posted ago by XpatDemocrat ago by XpatDemocrat +67 / -1

Most of those motherfuckers are the same ones who share frog memes and talk about how they fought in the great "Meme Wars". Like they have made some great sacrifice beyond what you and I have. Meanwhile we have been working harder than anyone else on our side to dig through and disseminate information that was on the brink of being memory holed until we found it and saved it, and memed it.. I salute you, patriots. We are the only ones with the courage to hold the line even after all seems lost. Even in the face of ridicule from both sides, glowies, shills, and patriots who have lost hope. They gave up and still have the gall to act ashamed that we are part of their movement and even go so far as to blame us for their loss!!! I hope you motherfuckers are reading this, because its not me who is done fighting. Ill die with my skin in this game and you gave up like cowards. "Nothing we can do now" lol.. You can trust the plan, bitches, because like it or not. Where we go one, We go all!!!