We gave it our all. Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able. We have a new president sworn in and it is our responsibility as citizens to respect the Constitution regardless of whether or not we agree with the specifics or details regarding officials who are sworn in. As we enter into the next administration please remember all the friends and happy memories we made together over the past few years.
Ill have more to say in a few days regarding a new project i’m currently fleshing out.
God bless.
Fuck that guy. No fight. Everyone from every side is telling us to submit and roll over. Fuck them all.
Completely agree - Time for an approach centered on FACT not speculation.
The real fight has only just begun.
The enemy has literally awoken a sleeping giant.
Fuck CM. He was never an asset, just another mouthpiece among many.
low energy cuck post from Ron imo...he technically could have gotten Q's IP or figured out who he was being the 8chan administrator...and now he's just like "anyway, I'm out, check out my project that wont ever come out"
And if that "project" does appear, every Patriot needs to ignore it.
Fren don't think that if someone is really from a top level agency or MIL will just let his ip show up, we do hide our one, and a site admin has nothing to trace you back if you are proxying or using VPNs, Law enforcement can do that tracking back the hops you used and tunnels (that's why if you want security you SHOULD use VPNs with different entry and exit points on the nertwork, otherwise that's uselles for privacy reasons cause you enter and exit from the same net point, hence your real and spoofed address are in the same hop), but still, i think this guys lately toke more interest on the "fame wave" and is just trying to make PR for himself
Happy memories huh?
Like seeing people censored for opposition to the narrative?
You know he’s rubbing his shit in your face. Why pretend otherwise?
If this doesn't illustrate that CodeMonkey is uninterested in the future of our country, what does?
Patriots, we can only win this by focusing on what we KNOW to be true and organizing against it. Hanging onto the speculative words of anyone does not further our progress - it only divides and slows it.
Patriots will need to organize in some way, determine the things that need done, and the plan how to get them done. First they will need to quit saying "I'm done", realize what HAS been accomplished, and then build on it.
I've watched all these Twitter handles move on to the next grift... I have no doubt that fools will follow them still...
X22 Report is at least saying Biden is part of the plan now.
I like it when the grift is ribbed, not smooth.
To hell with him. He ran the board, not a member of 17. Therefore he doesn't know what's actually going on. No different than the rest of us observing what's taken place up to this point and what is currently going on.
We respect the Constitution, we do not respect people who destroy the Constitution - that is all politicians
Fucking asshole
Fuck that larping piece of shit.
Oh, my big article from Neon Revolt. I remember that. Constitution only works when we have rule of law. Didn't get that and everyone, except the useful idiots know it.
Specifics and details include molesting children. Do not agree. weird the about face on q experts......
But he of all people, would be familiar with the Q team, he supposedly WORKED WITH THEM
So like everyone apparently, huh? Literally everyone in and talking positively about Q are shills and government actors?