Well, if these people (JK, BC, HRC, BO) were working on behalf of foreign governments and interfered in our election, doesn't that mean we can seize their assets?
I'm still convinced Q is the worlds first AI specialize in game theory. Can basically predict the future. Or the US military has invented time travel. General relativity actually allow for time travel
100% agreed. Ai or quantum computers combined are able to calculate what will happen in the future to a very good degree. It may be the "looking glass " mentioned... a look into the future...
I remember seeing this video and the guy was asking JK, “hey! What are ding in Paris with these Iranians? “ as JK ignores him and slinks away. I was thinking to myself, “ WTF is Lurch doing there with those guys? What kind of sleazy deal is he working on?” Guy is a total POS.
Yes. Absolutely. This could all very well be a psyop. What gives me pause on this train of thought is why would a psyop increase the number of conspiracy theorists in the world by 10,000%? The more eyes that are looking the more that deep state will be tripped up. The tin foil hat conspiracies of 5 years ago are now mainstream. This is the great awakening.
Grandmas and normal people are looking into these things. When you are committing a crime the number one thing you want to avoid is witnesses. Q is enabling millions of people to understand how these deep state activities progress and what methods they use.
Just a couple of years ago everyone would have accepted a covid vaccine, now even mainstream news is talking about dangers, side effects, famous people refusing to be vaccinated and publicly coming out with studies. None of this was even remotely possible just a few years ago.
Conspiracy people were disconnected and vulnerable. You make a huge discovery and try to share it, you get disappeared, you commit suicide, you get run over by a car, your plan mysteriously crashes. There are so many eyes on this now that every step they take against the truth is out in public for all to see.
At this point either could be correct. I have thought about the fact that THE GREAT RESET & THE GREAT AWAKENING are possibly two sides of the same coin. It is well known that the powers that be like to play both sides as evidenced from many world wars, colonizations etc. You have two different factions fight it out and whichever side of the population has more adherents you role out the same program under different guises, calling it by the winning parties team.
THE GREAT AWAKENING WINS, Trump runs again or is declared president. Military arrests tons of pols, pedos what have you and government declares they must heavily monitor all communications and vet all population to prevent something like this happening again in the future. Hmm....
THE GREAT RESET WINS. Biden maintains control and you already see how they are going after wrong think with a vengeance. UBI instituted, economy destroyed. All businesses under the power of government. We require heavily monitor population and communications to prevent right wingers from ever rising to power again.
But you have to believe in something and this side is more meaningful to me.
Well, if these people (JK, BC, HRC, BO) were working on behalf of foreign governments and interfered in our election, doesn't that mean we can seize their assets?
I call the Hawaiin estate!
Time share.
Im down.
Dibs on Clinton Foundation
That was awesome.
You are on fucking fire, my man! Thank you for these clear predictive proofs with real substance!
Share and spread
Holy cow, ypu are a real user! I saw your username mentioned on another post last night. Cheers !!
lol, not sure what that means but thanks. This is not reddit filled with millions of bots. Kind of refreshing no?
Their hypocrisy is disgusting.
Just dropped in to say that you are a m-f'n rock star. Thank you so much for your contribution.
I just scrolled the entire front page of gaw and upvoted every post I found by you.
Make people dig, use the bullet points.
Thank You Patriot!
I'm still convinced Q is the worlds first AI specialize in game theory. Can basically predict the future. Or the US military has invented time travel. General relativity actually allow for time travel
100% agreed. Ai or quantum computers combined are able to calculate what will happen in the future to a very good degree. It may be the "looking glass " mentioned... a look into the future...
project looking glass
I love the red pill stuff, for all the shills, read it and weep. It's all true.
Yes, because they have it all
I remember seeing this video and the guy was asking JK, “hey! What are ding in Paris with these Iranians? “ as JK ignores him and slinks away. I was thinking to myself, “ WTF is Lurch doing there with those guys? What kind of sleazy deal is he working on?” Guy is a total POS.
Q made a fucking EARTH-QUAKE and collapsed an entire MOUNTAIN in on itself destroying NKs nuclear facilities and scientists trapped within?
I remember!
lol, Rods from God!
Ever wonder whose side Q is really on?
Yes. Absolutely. This could all very well be a psyop. What gives me pause on this train of thought is why would a psyop increase the number of conspiracy theorists in the world by 10,000%? The more eyes that are looking the more that deep state will be tripped up. The tin foil hat conspiracies of 5 years ago are now mainstream. This is the great awakening.
Grandmas and normal people are looking into these things. When you are committing a crime the number one thing you want to avoid is witnesses. Q is enabling millions of people to understand how these deep state activities progress and what methods they use.
Just a couple of years ago everyone would have accepted a covid vaccine, now even mainstream news is talking about dangers, side effects, famous people refusing to be vaccinated and publicly coming out with studies. None of this was even remotely possible just a few years ago.
Conspiracy people were disconnected and vulnerable. You make a huge discovery and try to share it, you get disappeared, you commit suicide, you get run over by a car, your plan mysteriously crashes. There are so many eyes on this now that every step they take against the truth is out in public for all to see.
From darkness to light.
To mollify. To lull people into inaction. Stay home. Wait. Missed a deadline? No worries. Another chance is just around the bend.
They got one thing right.
This was about good vs. evil.
At this point either could be correct. I have thought about the fact that THE GREAT RESET & THE GREAT AWAKENING are possibly two sides of the same coin. It is well known that the powers that be like to play both sides as evidenced from many world wars, colonizations etc. You have two different factions fight it out and whichever side of the population has more adherents you role out the same program under different guises, calling it by the winning parties team.
THE GREAT AWAKENING WINS, Trump runs again or is declared president. Military arrests tons of pols, pedos what have you and government declares they must heavily monitor all communications and vet all population to prevent something like this happening again in the future. Hmm....
THE GREAT RESET WINS. Biden maintains control and you already see how they are going after wrong think with a vengeance. UBI instituted, economy destroyed. All businesses under the power of government. We require heavily monitor population and communications to prevent right wingers from ever rising to power again.
But you have to believe in something and this side is more meaningful to me.
try its an inteligence op just like the steel dossier