Its a chan authentication type scheme used to validate identities of posters. Essentially, it functions similar to a hash, every posting showing this particular tripcode must have had the source text/passphrase that when put through the algo generates the tripcode. If you pick a different phrase, you will show a different tripcode.
Ergo, seeing the same tripcode for posts means that the same poster has made the set of posts. Or a group of people sharing around the same passphrase for all of them - either way it establishes an identity chain.
Its not super secure as computation to brute a hash function gets stronger and more available with the passing years, but Q deems it sufficient for the purpose of posting on 8kun.
Each post published on 4chan bears an identifying number, assigned consecutively by order of publication. Because of the huge number of posts published every day, this number is practically random. 4chan has an old tradition of users trying to have their posts obtain certain special numbers, known as “gets”. The most precious “gets” are round numbers (such as 1m) or those that repeat all their digits. By October of 2015, /pol/ was approaching its 77777777th post, seen to be of particular importance because the number 7 is often associated with good luck and fortune. The post that would “get” that number was sure to gain legendary status within the community.
As it happened, the 77777777th “get” was for the message “Trump will win”.
No that isn't tripcodes, that is about dubs and digits, it is a thing on the chans and when you get repeating digits on the post number (it's random remember) that is viewed as a stroke of luck, and means the post is likely truth. Like a prediction thing.
Anyway here is an explanation of the digits, dubs and quads etc as it relates to Trump, Pepe, and the 2016 election. It is quite a trip, and as a lover of woo it is a fun read. I suspect that the Universe or God has a real sense of humor!
Oh yes, and since then, whenever a poster has stated Trump will win 2020 or Trump will serve 2 Terms, the digits gave a long string of repeats - think it was all the 8's (as you see on the above link, he got all 7's re the 2016 election)
I was there while it was going down and that woo, combined with the Trey Smith Trump Prophecies documentary I became convinced something 'other' was at work here, and he had been Chosen for the work at hand. I've only become more convinced since then. :)
Anyone remember on the old r/The_Donald when all that copypasta about the Dems & Bernie Bros throwing their tendies on floor, and then the Democrat convention came around and the news (might have been CNN even) was reporting afterwards the cleanup involved a lot of chicken tenders on the floor?
LOL, it was fun in there until Trump won and they got rid of all the woo and Q discussions.
He's not a prophet himself btw, he just discusses biblical stuff which connects what is going on at the moment and why he believed Trump was prophesized in the Bible as another Cyrus, and the coming lanslide (2016). This was at the time when the media was giving Hillary 91% chance of winning. (I do think it was a landslide and Hillary didn't actually get the popular vote but that isn't important anymore)
There is snippets from prophets like Kim Clement and an ex-Hindu Christian who claimed the same outcome. It's really interesting stuff, and I'm not a bible person. :)
He also has some other vids on his channel related to all this.
No ss psh lol... It was a post that was seemingly more important because it had quint 8s or something, like it had some significance because of it?dunno really lol
That's board culture. Since every post has a counter that always increments by one, the post numbers that are 10000000, 2222222, 1234567 and so on with some nice patterns or milestones are highly sought after. Significant only because they are a statistical rarity.
Its not super secure as computation to brute a hash function gets stronger and more available with the passing years, but Q deems it sufficient for the purpose of posting on 8kun.
Plausible deniability. If whoever Q is gets arrested: "Oh, I posted this? And you know that because of the tripcode? Nope, nope, you can't say the tripcode is enough to prove I did post that, my lawyer will tell you it's not secure enough to be proof."
It doesn't link posts to a person, it links posts together as being made by either the same person, or by a grouping of people who have shared the passphase that generates the tripcode.
How can any court prove that you know some random password? And not on any device of yours when it might be a reasonable expectation that you know of it to continue the use of the device, but on some public website? Torture you or subject you to some duress to try and force you to type it in?
option 1: use Proxy in the country where the video is originated, prob. US.
See: list of proxies. There are browser addon for your convenience. see:
alternative 2: setup virtualization in windows, download iso, install iso virtually. This way you can use linux on top of windows .
Alternative 3: setup dual boot by first installing Linux and then windows. See howto dual boot
Alternative 4. shut down computer, Remove harddisk, insert new harddisk, reboot with usb linux livecd; install linux iso from usb.
set: https everywhere. modus strict. Why? because HTTPS will scramble the header so traffic is only readable by you and the DNS/ Site you are requesting/ visiting.
Should be a sticky since people are running with that new fake 'drop' like crazy.
Forget which drop it is but it basically says he wont be posting again for awhile, I wouldn't expect to see a post until next month or maybe march.
Fake and gay.
Good lesson for all the patriots new to this.
It takes a moment to load, I found.
Edit: now I can't reach the site.
"Address not found"
It's dead
Working for me at the moment.
I got it working fine. Of course, this is 11 hours later, so...
It works for me.
Blocked in my country (US) on copyright grounds.
It think it is because of the music. You can bypass it using a vpn if you pick a different country. Anyhow, here it is on Bitchute
seeing this kinda makes me sad. We were having a great party and i feel like they used covid to put us in jail for voting Trump in office.
Yep. They know most of the peasants hate them / despise them.
Here is your cake, plebes. Enjoy!
Can someone layman's terms throw down som on "trip codes"?
Its a chan authentication type scheme used to validate identities of posters. Essentially, it functions similar to a hash, every posting showing this particular tripcode must have had the source text/passphrase that when put through the algo generates the tripcode. If you pick a different phrase, you will show a different tripcode.
