So are you saying our borders are still secure and ice is still deporting criminals and not letting them out of jail and into the interior of the U.S.?
What about all the jobs lost? Real or fake?
Cause I'm seeing things change and I'm ashamed to say I'm losing all hope.
My faith is definitely being tested and don't get me wrong I don't think Trump would knowingly leave us to this but if something went wrong Q and Trump might have their hands tied right now and another month of the potato would be beyond devastating.
This horror show of a presidency is necessary. Annoying, but necessary. Was hoping that more people would wake up by now, but a lot seem determined to sleep.
Industrial demand for raw material in covid land is not really going down much, but supplies sure are. Pretty soon the liquidity issues of precious and rare earth metals in market will tip the balance of banks all over the globe and showcase they have nada in their vaults left, and all that paper SLV collapsing the price is trash. When people learn the real reasons why such a crunch crippled all economics, the icelandic reaction to bad banking will be considered tame treatment. Silver is going to hurt the bastards. Badly.
Im not aware of biden rescinding the state of emergency trump enacted across the southern border, just the wall building plans. I don't think he recalled the various state level SoE's either so fema should already be in some areas of TX and Louisiana for support. Fingers crossed they actually show efficiency under the military.
You have to remember who is showing you the biden presidency is the media. They are effectively paid propaganda. There are so few who actually report news, not opinion. I presume most now are selling snake oil as a rule. I recommend everyone else do the same until some ethical journalists start shining through. Until that day, treat every article saying biden is in control of jack as being not aware of all facts in the matter.
You be the judge. Don't base it on eyes only, even tho is telling in and of itself, but also factor in everything you've seen the last 2 months, actually the last year for that matter. Does anything seem even close to normal ?
Then if it's a masked double and/or some video tech ( see below ) who would it benefit ? What would be the purpose ?
Because the real Biden's earlobes hang free and he can talk in coherent sentences. The last time he was seen was January 19th when he was crying about dying.
Don't mind what other people are saying. Until we have absolute undeniable evidence that it isn't happening is fabricated, it definitely has real world effects. Just wait. Gas will be what it was in early Obama days soon.. Only the rich can afford is the plan.
The famed Stalin quote always pops into my mind when dealing with Q. I've followed myself for years and have always prayed for it to be true. However, at the end of the day whether we believe or not is not going to determine whether things happen or not. "The best way to control your opposition is to lead it yourselves". Obviously there are certain things with Q that are true. However, when Q says there is disinformation made to mislead, how can we know any single thing we try to make something out of is not misleading? In my opinion it's all up to us now and no one else. People need to realize that 'the Establishment' IS all politicans (99% if not all) that operate on the behalf of the Federal Reserve. THAT is the Establishment. Republicans and Democrats alike only oppose eachother in rhetoric when being filmed. Behind closed doors they work together to continue fucking the American people. Look at any single congress since the inception of the Fed and it is clear as day. They never opposed eachother, it is an illusion. Standing by in our homes is no solution. Violence is not a solution. We need intelligent minds to band together and figure out the best way to end this bullshit!
We've all seen extremely convincing movies so the tech is there on top much we do not know about. We've all seen magicians do tricks none of us can catch or explain even after 100 views in slo mo or in person. See other post of mine in this thread. Watch the vids.
All war is deception. I think we can all agree we are in a war ? Can we all also agree a good General would never advertise anything that would compromise the mission until the War has been won ?
Do we think Trump is good, bad, stupid, or the best of the best ? How about our Military as well ? I could go on w/ more things but I have Faith in " the Best is still yet to Come".
As far as how, well I don't know. I haven't seen this movie before ;P
Is it really though, apart from people starting to hate him? Government takes forever and a day to move normally. Only biden / cameltoe is acting at all. No military forces seem to follow him or his orders.
Meanwhile the legislative and judicial branches at all levels seem to be engaged in counter measures nulling the acts except in liberal areas. To me it Looks like a war is going on but no one can hear any of the gunfire.
Remember this is a film. Films are not real life. They merely imitate it.
First link proves nothing but being anti extremist, could be against antifa or blm groups just as much as any other. Second link says serve the constitution, not the president.
Sorry if you have a decent challenge I'll listen, but if you've watched the plane fags you'd know that more is happening and Xi Biden has zilch involved.
Based on the military activity inside the country. There are/were whole threads daily dedicated to "plane fagging". Opened my eyes wide to whats happening. I doubt biden is sending planes with call signs such as "cabal66" to gbay.
A bidan presidency is like watching a child play with gas and matches in ur liv rm whilst tied to your couch.
hint - it's all fake.
So are you saying our borders are still secure and ice is still deporting criminals and not letting them out of jail and into the interior of the U.S.?
