SCOTUS throws out Kracken
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The article ignores all of the evidence that does exist and was shown to a number of state legislatures.
No wonder people are all agitated, they are being bold-faced lied to by the lamestream media.
"THE BIG LIE" we have free elections.
They are all in on it. Fucking cucks.
We the people no longer have a constitutional supreme court. This is clear evidence of that. All of the questions that remain unanswered are of critical importance to the people.
So, they throw them all out, then what? We know they frauded. When do they pay the price? That is what we all want. Justice. What is the point of the system, if no case is heard and only biased?
If this is part of the plan I fail to see how it helps anything. Normies watching this are going to see the headlines and think that it was all hype. The courts threw it out cause they had no case at all, that is what people will think. It does nothing to wake anyone who is still sleeping. I don't get it.
It doesn't matter what they think. It matters that all legal channels were exhausted. It's making an airtight case for military in my opinion.
I agree with that but i though Q wanted people to be shown so they would wake up. These events are proof for us but normies are the majority of people and I don't see anything that is really waking then up. We need something big. The military is the solution but the stage hasn't been set yet. Something has to set the stage and court cases getting tossed or any of the other stuff I see going on isn't going to do it. We need that damn Trump card.
The "Supreme Court" needs to be disbanded due to corruption. Every current justice, with possible exception of Clarence Thomas, need to be unemployed.
A president and Congress can change the number of Supreme Court justices.
If Trump re-takes office and new Congressional elections are ordered by the military... a first priority will be to set the number of Supreme Court Justices to ZERO. Impeach and then Fire them all. Then... re-set the # to 9 Justices... and re-confirm an entirely new court.
100% Trump returning to his POTUS duties is not good enough the SCOTUS has to be disbanded except for Alito and Thomas they can carry on the duties while we arrest the traitors and put in more Patriots who follow the rule of law. We pay for Scotus which means we should have say when we feel it no longer serves we the people.
Remember in the end of "Atlas Shrugged" when they were fixing the ' loopholes' in the old constitution?
That's what we need here, your ideas are a good start
The military is the only way.
How many more options do we have left to burn through? I think we're about there...
Yep.. Not much more to go before we are falling off the edge... In waiting for the mayanmar style takeover in the wee hours of the morning...
Okay, I'll say it. Either the military needs to facefuck these clowns or we the people do. This is blatantly shitting on us. Leave Thomas and Alito. Replace the rest with Wood, Powell, Guliani, Ellis, etc. who give a damn about what our founding documents say and aren't scared of optics.
So what is left when the justice system is corrupt?
Everything needs to be stopped. Everything.
There's gonna be a LOT of butthurt across the country when this thing finally goes down
I've told my family ' no crying' when it all stops, they have been warned ( about this stuff)
Sidney still didn't write anything about this on her .te account.. You sure this is true? I don't know that site, so I'm really asking.
Just saw the source linked to Citizens Free Press.
I can name 6 of them that would never look at it. You'd have to give them the Clockwork Orange treatment to get them to see it.
I've been following Q from the beginning and I've been wrong or totally ignorant of what "The Plan" is right up until today. It can't rely on the courts, "independent experts" or pols being honest. Like everywhere else, traitorous scumbags have likely been placed in positions on power in the military. Maybe "The Plan" failed and it's time for everyone to take the medicine?
Now is the time for the military to execute 11.3. I’m still trying to figure out what would trigger this event.
This entire thing is like a Tom Clancy novel, the ( seemingly) least important details come together and 'wham'
P.S. I wish I knew...
Ditto. An homage to Rush.