Ergo, seeing the same tripcode for posts means that the same poster has made the set of posts. Or a group of people sharing around the same passphrase for all of them - either way it establishes an identity chain.
Its not super secure as computation to brute a hash function gets stronger and more available with the passing years, but Q deems it sufficient for the purpose of posting on 8kun.
I love you. I was in IT for a long time but this concept still always escaped my understanding. Thanks a ton!!
Welcome. There was a lot of discussion around trip codes when Q changed the one they were using, so that was my introduction to the concept.
So what was the thing with 8's I saw a lil while ago? Like quad 8s?
Each post published on 4chan bears an identifying number, assigned consecutively by order of publication. Because of the huge number of posts published every day, this number is practically random. 4chan has an old tradition of users trying to have their posts obtain certain special numbers, known as “gets”. The most precious “gets” are round numbers (such as 1m) or those that repeat all their digits. By October of 2015, /pol/ was approaching its 77777777th post, seen to be of particular importance because the number 7 is often associated with good luck and fortune. The post that would “get” that number was sure to gain legendary status within the community.
As it happened, the 77777777th “get” was for the message “Trump will win”.
The 77777777th post on 4chan’s /pol/ sub-forum.
No that isn't tripcodes, that is about dubs and digits, it is a thing on the chans and when you get repeating digits on the post number (it's random remember) that is viewed as a stroke of luck, and means the post is likely truth. Like a prediction thing.
Anyway here is an explanation of the digits, dubs and quads etc as it relates to Trump, Pepe, and the 2016 election. It is quite a trip, and as a lover of woo it is a fun read. I suspect that the Universe or God has a real sense of humor!
Oh yes, and since then, whenever a poster has stated Trump will win 2020 or Trump will serve 2 Terms, the digits gave a long string of repeats - think it was all the 8's (as you see on the above link, he got all 7's re the 2016 election)
I was there while it was going down and that woo, combined with the Trey Smith Trump Prophecies documentary I became convinced something 'other' was at work here, and he had been Chosen for the work at hand. I've only become more convinced since then. :)
Anyone remember on the old r/The_Donald when all that copypasta about the Dems & Bernie Bros throwing their tendies on floor, and then the Democrat convention came around and the news (might have been CNN even) was reporting afterwards the cleanup involved a lot of chicken tenders on the floor?
LOL, it was fun in there until Trump won and they got rid of all the woo and Q discussions.
Where can I find Trey Smith Trump Prophesies? I searched but came up empty handed.
Here ya go.
He's not a prophet himself btw, he just discusses biblical stuff which connects what is going on at the moment and why he believed Trump was prophesized in the Bible as another Cyrus, and the coming lanslide (2016). This was at the time when the media was giving Hillary 91% chance of winning. (I do think it was a landslide and Hillary didn't actually get the popular vote but that isn't important anymore)
There is snippets from prophets like Kim Clement and an ex-Hindu Christian who claimed the same outcome. It's really interesting stuff, and I'm not a bible person. :)
He also has some other vids on his channel related to all this.
I dont know - maybe a post number rather than a tripcode? Got an image or capture of it?
No ss psh lol... It was a post that was seemingly more important because it had quint 8s or something, like it had some significance because of it?dunno really lol
That's board culture. Since every post has a counter that always increments by one, the post numbers that are 10000000, 2222222, 1234567 and so on with some nice patterns or milestones are highly sought after. Significant only because they are a statistical rarity.
There was an issue with the tripcode in 2018. It is reflected in the posts.
Plausible deniability. If whoever Q is gets arrested: "Oh, I posted this? And you know that because of the tripcode? Nope, nope, you can't say the tripcode is enough to prove I did post that, my lawyer will tell you it's not secure enough to be proof."
It doesn't link posts to a person, it links posts together as being made by either the same person, or by a grouping of people who have shared the passphase that generates the tripcode.
How can any court prove that you know some random password? And not on any device of yours when it might be a reasonable expectation that you know of it to continue the use of the device, but on some public website? Torture you or subject you to some duress to try and force you to type it in?
I dont think any of that flies.
You can click the link below, now, to Qs last drop... Which he made on the UK Q board, I might add...
Qresearch is back up.
Just the trip code itself is unique. Can't be copied or faked.
I've never noticed that. How the fuck did they accomplish that?
This is what I get - "Video unavailable This video contains content from UMPG Publishing, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
If that is the case,
option 1: use Proxy in the country where the video is originated, prob. US. See: list of proxies. There are browser addon for your convenience. see:
Nice option, but not recommended.
option 2: use paid strictly no logs VPN to exit in country where video is originated.
e.g. If you are in Germany, and want to see a regional blocked video, probably using an exit server in the US or Canada will solve your issue.
Recommendation: use paid, strictly no logs VPN. You get what you pay for.
If you are on spyware OS, like Win10, dump it in favor of LMDE or MXlinux. -> obtain iso; make livecd for tryout. Consult available howto.
Alternative 1. Use ubuntu for windows.
alternative 2: setup virtualization in windows, download iso, install iso virtually. This way you can use linux on top of windows .
Alternative 3: setup dual boot by first installing Linux and then windows. See howto dual boot
Alternative 4. shut down computer, Remove harddisk, insert new harddisk, reboot with usb linux livecd; install linux iso from usb.
set: https everywhere. modus strict. Why? because HTTPS will scramble the header so traffic is only readable by you and the DNS/ Site you are requesting/ visiting.
Ublock origin
user-agent spoof.
invidious redirect.
Learn to use youtube-dl.
I already have a HTTPS everywhere, Ghostery, VPN and also seen the video when it first came out ;)
Perfect, then you only have to change the VPN exit location