Haha i didn't shit but i had to walk home 5 blocks. Traffic lights were out, cars were swerving, people came to the front door, and those 5 blocks felt eternal.
Hairs on my body were standing like a rainforest canopy (and I git hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, cornpop. So i learned all a)
The place it hit was a funeral home parking lot light as I walked passed, so the symbolism wasn't lost on me.
Retarded and creepy Twatter employees are so screwed up in the head that they came up with sort of the inverse of this - they used to lock popular Q accounts at 665 likes or comments because they thought people will be afraid to be number 666.
Just made me switch to dark theme. Awesome.
LOVE the new design :)
Beautiful. And I love the dancing Pepes at the bottom. It gave me a giggle.
Lightning struck 20 feet from me once. A whirl of warm air surged at me as the dark night became bright as day for a moment.
I was in complete and utter awe.
Did you acquire any superpowers?
Alcoholism and an ability to get doxxed on reddit and lose my job.
Tell God that you'd like a refund on those superpowers
His name is KickingPugilist and he is the fastest man alive.
Haha i didn't shit but i had to walk home 5 blocks. Traffic lights were out, cars were swerving, people came to the front door, and those 5 blocks felt eternal.
Hairs on my body were standing like a rainforest canopy (and I git hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, cornpop. So i learned all a)
The place it hit was a funeral home parking lot light as I walked passed, so the symbolism wasn't lost on me.
Aw stop it ?
crazy! I am playing now in 'Master Mode'!
Great design!
My fellow Americans...
Eat a dick commie faggots!
White Squall
I approve this message
A storm rises!
What do the mods know that we don't?! I'm other words, it seems tension is building and the new design reflects that ??
Is there a way to get the second design? I can only see the light and dark designs.
I don't think so. 3rd replaced 2nd.
17 comments! AWESOME!
seems to be stuck on 16 -- okay then!
Wow I'm loivng this update. Holy shitballz! Nailed ittttt!
oh ok, so my post about pedo symbols in a much beloved TV show gets removed but this gibberish about "MOAR LITENEENS" is promoted
At least if it’s not happening in real life, we can make one major looking storm in the banner of this site.
I was just thinking the same about your comment. It's on 17!?
Was at 18, downvoted to make it 17. ?
Retarded and creepy Twatter employees are so screwed up in the head that they came up with sort of the inverse of this - they used to lock popular Q accounts at 665 likes or comments because they thought people will be afraid to be number 666.