226 Youtube removes like / dislike bar (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by EnterUserNameHere 4 years ago by EnterUserNameHere +228 / -2 28 comments download share 28 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I’d call that a win
Most popular president ever. Just have to hide or crush all dissent. Pretty good for a guy who doesn't know where he is
I hope all these people get the life in prison they deserve for wreaking havoc on our country.
I don't think it's YT itself but the Fox News account. We all have the ability to hide that on our videos.
Lol we knew that was coming.
Nah. Fox themselves can do it.
Ahh, the purple tie, the Soros lackey.
What is the deal with the purple? Bill and Hillary wore in 2016 too???
purple is the synthesis of red and blue. The control of both sides. That's why the monarchs wear it.
Ever heard the song Purple People Eaters? yeah.....
??? thanks.
What a bunch of pussies
Stranger: Pulls Race Card.
Me: What do you mean? Biden signed an executive order and solved racial inequality.
Stranger: Confused Anger
And just like that, youtube became a service with less features than its competition.
Keep it up guys, next stop msm media. Let the brigading commence!
We are all Chinese now.
80 quadrillion votes everybody!!!
We need a meme showing the progression, dislikes10:1, reset, then back to 10:1 then removed lol
We knew that was coming
Is there any major corporation that isn't openly leftist at this point?
My Pillow
Don't care, keep spamming it and, if you got an account, report it for harassment.
I think he means it removed the counter for likes and dislikes. You can still dislike but it no longer shows the ratio.