Finally, a 3rd party view of the fake inauguration. It happened. In D.C. On the 20th. No wonder no one heard anything.
? These people are stupid!
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But was the "most viewed Inauguration of all time" yeah whatever
The media are reporting that crap? Wow.
Yep! CNN is Biden's bitch. Chris Wallace had the audacity to say it was the best speech he's ever heard! Over Ronald Regan!
Ohhhh my goodness. ?
Wow. Just when you thought CNN couldn’t be a bigger kiss-ass. They’re so broke too.
Those hundred people that showed up, they voted 10,000 times so it's true by the poll numbers. They also added the military votes in.
That is a major load of BS.
It's what happens when an election is stolen!!!
There were more people on my wedding.
If you zoom in closely on the crowd you can even see all the dislikes.
That's how the manipulation works:
Official video (start at 1:04:44):
GhostEzra (start at 0:22):
The "crowd" looks the same.
Basically - the official video doesn't present empty space around people, but just people (to fit full screen).
The way the manipulate you is that they talk about the (PREVIOUS!) "massive event" and "number of pepople attending ... just astronomically more".
Listen here:
Then you think: this event is also huge, because:
Yeah. Thinking about it. We knew DC was in lockdown. How many people did they expect to make it to this thing.
This is really sad.
If you mean that the inauguration was staged, it won't.
Right, ^^ Makes for a staged Inauguration much easier.
Lol. Our argument wasn't that it didn't happen. It was that it was stitched together from multiple clips. But thanks for linking this on my other post.
Doesn't looks nearly so sunny where this guy is standing.
It was partly cloudy that day. There was even a brief moment when some snow was falling.
Yeah, so I wonder how it looked so sunny in the inauguration videos, doesn't look sunny where he is at all!
This isn't a movie... its not fake... its hollow. These people's power that they have retaken DC is just a hollow frail shell of power that even they are starting to realize isn't real. Yet it is a movie because its all make believe even though its real.
Here is a meme idea for you guys. Biden is Schrödinger's POTUS. Does he really have power or is he just fake. Until he uses that power and someone sees him do it then is it real?
My bet the first time he throws his weight around it will go nowhere.
Quo warranto... people won't follow that which they don't believe in.
MAYBE 1/3rd of the US believes this non-sense a little. Even plenty of them have doubts. Everyone else is like WTF do these people think we are falling for this non-sense? It will never last.
Has anyone ever worked out what all the buses were for?
There was a video of them using those buses to move National guard troops around. If you go back remember when POTUS stopped Pelosi from using a government plane to fly somewhere. They were all loaded onto one of those buses to go to the plane and at the last second Trump vetoed their trips to screw with Pelosi. The Capital Police has a dozen or more buses like that.
Pretty sure it's for the event staff and "audience" and then they doubled up as privacy fences.
Go to the 1:43 mark and look at the little video screens at each side of the fake ignorguration. Pyramids?
100 in the audience? Com on man :-))
Say it like you MEAN it! Say it the way Potato would say it if he could remember how to talk:
"Com'on, maaaaaaaaaaaan!"
:-) Indeeeeeeeeed my fren.
I know people that worked the inauguration. It happened.
Thank you for verifying, random stranger on the internet.
This one. Archive is messed up since Voat shit down. Key for the multi post - working from phone:
Whatever. I live in the swamp. Most of my friends are MIL/Fed LE/IC. I fall into one of those groups as well. You can take my word for it or not. Not my problem.
I’ll even throw you a bone. One of my many subs at Voat. Pay special attention to the archive link:
The question for a lot of people was when and where. Especially given [Castle Rock]. The MSM can't be believed so I can understand why people would theorize things. This helps cement theories in reality.