177 What is going on? are they scared SH*TLESS????? DOJ asks TRUMP ATTYS to resign - (or threaten with their life, job, home and family) posted 4 years ago by subaru 4 years ago by subaru +178 / -1 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/doj-to-ask-trump-appointed-us-attorneys-to-resign/ar-BB1dvKnm?ocid=spartanntp 18 comments share 18 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Not Trump’s personal attorneys, Trump appointed attorneys. Very different.
Yet equally ridiculous
Not really it seems like standard turnover stuff tbh. Sessions did the same thing and it's pretty much routine. BUT they get to keep Durham going on so I guess our faith is in him.... ACTUALLY... Does this mean that Durham actually exists??
So it looks like Durham is doing a pretty good job
Durham is expected to resin as US attorney in Connecticut but to continue his work on the Russia hoax/ treachery.
Well, I don't think they realize they are accelerating the storm.... kek
US Attorneys tend to be replaced when a new admin comes in. Not all but a decent chunk. Not saying they wont be more nefarious this time around.
not his personal attorneys and I'm pretty sure its normal to replace US attorneys
W. O. W
Pretty soon it will be us vs them 2A style. These people want us dead. Be ready. Whatever is going to happen will happen fast.
Huber concluded the Clinton Foundation investigation was mute----another words, I got my money to shut down any investigation!
This is not unusual - you are making a mountain out of a mole hill
huh - ok, we shall see - but I will take your comment under advisement
Yeah, I think as u/VoatAnon1984 said, OP has mistaken Trump appointed attorneys as Trump's personal attorneys.
Well what did you expect, we sit quietly like passive sheep. Easy take over, we are all complicit, our children will thank us I’m sure.