When a human being takes the life of another human being there can be a number of consequences - the obvious ones being the immediate loss of a life, the impact on the family and friends and all the knock-on effects that might have. In extreme cases you might end up with an escalation of revenge and ultimately war, but that's fairly rare. Make no mistake, taking another life is a serious matter. However, when someone sets out to corrupt a child, they not only kill the innocence of that individual, but there is also a high risk of that corrupted child adopting the ways of those who corrupted them as a way to cope with what was done to them. In this way Paedophilia spreads like a disease in a way that murder doesn't, it grows like cancer until its corruption fouls the very air we breath and the stink of it reaches heaven itself. This is made all the worse because it is hidden and the brave ones who have tried to speak out in the past have been silenced by fear of reprisal or not being believed. As a society we need to treat those poor souls who have been corrupted by child abuse as both victims and potential abusers themselves - not to punish them, but to help them overcome the corruption that has been done to them. If we don't acknowledge this aspect and tailor the help we give accordingly we are unlikely to completely stamp it out. However, there are those who revel in the power of corrupting a child. These people are beyond our help and we need to send them on to their judgement by a higher authority. I see no reason why people who relish corruption should be allowed to continue to pollute our planet. Paedophilia is a plague upon our planet and it needs to be stopped.
Comments (40)
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They all have a lead deficiency. Cheap and easily corrected with only one treatment.
I'll second that. My abuser OD'd before I was able to give them the treatment.
I report every single case of physical and verbal mistreatment of children I witness firsthand. If they do it in public, what do they do behind closed doors?
Quick death, creamation, down the tubes.
An incident occured in my extended family that supposedly involved my father-in-law and my nephew.
Now, my wife's sister is a real piece of work, but I expected her to actually do something after she revealed this damning information, especially as her husband was quite the fire-brand type of person.
But no, they did nothing. So my wife and I confronted her father about it and got it out into the open. He denied it, it wasn't a 'serious' abuse, so it was left unresolved. However, we did put him on notice that this kind of behaviour won't be tolerated. If something should happen in the future then we would have to consider that as confirmation that the first event occurred.
Still, my wife's family did nothing. Turns out that my brother-in-law abused his younger brother when they were kids. I found out because my wife used to date the younger brother before we ever met and he told her.
My wife is also an abuse survivor, if you can call it that - she's pretty messed up in a lot of ways (pretty amazing in others though). Her family were aware of what was going on and they never did a thing other than tell her 'not to go near so-and-so'.
We have to break the taboo about this subject. Too many wives cover up for what they know/suspect their husbands (and family friends) have done because it would negatively impact on them.
Totally agree. Grew up in the 70s and it was definitely taboo back then. I was in denial and felt shame for decades, then finally took a leap and found a great doctor when I was ready to face what happened.
But like you, I heard the same "it just a little" and when he died they sanctified his memory, and my voice was silenced.
Do what you can to support her; it's painful to live with the memories. I find peace through opening people's eyes when I can and thanking God that I did not turn out like he did.
Good for you, Jonathan for standing my your wife! She appreciates it more than you know!
My abuser was my Mom's youngest brother. She didn't have much to do with him until I told her about the abuse years later. Her reaction was to begin inviting him to dinner and give him a job maintaining her property because "hate the sin but love the sinner" . Yeah, she was fucked up. If one of my children told me they were molested, let's just say there are a lot of alligators and feral hogs in south Louisiana.
I think the biggest challenge for me was being angry on her behalf and I couldn't do anything about it.
It's so tempting to go all out on these fuckers, but if I'd done that I would have been taking away her choice and making it about me and my anger.
She's dealt with it really well overall, but there's just something about destroying innocence that makes me go all righteous wrath and just want to smite them.
Being there for her and supporting her by listening is the best things you can do. I know I so appreciate this response from my husband. Knowing that he cares enough to let me rant and, at times, cry for lost innocence has been a YUGE help. Hugs to both of you.
Thanks for that. It's a rocky road but my girl is literally one in 7+billion, I'd never find another like her.
Hugs right back at you too, glad you have someone you can rely on.
I agree 100%. It has been my experience that the gay men I know all had sex with an older man before they were 14. Not my accessment, what I've been told. They all want to believe it was love. Less painful that way. Lesbians are not as open. But I'm betting the vast majority were sexually abused. Trans? Munchhaussen by Proxy by angry women. My point is, I believe all the mainstreaming of alternative lifestyles is to keep us from looking at WHY these alternative lifestyles are happening in the first place. Pedo protections.
That's an excellent point, and we've all heard about these bastards trying to 'normalise' sex with children in one way or another.
Too many people in positions of power that help others cover it all up.
For fucks sake it's almost like you ignored that, at your VERY FINGERTIPS is the largest reference collection in the world, and you couldn't be bothered to spell pedophilia correctly.
I mean, how does that look ANYTHING like what any other person has EVER typed out to spell pedophilia or paedophilia?
