Its changed during the transition period (right before Biden gets in). It was happening when Trump was moving his stuff out a few days before Biden's inauguration.
Details matter. The wallpaper can be explained, but these panels wouldn't make sense to be swapped. One is a normal switch and the other seems to be a motion sensor switch. Even if you change the wall paper you're not going to change wiring like that.
I really wanted this to be true, even though a sound stage might just mean some continuity of government alternate location or whatever. But like QGadget says, it's old picture vs new picture. Found a huge original version of that pic of pedotus before seeing the comment, too.
The pic of DJT here is from a 2019 article. Same wallpaper, same switch cover. I am so disillusioned and distraught right now, I really hope some neo-Nazi's try to recruit me or something.
yeah im lost on this , thanks for pointing that out, you are prolly right the more i look in to it the more it seems not but some things are still off in bidens
The biden pic is super hi res, click it in imgur to get the expanded view, and then right click and view image. The bit of pattern on the wallpaper that lines up with the corner of the switch plate is even the same.
I don't get it. The proof that Biden is on a stage is that the horsey has been changed to a bust? Or the wallpaper is different? Can you spell it out, OP?
So, you worked out how to use Google and timestamps. Appreciate you not continuing down the path you were - shooting down logic. I too am sure there is something here but not digging and pissing all over logic - combined will set us back.
The stage set photo does not match up with the Biden photo or trump photo. All three are different. BUT... Comparing the white wall socket between Biden and trump it looks different. BUT... Could have been changed. Regarding decoration it was probably done a few days or so before. If we had a photo from the 19th with trump to compare I could be a bit more onboard with this one.
4 hour lag between this article (and the one an hour before it) and anyone questioning it on GA. Of course they'd make Don sit around with Obongos wallpaper for ages - they just wanted to piss him off. Are you saying CNN beat us to the punch?
im saying anyone going aginst the plan is going to hang for treason if this is true, so if its a sound stage then fake news will hold up the stories that its real
I'm all for this if it's real but what exactly are you seeing that makes you so sure? We do know they redecorated his office and behind the bust there's the second white plastic you can see in the actual office. The only thing that makes me question it is the changed wallpaper, not the different statues.
The tone of your comments is sounding more and more distressed by the minute, pede. Don't freak out - just take 5 [or 17] and make a sammich, maybe a quick walk. Then come back to it. You've already admitted you got a bit too keen, we appreciate you doing that instead of going down with all guns blazing like some faggot shill. It's ok.
Dude, those things get changed out by each President. Biden wanted different statues, pics on wall, etc.
He can have the furniture and everything g redone but that takes more time - the above mentioned things are done before he ever gets to the Oval.
do they change the wallpaper on day 0?
The wallpaper is indeed different but it was likely changed after your POTUS photo(forget the arrow) :
That's what I'm asking too as I believe Trump had to live with O's wllpaper for a bit before it got changed.
Its changed during the transition period (right before Biden gets in). It was happening when Trump was moving his stuff out a few days before Biden's inauguration.
fist bumbs
Lol your comment just made me thing of that stolen valor YT video where that fat ass shopping on Black Friday says “Hup, got me there bud.” Hahahaha
Do they also change the configuration of the electrical they to can better align with the prop set?
Details matter. The wallpaper can be explained, but these panels wouldn't make sense to be swapped. One is a normal switch and the other seems to be a motion sensor switch. Even if you change the wall paper you're not going to change wiring like that.
You can't see the screw hole anymore... strange.
i was onboard but now i am coming to my senses a bit.
I really wanted this to be true, even though a sound stage might just mean some continuity of government alternate location or whatever. But like QGadget says, it's old picture vs new picture. Found a huge original version of that pic of pedotus before seeing the comment, too.
