be grateful. I'm grateful right now, to all Patriots who are doing their part to spread information and bring the Deep State down.
Noon Wednesday, whatever happens, I'm putting my phone down and going back to being a good wife and mother.
I'm dreading being out of the loop for several hours tomorrow when I'm at my girls doctor appointment... That'll probably be about when it starts getting good, lol
And all of my friends/family are doomers so no one will even text me all the good stuff.
I have been wondering where I will be when the EAS goes off because I will probably start to do a little dance and if I am in public, people will think I am nuts.
Been waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's like we're watching this play out in slow mo. Keep thinking I missed something so I go on a search for what's up. Get a crumb or two and try to pull away to do my life. Then have that itch again and I'm back at it. And it goes on and on. Somethings gotta give.
I feel like i did the night i picked up my copy of the 7th harry potter book. I wanted to know EVERYTHING and i wanted to never finish reading the series.
But then we'll be talking about how we couldn't even IMAGINE that it could be so good! Every day will be a new amazing thing - just like his first term, only BETTER!
You are not alone soldier
I want it to end. JUST ARREST THEM ALL!
Postpone everything for the next few days because this is a turning point in History. Nothing is more important now for a Digital Soldier than to stay online to counter dis-info, welcome the noobs, thwart the trolls, and guard your own morale so you don't become a doomer and drag down the Patriots, (do that by ignoring the MSM, who want you to think everyone has given up). Short term to keep calm, downvote every doomer post and troll that slides the board with BS. Upvote every encouraging post. We are going to win this, Patriots, and SOON!
I am writing some notes this week for posterity. I can't remember crap anymore. I want to have something to look back at and read in the future and remember how this time was. Especially for future generations.
Imagine a Ken Burns type production, and they have your notes on there, some resonant voice reading them, dramatic music in the background, (this sure is a drama!). If that never happens so what, you are still an important part of HISTORY. Not only that, part of staving off the slavery of generations to come. Those are the generations that will know and be grateful. I'm grateful right now, to all Patriots who are doing their part to spread information and bring the Deep State down.
Same. And I gotta work my ass off ugh. Still gotta make a living
I hear you. So hard to shut down and have to work at times. When things break, I'm immediately taking PTO.
I just can't stop!
Noon Wednesday, whatever happens, I'm putting my phone down and going back to being a good wife and mother.
I'm dreading being out of the loop for several hours tomorrow when I'm at my girls doctor appointment... That'll probably be about when it starts getting good, lol
And all of my friends/family are doomers so no one will even text me all the good stuff.
Well good luck at the drs hope all is well. We'll be here when you are done.
Thank you! Getting biopsy results and other test results.... Nothing like more anxiety right now. But it'll be fine.
HAHAHA! I'm actually interviewing someone RIGHT NOW. LOL! And yet, I'm still here scrolling. And scrolling. ;)
One more interview, and she will! LOL! Thanks for asking.
I said “GOOD DAY, SIR!”
This is EXACTLY HOW I FEEL! Great post OP!!
LOL! True that. My screen time increased 71% last week because of the GREATAWAKENING.WIN
I have been wondering where I will be when the EAS goes off because I will probably start to do a little dance and if I am in public, people will think I am nuts.
Same here for weeks
Felt the same way since the beginning of November.
Amen, brother.
Been waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's like we're watching this play out in slow mo. Keep thinking I missed something so I go on a search for what's up. Get a crumb or two and try to pull away to do my life. Then have that itch again and I'm back at it. And it goes on and on. Somethings gotta give.
This movie has me on the edge of my bed. White knuckling it. Come on hurry up.
I felt that
Me too, and praying
I feel like i did the night i picked up my copy of the 7th harry potter book. I wanted to know EVERYTHING and i wanted to never finish reading the series.
That was an engaging series of 7 books. lol
I needed this ?
So very true.
When it's all over, whatever the outcome, I will certainly miss all the suspense and speculation...
But then we'll be talking about how we couldn't even IMAGINE that it could be so good! Every day will be a new amazing thing - just like his first term, only BETTER!