Trump was comms all the time. There are tons of Q proofs that would qualify as comms separate from Q. This falls in exactly the same category.
Q is not a lone operator. Trump, Q (some IC unit (NSA?)), high level military are all the same group. If this is comms, and there are no outside comms, then the DOD unit that made this tweet is not outside.
Just when I thought I needed to find a new hopium dealer, you pass this sheet along. YEAHHHHH BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEHAWWWWWWW SUPER MALE VITALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!! intensifies
That first sentence is no mistake.
I'm hearing that the DOD handles are posting like crazy right now. The latest is from USAF posting the GlobeMaster-- "The belly of the the beast"
The first sentence makes no logical sense in context to the rest of the tweet lol. It's blatant comms.
Exactly this! If it applied at all, I would blow it off, but the way they used it here makes it pop?
Trump was comms all the time. There are tons of Q proofs that would qualify as comms separate from Q. This falls in exactly the same category.
Q is not a lone operator. Trump, Q (some IC unit (NSA?)), high level military are all the same group. If this is comms, and there are no outside comms, then the DOD unit that made this tweet is not outside.
Or if they post some ".... the storm is upon us" Q never said that had to come from Trump.
Just when I thought I needed to find a new hopium dealer, you pass this sheet along. YEAHHHHH BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEHAWWWWWWW SUPER MALE VITALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!! intensifies
Was this today?
Posted 1hr. Ago
is gone now
Yes it was the most recent tweet from DoD account
freaking a man im feeling it!!!
I Love Hopium, total addict and it's not a bit carnal in nature
Isn't the DOD corrupt AF?
yeah - PATRIOTS.WIN are you guys going to be eating crow . . .
Has to be.
Come on guys, I need some HOPIUM too but let's not get excited about some guys getting over the smallest wall in the world . .
The Wall is barely bigger than Joe Biden's desk that he signs the fake EO's at
Trust me it's coming but this ain't it . .
I think this is a signal to the shills so they can start taking the piss out of us before the big hammer drops