So, you've never made a typo in your life then?
I use a spell checker, and received good grades in school.
I also double-check what I write, so I don't look like an idiot.
But that's not the thing... I didn't correct a RANDOM word in your post... the entire fucking post was about pedophilia.
You didn't even bother to correct it, now that you've been informed. So, you sound lazy too.
Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus.
Ok, I don't normally respond to trolls, but you're an arsehole.
Come on u/SirPokeSmottington you commented.... 'so I don't look like an idiot.' .... in a comment where you come off as an idiot.
JonathanE Thank you for your post and bravery for posting it. I think SirPokeSmottington has some history there with his offence taken by spelling this particular word wrong, its not like it means anything to him does it? This is the only thing he got from your post? ODD!
Oy vey!! Some trolls really, expose themselves by what they complain about.
🙏🏻pray that you will go from strength to strength and that Jesus brings you FULL restoration and healing in your family 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
This ☝️
Not important with the topic at hand
I completely agree with you. I think about this constantly having 3 young kids. I have a handful of people whom I truly trust with my kids as if they were their own. They will probably despise me until they have their own kids that I never let them have sleepovers or playdates at someone else's house without me there. If there is one thing I could have be my legacy after I am gone. It would be to find a way to help heal those who have been victims of childhood sexual abuse. It changes a person forever and it breaks my heart.
It is a type of vampirism. Each pedophile molests an average of 200 kids in their life, and those kids go on to molest others or some do, exponentially.
Solution is VERY simple...swift trials and immediate public execution for the convicted.
Thats Putins way, and he has it right!
1 in 7 children are sexual abused
This is so very true. My son was murdered so I have experience with that aspect. I worked in a mental health institution that, at the time, used paper records still. I would have to scan the records looking for unsigned orders, progress notes etc. While doing that I would come across numerous pts that had experienced sexual abuse as children. I would say 90% of the charts I looked at had sexual abuse. So sexual abuse probably ends up causing much of the mental health problems where there may not be one with a non-sexual-abuse upbringing.
Let’s start by asking the victims......
I watched a UK documentary that followed LEO’s investigating paedophiles..... it was soul destroying to see just how leniently those found guilty of possessing and distributing child abuse images were treated by the courts and its judges.....!
All of those being investigated worked with children or vulnerable young people...!
But then it’s hardly a surprise given the legal system is tainted by paedophiles within it and within the UK law makers....!
Paedophiles and there enablers could be very easily taken off the internet.... we know that by looking at how they control and censor people and opinions let alone facts.... on all aspects of the World Wide Web..... !
I have said before, child sexual abuse should be punished like murder. You essentially 'kill' the person bc they are never the same. Unless you experience it yourself, you just can't truly understand how it can effect so much of your life.
PTSD can cause a person to withdraw from reality.
Things go downhill pretty fast in that scenario, especially if you don't have friends and family to 'catch' you.
24yr Vet here. True words for most cases, mine included. There are some that are beyond help whose experiences have shaken their very soul and cannot cope, no matter the attempted cure.
I still withdraw, no as much as I used to do, when I feel things "breaking out" again. I have to seek quiet, no interaction, to center myself again and calm down. When done, my wife is always there for me with an understanding smile and hugs.
I'm glad to hear you have someone close on your side.
Worth more than all the gold in the world that is.
As a 9 yo child, I was molested by an uncle. This has had lasting repercussions in my life. Luckily, I was able to get help from a couple of good therapists. Checked myself in to a psych ward twice because of depression and anorexia. Have been doing really well for the past 20 years. My cousins who were also molested by this asshole did not do so great. 1 is schizophrenic and the other one has been married umpteen times and abandoned her children. My husband and children have been a wonderful support system for me. Without them, I doubt that I would have made it.
When you die, loved ones are left to deal with grief but the person who died has no more problems. Believe me, there were many times I thought about suicide because the emotional pain was so terrible.
The weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders when the piece of shit pedophile died.
I have an awful feeling something happened to me when I was young, but I literally have no memories from before I was 6.
I'm not totally fucked up, but when it comes to child abuse I go into, what I feel is quite justifiable, a fucking rage.
My elder brother (by 6 years) told me that it was best I didn't remember when the subject came up once (lack of memories). We don't speak very often and he's a total coward with emotional stuff so I haven't been able to drag it out of him. He couldn't see that it might be worse for me knowing there was something, but having no idea what it actually was.
Stay strong, and let God guide your soul on your path through life.
They want people to be as psychotic and sociopathic as they are...
I was molested since 6 yrs old by various people in my life. I overcame the damage through God and having a loving grandparent. I wish death upon my abusers and see the lgbtq agenda/trans as straight up child molestation. I can’t wait until the millstone happens.
A wonderful scene... https://youtu.be/BQl4CNHsgvc funny Biden accidentally said “millstone” yesterday
No, murder is still worse. Which is why you put rapist to death.
It is so overdue.