254 Sorry, I know memes are gay, but this one though: (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Shipwreck 4 years ago by Shipwreck +255 / -1 23 comments download share 23 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Memes changed the world.
And I didn't even know they had a sexual identity!
Whoever said memes are gay is gay.
Adam Lambert gay
I used to love that one song of his....
Not really familiar with his music, but he has a sweet gig singing for Queen..
That's pretty cool. This was the song. It was a great exercise beat. Thanks for reminding me actually lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmXQFwlD7vk
Pretty sure rothchilds and other royals have more wealth but they are omiited from these "richest people" lists. I could also very well be wrong.
not personally but tied up in vatican and trusts and charities
easy to hide when you have phoney religions and charities
once you have a certain amount of "wealth" it does not matter. It comes down to power at that point.
Bro. We love memes. Bring us more!
U/retard6969 cashes in big! Makes the #17 spot in Top 50 most influential people in DC. /s
Hilarious meme, really.
Actually Rothschild family or Soros family have more than those 5 combined.
And Soros is basically a household name, not even a shadowy family like Rothschild or some of these others.
Now that made me laugh till I cried ! Good shit right there!
Memes are not gay!
But you are, LMFAO
I live how we call each other tards and fags. Or basement dwelling chicken tendies eating high drop out retard fags.
That originates from 4chan culture
Memes. Matter.
That's about right.
Du Pont?? The family that made a business out of slowly poising the entire planet? EXTRA gay.