What about all the jobs lost? Real or fake? Cause I'm seeing things change and I'm ashamed to say I'm losing all hope. My faith is definitely being tested and don't get me wrong I don't think Trump would knowingly leave us to this but if something went wrong Q and Trump might have their hands tied right now and another month of the potato would be beyond devastating.
This horror show of a presidency is necessary. Annoying, but necessary. Was hoping that more people would wake up by now, but a lot seem determined to sleep.
I hate to say this bit too, but I guarantee as stuff starts throwing gears, it will look much worse before it starts to get tangibly get better. The big punch will be when the financial markets cant fuel precious metal demands (soz for the google linkages) :
Industrial demand for raw material in covid land is not really going down much, but supplies sure are. Pretty soon the liquidity issues of precious and rare earth metals in market will tip the balance of banks all over the globe and showcase they have nada in their vaults left, and all that paper SLV collapsing the price is trash. When people learn the real reasons why such a crunch crippled all economics, the icelandic reaction to bad banking will be considered tame treatment. Silver is going to hurt the bastards. Badly.
Im not aware of biden rescinding the state of emergency trump enacted across the southern border, just the wall building plans. I don't think he recalled the various state level SoE's either so fema should already be in some areas of TX and Louisiana for support. Fingers crossed they actually show efficiency under the military.
You have to remember who is showing you the biden presidency is the media. They are effectively paid propaganda. There are so few who actually report news, not opinion. I presume most now are selling snake oil as a rule. I recommend everyone else do the same until some ethical journalists start shining through. Until that day, treat every article saying biden is in control of jack as being not aware of all facts in the matter.
Paitence, grasshopper. And for some motivation, lsten to Awake! O' Sleeper by WhitestoneMP on #SoundCloud
Thanks I need that
Thanks I needed that!
I gotta ask, but is there a reason as to why people call Biden for "Bidan?"
Bidan is pinyin.
One possible meaning (there are many homophones) is idiot in Chinese.
Just saying.
You be the judge. Don't base it on eyes only, even tho is telling in and of itself, but also factor in everything you've seen the last 2 months, actually the last year for that matter. Does anything seem even close to normal ?
Then if it's a masked double and/or some video tech ( see below ) who would it benefit ? What would be the purpose ?
Because the real Biden's earlobes hang free and he can talk in coherent sentences. The last time he was seen was January 19th when he was crying about dying.
Don't mind what other people are saying. Until we have absolute undeniable evidence that it isn't happening is fabricated, it definitely has real world effects. Just wait. Gas will be what it was in early Obama days soon.. Only the rich can afford is the plan.
The famed Stalin quote always pops into my mind when dealing with Q. I've followed myself for years and have always prayed for it to be true. However, at the end of the day whether we believe or not is not going to determine whether things happen or not. "The best way to control your opposition is to lead it yourselves". Obviously there are certain things with Q that are true. However, when Q says there is disinformation made to mislead, how can we know any single thing we try to make something out of is not misleading? In my opinion it's all up to us now and no one else. People need to realize that 'the Establishment' IS all politicans (99% if not all) that operate on the behalf of the Federal Reserve. THAT is the Establishment. Republicans and Democrats alike only oppose eachother in rhetoric when being filmed. Behind closed doors they work together to continue fucking the American people. Look at any single congress since the inception of the Fed and it is clear as day. They never opposed eachother, it is an illusion. Standing by in our homes is no solution. Violence is not a solution. We need intelligent minds to band together and figure out the best way to end this bullshit!
We've all seen extremely convincing movies so the tech is there on top much we do not know about. We've all seen magicians do tricks none of us can catch or explain even after 100 views in slo mo or in person. See other post of mine in this thread. Watch the vids.
All war is deception. I think we can all agree we are in a war ? Can we all also agree a good General would never advertise anything that would compromise the mission until the War has been won ?
Do we think Trump is good, bad, stupid, or the best of the best ? How about our Military as well ? I could go on w/ more things but I have Faith in " the Best is still yet to Come".
As far as how, well I don't know. I haven't seen this movie before ;P
Is it really though, apart from people starting to hate him? Government takes forever and a day to move normally. Only biden / cameltoe is acting at all. No military forces seem to follow him or his orders.
Meanwhile the legislative and judicial branches at all levels seem to be engaged in counter measures nulling the acts except in liberal areas. To me it Looks like a war is going on but no one can hear any of the gunfire.
Remember this is a film. Films are not real life. They merely imitate it.
This delusion is hurting our cause. There is some real world shit happening all around us
First link proves nothing but being anti extremist, could be against antifa or blm groups just as much as any other. Second link says serve the constitution, not the president.
Sorry if you have a decent challenge I'll listen, but if you've watched the plane fags you'd know that more is happening and Xi Biden has zilch involved.
Based on the military activity inside the country. There are/were whole threads daily dedicated to "plane fagging". Opened my eyes wide to whats happening. I doubt biden is sending planes with call signs such as "cabal66" to gbay.