10% of black males. Practically 0% black women. Combine them together to get total black population you get about 5% of black peoples votes trump over all. Almost all his black voters were men
You wouldn't know, because democrats have been flipping votes for decades.
According to fake news, more women voted for Biden. I bet that means you hate all women too, and disparage the group as frequently as possible. Am I right?
YOU brought hate into it. I'm talking demographics. The Jews, black population and the women hated Trump. I don't hate them because just because I notice these things.
And while I do not hate most women, most women are idiots and low information voters.
As an American Negro i know we have a lot of work to do.
Blacks are used to promote leftist b.s.
We have to understand these tactics and refuse to be used.
We should be raising more hell than anyone because we suffer the most under democrat regimes.
Thats why i like this meme and will make use of it.
What game are you playing son.
I guarantee you i have more white friendships than you.
I state that black people need to get off the democrat plantation.
The meme posted has already provoked serious responses.
God has also revealed you as a liberal shill.
No it is not.
I am Black and i need memes like this.
This was Common sense.
It isnt racist to tell the truth.
Cut that shit out..
White folk need to stand up for truth instead of being nice to liars.
I got your six baby.
You brought race up when you commented on the meme. Calling it a dinner bell for racists.
The meme dealt with some points i deal with in my community. We need Trump more than anyone.
If the meme didnt offend me why should it offend you?
Grownups can talk about issues with out being offended.
My Family has been GOP since the late 1800.
You write as a former democrat.
You done jumped on the wrong ? hoss.
You got caught in a lie.
Could not possibly care less about the “black community”. Some things will never change apparently; better to focus political energy and capital on basically anything fucking else.
Just what i needed for my fellas in the hood.
Black conservatives spend a lot of time debating woke family and friends.
I find that a good meme works wonders.
They have to deal with the truth as i laugh..
Cuts thru the emotional bullshit.
Tubman was a Republican Btw.
Double punch.
We've certainly not heard of it since the election, also the Dems wouldn't talk to Ice Cube before the election while Trump did. It clearly died with him "losing" or Biden would be touting it right now as his own idea.
The meme is stupid.
Blacks voted for Trump this time around in far greater numbers than for any republican in modern history.
It didn't matter because of voter fraud in the order of millions upon millions.
Stop acting like you've never heard of dominion flipping votes.
What are the actual numbers? I bet it wasn't even half the black population.
I think 1:10 black males voted for Trump, so approx 5% of black population overall
Pssst, 1 / 10 = .1 or 10% ;^)
10% of black males. Practically 0% black women. Combine them together to get total black population you get about 5% of black peoples votes trump over all. Almost all his black voters were men
Oooh, oops I missed the "population" part. Sorry fren, thanks for the clarification!
Does anyone but the military know the actual numbers in this election?
The person above says
So apparently he knows. Ask him.
You wouldn't know, because democrats have been flipping votes for decades.
According to fake news, more women voted for Biden. I bet that means you hate all women too, and disparage the group as frequently as possible. Am I right?
YOU brought hate into it. I'm talking demographics. The Jews, black population and the women hated Trump. I don't hate them because just because I notice these things.
And while I do not hate most women, most women are idiots and low information voters.
There's no place for low IQ people who treat entire groups of people as monolithic borgs who all think and vote the same way.
This isn't Voat. Take your bigotry and go shout at a cloud.
5 minutes later..
I only did the same thing you did above
Yeah, there are means and averages for entire groups. There is a bell curve for these types of things.
Your blatant disregard for reality is disturbing and should be rejected at every opportunity.
By the way, "more blacks turned out for Trump"
Where did you get those numbers, smart guy? And by the way, was that number even half the black population?
Get out of here with your identity politics bullshit. It's okay when YOOOOOOU do it. Rules for thee but not for me, huh?
So you can know this information but you can't know how many blacks or Jews or women voted for Trump?
As an American Negro i know we have a lot of work to do. Blacks are used to promote leftist b.s. We have to understand these tactics and refuse to be used. We should be raising more hell than anyone because we suffer the most under democrat regimes. Thats why i like this meme and will make use of it.
You're invoking race as though it's supposed to give you extra added credibility while simultaneously trying to use that credibility to insult a race.
Every little piece of drivel you type is racist.
What game are you playing son. I guarantee you i have more white friendships than you. I state that black people need to get off the democrat plantation. The meme posted has already provoked serious responses. God has also revealed you as a liberal shill. Liberals HATE BLACK CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS
^ and this is why the meme sucks.
It's a dinner bell for actual racists.
No it is not. I am Black and i need memes like this. This was Common sense. It isnt racist to tell the truth. Cut that shit out.. White folk need to stand up for truth instead of being nice to liars. I got your six baby.
This is an anon forum. Nobody gives a shit what your race is, nor could they verify it.
You don't know it was "the truth". You can't even repeat what it was, because the comment I replied to was deleted by a moderator over 17 hours ago.
You brought race up when you commented on the meme. Calling it a dinner bell for racists. The meme dealt with some points i deal with in my community. We need Trump more than anyone. If the meme didnt offend me why should it offend you? Grownups can talk about issues with out being offended. My Family has been GOP since the late 1800. You write as a former democrat. You done jumped on the wrong ? hoss. You got caught in a lie.
No, it is a mirror of reality.
Reality is racist?
You sound like a lefty.
Could not possibly care less about the “black community”. Some things will never change apparently; better to focus political energy and capital on basically anything fucking else.
If it's okay to have a black community but it's not okay to have a white community then there's something wrong.
But hey that's why they talk about equity nowadays, not equality.
despite being only 13% of the population
50% of joe biden's votes were commited by blacks.
Despite making up 13% of the population, blacks commit 52% of the election rigging
Pretty sad considering the number of black people who voted for Trump.
Did they get what they voted for?
F. Douglas would be a better choice.
I saw it on an MSM source when it happened though
Outstanding. Just what i needed for my fellas in the hood. Black conservatives spend a lot of time debating woke family and friends. I find that a good meme works wonders. They have to deal with the truth as i laugh.. Cuts thru the emotional bullshit. Tubman was a Republican Btw. Double punch.
Good job.
We're actually very informed. Reality bites.
We've certainly not heard of it since the election, also the Dems wouldn't talk to Ice Cube before the election while Trump did. It clearly died with him "losing" or Biden would be touting it right now as his own idea.