The Donald.Win you mean??? They changed the name because Trump is talking about starting a parrot party... Caution... They are doomers... Changing their name doesn't change their shitty dooming content
One thing you got to hand to the DemoncRats - evil as they are, they stick together in their hate of anything American or anything good. Maybe they're just brainwashed, but they sure vote together, spread the same lies, allow their fellow communists to riot, agree to the same evil laws, etc.
However we conservatives / people on the right side bicker among ourselves, insist on being "pure".
Whatever happened to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"?
That's what's turning me off from TDW - and conversely from some posters on this forum.
We have a common enemy. We need to be united. But I'm all for keeping the forums separate.
Just for all the newbies: it’s BYO tinfoil hat! They will not be provided!
all my hats are lined with foil...
well, you can try posting a q nugget, and see how they respond
if you get btfo, I'm just saying, the unity msg didn't work for the dems either.......
Haven't been there yet. Anything I should know about before venturing over?
It's the new TD.W Because Trump might start a patriot party.
I left there to come here.. why would I go back..
Fuck no. Why should we?
Was just there... The grass is NOT greener... Full of shills that dont trust The Plan.
I like it bro.
I only upvoted for the picture, still not going back over to that cesspool.
The Donald.Win you mean??? They changed the name because Trump is talking about starting a parrot party... Caution... They are doomers... Changing their name doesn't change their shitty dooming content
Apparently the name change was because the old domain was owned by a rogue mod and they wanted to ensure the safety of the site
It's still The Donald, it's the same thing. The URL is just different.
If you like to beat yourself with a hammer, you might enjoy your time there. Big pass from me until they clean it up.
Post saved :)
gaw brigading tdw. epic
One thing you got to hand to the DemoncRats - evil as they are, they stick together in their hate of anything American or anything good. Maybe they're just brainwashed, but they sure vote together, spread the same lies, allow their fellow communists to riot, agree to the same evil laws, etc.
However we conservatives / people on the right side bicker among ourselves, insist on being "pure".
Whatever happened to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"?
That's what's turning me off from TDW - and conversely from some posters on this forum.
We have a common enemy. We need to be united. But I'm all for keeping the forums separate.