Compare with the FBI report on pedophilia symbols, specifically "little boy lover":
Compare with the FBI report on pedophilia symbols, specifically "little boy lover":
What disgusting things did she say? Can you point to a specific video?
Putting this here for visibility.
Never click on random Google drive or Google docs links (the second link in OP is one).
A lot of your info is harvested when you do. They have also been used in many phishing scams.
The automod should block them from being posted tbh
Wow I didn't know that. I'll stay away from using those types of links in the future. Thanks.
No prob. Use
Google is evil.
Oprah has always been garbage.
Right? Even 20 years ago, I used to hate her whenever I ended up catching a bit on TV. She spouted garbage non-stop and people ate her words up. I was so happy when once Letterman started trolling her, but later they made up and I was disappointed. When she finally disappeared from TV I was so happy. But little did I know she was this evil.
I think sometimes designs are just designs.
It's a good question. Any spiral looking thing to me is questionable. Either way, fuck Oprah.
Probably. You generally dont become the richest media figure in america by being a good person.
The symbol on her belt is a circle, the symbol that we speak of is a triangle
Her 'feels good" comment was in relation to the confusion and shame victims feel because in some cases pedo shit that they experienced did feel good . It's just a fact. Research it. Oprah should know, since she exoerienced it. That said, she creeps me out with her choice of friends.
Oprah is queen of pedos. Why do you think she started those colleges in Africa for underprivileged girls?
That is a stylized rose flower on the belt, I don't see spirals. Not that that means she isn't a baddie.,8599,1680715,00.html She got in trouble for one of her girls school in Africa.
well I know she likes little boys - I heard her talking about it on national tv - it was so disturbing saying something like - its interesting that a 7 year old boy actually enjoys feels good to them.
Yes I remember that video. She also said something about the people that commit these crimes are usually people you'd never suspect...hidden in plain sight I say.
thats because oprah knows from his own first hand experience ... started out as a man child ...
And, she has six toes on each foot, look it up !!
no doubt
100% it is. ?
Yeah, she's one of [them].
I believe it is.
yes boy love
oprah is a man to female creation
Nah, I don't think so, its just a curly cue its not a curly within a curly etc ...