TheDonald.Win is being cited in Trump's impeachment trial today!
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They're using tweets, memes, fake news articles, and now discussion board posts to try and prove Trump incited violence. This is such a joke.
As Pelosi would say, these are the wrap up smears
It also really ticks me off they are only showing parts of trump supporter clips being violent. It was in response to antifa!!!! They were being assaulted, having water bottles filled with God knows what at them. Let's please show a clip of antifa/blm out in the streets the other night literally saying, if we dont get it, burn it down. But they are nominated for a nobel peace prize. I really hope trumps lawyers show that clip.
Side note, it really cracked me up when they said that Trump put music to the video of their campaign bus being threatened. Like Trump is out there listening to tech 9 ?
That's funny thanks for the visual. ?
My husband and I literally looked at each other and busted up laughing ?
Thinking about the way he would dance at the end of his rallies and imagining him dancing like that to tech 9. Its was the only highlight of watching this crap shoot ?
I really hope someone takes all the videos of him dancing and pair it to that song!! It would truly delight my heart.
Jesus the Dems are even more full of shit than I ever imagined
But TheDonald. Excellent. Every time we called out to the FBI there, we should’ve addressed the Dems directly. Oh by the way, I remember we were invaded by shills promoting violence prior to the 6th.
I can't watch it. Can somebody please list the new celebrities from TDW spot-lighted by the Dims?
I only saw the screenname Cucker Carlson...there were others though.
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...a long time.
Sameeee haha
Haha couldn't believe it as I looked over while on a work call. They were censoring names with 2/3 upvotes mostly. One or two threads with a few thousand upvotes.
Right? I love how they neglected to show that the admins specifically said they dont condone that and not to follow those people (the paid trolls). I also found it interesting that somehow these people who got into the capital had a map and tunnels....sounds to me like they paid people to come on these sights to encourage violence and use Trump supports as a false flag, and the police let them in.
Yeah and notice in all of the clips the police make zero attempt at any arrests or drawing weapons. They’re in a small corridor with 30 or so “violent deadly insurrectionists” and they don’t even draw weapons???
In the scenes where police with ARs show up they don’t try to take control of the situation whatsoever.
I don’t understand how anyone can think this was an honest attempt at overthrowing the government or even preventing the vote counts. I don’t understand how anyone believes Trump incited the temporary trespassing.
why would they? it doesn't fit their narrative. yawn. their playbook is played out.
Oh please not more fucking crocodile tears
Cucker is a big freaking celebrity now. Whhaa whhaa
I mean, people were warning of that same shit before the 6th, all this shit can be used against us. So just be a law-abiding, freedom-loving, American, and nothing stupid will get typed here. The problem is the shills and the glowies or whoever the fuck. If they show up in manga gear to pretend to be us to start a riot, you think they arent on here posting trying to get people riled up as well?
I really hope they read off all the usernames too :)
That's one reason I would deport anyone that was suggesting violence. Figured it was paid shills trying to make us (them) look bad.
If you interpret calling for love and peace as a call for violence, you are too fucking stupid to even comprehend the english language.
Presenting lies in congress should have the liars all charged with contempt and perjury, since they are trying to make out like its a legit trial.
"Inciting violence" is some made up shit guilty people hide behind thinking it shields them from justice.
You know they don't have a case when they roll a Chinese spy out to deliver the message (Fang Fang's lover). You can't make this shit up with how dumb they are.
Only fair they discuss that most of the planning was used on FB
As they should. They suck. They’re a bad representation of Trumps name