The pic of DJT here is from a 2019 article. Same wallpaper, same switch cover. I am so disillusioned and distraught right now, I really hope some neo-Nazi's try to recruit me or something.
yeah im lost on this , thanks for pointing that out, you are prolly right the more i look in to it the more it seems not but some things are still off in bidens
The biden pic is super hi res, click it in imgur to get the expanded view, and then right click and view image. The bit of pattern on the wallpaper that lines up with the corner of the switch plate is even the same.
And your proof is???
I don't get it. The proof that Biden is on a stage is that the horsey has been changed to a bust? Or the wallpaper is different? Can you spell it out, OP?
hold on people hitting me up!
Check out the wallpaper
Not paper. Light switches
If you tweak the contrast, you can see it's the same kind of switches.
The lighting was atypically strong in the biden situation.
Right, like biden couldn't change one little thing. Stuff like this has to go!
how old is that photo with Trump? Doesn't look current - I thought Trump changed the wallpaper in his office a while back and got rid of the stripe
i look for the last one i could find
That's not proof.
You're reaching to confirm your views, which is not healthy. Look for truth instead of feeling for it.
forgive me, i need to restart there is something here but i dont want to give misinfo, becase we dont need that right now
So, you worked out how to use Google and timestamps. Appreciate you not continuing down the path you were - shooting down logic. I too am sure there is something here but not digging and pissing all over logic - combined will set us back.
The stage set photo does not match up with the Biden photo or trump photo. All three are different. BUT... Comparing the white wall socket between Biden and trump it looks different. BUT... Could have been changed. Regarding decoration it was probably done a few days or so before. If we had a photo from the 19th with trump to compare I could be a bit more onboard with this one.
For fuck sake............. just stop it.
oh yeah cnn, you got it bro
4 hour lag between this article (and the one an hour before it) and anyone questioning it on GA. Of course they'd make Don sit around with Obongos wallpaper for ages - they just wanted to piss him off. Are you saying CNN beat us to the punch?
im saying anyone going aginst the plan is going to hang for treason if this is true, so if its a sound stage then fake news will hold up the stories that its real
I know what you're saying but you need to SLOW DOWN, fren.
yeah your right, sorry got excited
this proves nothing at all....please elaborate
If this is proof Biden is on a set, then why do Trump's and the movie set's carpets match? Maybe Trump was on a movie set.
I'm all for this if it's real but what exactly are you seeing that makes you so sure? We do know they redecorated his office and behind the bust there's the second white plastic you can see in the actual office. The only thing that makes me question it is the changed wallpaper, not the different statues.
yeah im not sure anymore, im losing the image so i dono, really sorry peoples
The tone of your comments is sounding more and more distressed by the minute, pede. Don't freak out - just take 5 [or 17] and make a sammich, maybe a quick walk. Then come back to it. You've already admitted you got a bit too keen, we appreciate you doing that instead of going down with all guns blazing like some faggot shill. It's ok.
Yikes. This post is some disinformation shilling bullshit.
The wallpaper you see in the Biden picture here was chosen by Donald Trump himself back in 2017 when Trump ordered a renovation of the oval office.
Source: So the wallpaper you see in the Biden picture has been the same one that's been there since 2017. You can see the current wallpaper here: The wallpaper you see in the Trump picture is the one that was there before the renovation. Meaning the Trump picture itself was taken before the renovation of 2017. OP is using an old as fuck pic of Trump in the oval office and comparing it to a new pic of Biden and trying to suggest that because it's so different it must be a stage.
But it's easy as fuck to prove wrong with a minute of googling. OP is a misinformation shill that gives everyone here a bad name. Deport.
More proof:
you might be on to something im lost in this story, so all bets off sorry guys
It's alright dude. Live and learn. Sorry I called you a shill.
no you did the right thing lots of bad shills doing the same thing, peace and love !
Right, old vs new picture. I just added a comment with a pic of DJT from 2019, same wallpaper and light switch as the pedotus picture.
The panel doesn't look like a motion sensor?!?!? I don't see a screw hole on top of the sensor?!?!? Anyone else sees the same thing?