Almost all of my “friends” are anti-trump liberals... and they’ll post memes about punching “nazis” (trump supporters), and in the same breath, will post a meme about a new treatment for pedophiles... a pill bottle full of bullets. I’ve seen it a thousand times.
The powers that be TRIED to sneak pedophilia into the LGBTQ movement, and they absolutely rejected it and it made them sick.
This is what unites us. “Expose” the pedophiles. I say “expose” because they’re already exposed. But so few of them know the actual claims of Pizzagate, Hollywood, NXIVM, the Podesta’s, etc. this is weak point of the Deep State.
Hit hard, and hit often.
This is what turns it from Left vs Right to Good Vs. Evil
We need a good ol burning at the steak. One day in America in every city.
Even better, how about we line up stakes of pedos from east coast to west and light them at the same time... like the road of crucifixes the Romans made in Spartacus. It would be visible from space.
This is not an advocacy for violence, but discussion of a proper sentence and punishment for convicted pedophiles.
There's a lot of lefties who support pedophiles being included into the LGBTQ++++ brigade. One of my ex-friends, a My Little Pony-watching, basement-dwelling, video game worshipping, Trump-hating, 300+ pound gay neckbeard, once gave me the "it's a sexual orientation" defense of pedophilia, and from that point on our friendship diminished quickly into what it is today. We don't talk.
I’m guessing he’s guilty. Good choice.
Did they reject it?
If they had rejected it, they wouldn't have children at their pride parades while they run around naked and with dildos and shit.
Exactly, they don't reject it, they embrace it.
Duh. Doing nasty things to children unites EVERYONE against it. All the rocket surgeons would have had to do was declassify the pedo information on weiner's laptop, hunter's laptop, etc. and it would have ALL BEEN OVER by now.
I agree. It's one thing that will unite all good people.
If only these leftists would realize it's the same Pedos that are telling them Trump is bad and racist..
Yet they still vote for the old fucker that couldn't keep his dick skinners off any kid or woman he got close to. Don't tell me about the left's great moral code.
They are as bad as the fucking perverts that represent them and get their votes.
For the most part this is true but you also can't just brush under the rug the history of groups like NAMBLA. They were relatively well accepted by the community until gay/lesbian began to be mainstream accepted and had no choice but to cut ties.
If the videos and claims I have seen are true they aren't just molesting kids, they are torturing and killing them.
No One in their right mind could condone this behavior.
How has Pizzagate been debunked? I watched the Cabal parts 1-10 and it convinced me. But I hate to be snookered so if you could point to any documents debunking I would appreciate it.
It has certainly not been debunked.
The debunks I have seen are of the type of, " its too ridiculous to be true" , some one else say, therfore its false. Its not believable sonits false. There is more definitive proof that it is real. Don't listen to fact checker. We know they are bought and paid for. Have you seen the comet pingpong on podestas e-mail. That should send you right to Isaac kappy? That should send you straight down the rabbithole. That shit is real. These people are sick.