...Eric Swallwell while married, slept with a CCP spy and remains on the Intelligence committee, Ayana Pressley, AOC, Pelosi, Waters all called for violence during the 'TIFA/BLM Riots....Yet they have suffered NO consequences. They are protected elites who can do no wrong.
What about the time her team was caught ballot harvesting illegally on video and nothing happened.
I guess its racist to make f'ing traitors follow the law
Wow! Wife says we are $6-7k in it. Funny thing, we never pushed this but she was “black listed” in Venezuela for voting against Chavez. They have her and her sister’s name on a list all the govt agencies check if you want any job with any form of the govt.. They won’t hire you(them). Sounds like that is where the Dems here are heading. “Socialism, ain’t it grand!?” Point is, that’s a form of govt oppression
Which makes zero sense in the big scheme called Twitter. Makes me think white hats just might be in a little bit of control over there. If DJT is censored, yet DJT Jr still has a platform, I'm thinking he is being groomed to take the reins in a few years.
The hypocrisy of the left is astoundingly blatant, but they've gaslit by blaming the right for so long, and have instilled such cognitive dissonance within their blue base, that it's no surprise that people are willing to look the other way on these issues while simultaneously screaming about Republican corruption. The stupidity of these people is so high, they don't see the irony in wanting to ban Republicans and destroy their voter base in the name of "fighting fascism". Goddamnit I got triggered just by explaining this....
Am I the only one who remembers her and one of her husbands (red headed guy?) being caught on video attending and practically participating in an Antifa riot while wearing black bloc?
Eric Swalwell is still qualified to be on the intelligence committee as well for some reason. Not sure why they trust giving him state secrets unless they are ok with the leaks to China because they are all benefiting from it.
She should be stripped of her citizenship and deported.
She's likely aided terrorists, so she needs to be locked away in Gitmo.
She tried to get actual ISIS recruits brought back to Minnesota so yeah.
Deportation is far too easy on her. She needs to suffer the full wrath of the judicial system. She's an enemy combatant.
Agreed, make an example of her. Of course, our judicial system needs to get its shit together for that to happen.
I think you meant the Military Tribunal System.
She should be stripped of her ugly mocking smile.
And her assets need to be confiscated as part of her corruption, send her back to Somalia with nothing.
Is it just me, or are others feeling nauseated when they see that evil Harpy's name in the same sentence with the word "strip" ... shudder
Can we used the word "removed" instead?
...Eric Swallwell while married, slept with a CCP spy and remains on the Intelligence committee, Ayana Pressley, AOC, Pelosi, Waters all called for violence during the 'TIFA/BLM Riots....Yet they have suffered NO consequences. They are protected elites who can do no wrong.
Kamala bailed violent rioters out of jail. Several went on to riot some more..
Look up Kamala and David Daleiden. Pretty haunting stuff.
What about the time her team was caught ballot harvesting illegally on video and nothing happened. I guess its racist to make f'ing traitors follow the law
What’s she going to tell her kids? Your Dad and your uncle are the same person. ?
You mean retweeting.
Gotta fudge that context for bonus points my dude
People like greta you just need to look for the CIA/FBI connection. Pretty obvi to find the false flag/mk-ultra people. Like the Uni-bomber.
And it’s taking over (5) years to have my wife become a citizen....no, she’s not my sister either.?
would have been quicker if she were.
No kidding.
Been in the same position with a foreign partner $20k+ to lawyers who did nothing. Year of waiting. . . .it’s a tuff place to be.
Wow! Wife says we are $6-7k in it. Funny thing, we never pushed this but she was “black listed” in Venezuela for voting against Chavez. They have her and her sister’s name on a list all the govt agencies check if you want any job with any form of the govt.. They won’t hire you(them). Sounds like that is where the Dems here are heading. “Socialism, ain’t it grand!?” Point is, that’s a form of govt oppression
I'm surprised Don Jr still has any social media platforms up still.
Which makes zero sense in the big scheme called Twitter. Makes me think white hats just might be in a little bit of control over there. If DJT is censored, yet DJT Jr still has a platform, I'm thinking he is being groomed to take the reins in a few years.
I don’t even like or feel confident with Jr in that role. I know many do.
Like his father started talking at about the age he is now, it's interesting he has been given a platform . But at the moment he isn't ready .
I would ask Arthur Schwartz for more details but he looks busy
the only thing too dangerous for the democrats is anyone investigating their massive voter fraud
Fraud vitiates all. Deport her.
Just call her a brotha-fucka on twitter. Have some fun with it.
Omar is human garbage. There I said it.
Agreed. She is the scum on the bottom of Uncle Sam's boot, waiting to be scraped off.
That's just the tip of the iceberg. What are her Muslim connections?
The hypocrisy of the left is astoundingly blatant, but they've gaslit by blaming the right for so long, and have instilled such cognitive dissonance within their blue base, that it's no surprise that people are willing to look the other way on these issues while simultaneously screaming about Republican corruption. The stupidity of these people is so high, they don't see the irony in wanting to ban Republicans and destroy their voter base in the name of "fighting fascism". Goddamnit I got triggered just by explaining this....
And now I'm triggered for reading it
How the hell shes been there this long is frustrating to think.... oh yeah....our government is a criminal organization.
To the gallows
Am I the only one who remembers her and one of her husbands (red headed guy?) being caught on video attending and practically participating in an Antifa riot while wearing black bloc?
She should get stoned like a whore in the Bible.
Hate speech? No, I meant stoned on drugs ??
Well, Democrats see her emulating their standards. They are probably quite proud.
Eric Swalwell is still qualified to be on the intelligence committee as well for some reason. Not sure why they trust giving him state secrets unless they are ok with the leaks to China because they are all benefiting from it.
And the fact that she's a spy...
They don’t think that being compromised by a Chinese spy whore is ground for removal from a committee. What’s a little incest to them?
Incest is best in the Omar household