67 This priest from the 60 minutes Qanon looks and sounds like a pederast Walter. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by killacommieforyourmo 4 years ago by killacommieforyourmo +68 / -1 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I said this a couple days ago. I bet within a year this guy is in the news again for being a pedo.
Compromised church.
Does that look like the face of a true spiritual leader?
'Flunking Social Studies Dude'
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for those interviews, huh, 60 Minutes?
He looks like the Friar from my school who was a massive faggot. The soy with these priests is reaching gender studies levels.
Yeah, looks like he's been snacking on the candy stash in his van...
Looks like he forgot about the fasting, but I’m suuure he remembered about the prayer
The arms of his glasses are screaming for relief.
Creepy as he is, he's not a priest. He's a Methodist minister.
He looks sort of like Matt Jarbo.
Oh, yeah, big time!!