posted ago by MAGA1775 ago by MAGA1775 +27 / -2

I keep seeing people say that Trump is still the President and running the country from Mar-A-Lago and that Biden is completely powerless.

In order to have power in the executive branch in our country, that person needs to be recognized by the rest of the government. Our government isn't setup to just be run by one person.

Does the House recognize Trump as POTUS? No

Does the Senate recognize Trump as POTUS? No

Does the FBI and DOJ recognize Trump as POTUS? No

Does the Pentagon recognize Trump as POTUS? No

Does the SCOTUS recognize Trump as POTUS? No

No part of the federal government or even state governments are recognizing Trump as the current President. All of them recognize the illegitimate usurper Biden. Which is no surprise, since all of them were part of the coup. They wanted Trump gone so they could resume pillaging the country and its citizens.

So how does Trump run the country in this case? Why hasn't Trump enacted any EOs? Why hasn't he vetoed any legislation? Why hasn't he told the Pentagon to not send those troops over to Syria?