You are talking about the F-LDS. They are horrible. Making a broad statement about the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, however, you are false. There are bad people everywhere..... Mitt for example. He is a dirtbag and he fooled us all.
That said, we have a lot of kids and we're not exactly on high alert for pedos at every waking moment, so we attract pedos like the porchlight attracts moths.
Recently we've made BSA-style youth protection (aka, how to profile and beat pedos at their game) mandatory for anyone who might have anything to do with kids in any type of official capacity. I had to take the training each year and all I did was play the piano for the kiddos.
Mormons aren't a Christian church. They rejected the Christian church, the Bible and its doctrines, calling it an abomination:
“Jesus said to Joseph that all the churches were wrong, and that their creeds were an abomination in his sight, that those professors were all corrupt." (First Vision)
Elder James E. Talmage observed that “when we say that the Lord is not pleased with those churches, we do not mean that he is not pleased with the members thereof. … The church as such may be wholly corrupt because of the false claims that are being made for it, and yet within that church as members there may be people who are doing their best.” (In Conference Report, Oct. 1928, p. 120.)
The Lord himself declared that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually.”(D&C 1:30.)
Pay attention to the words that Jesus used. He did NOT say:
The MEMBERS are an abomination
The CHURCH is an abomination
He said the CREEDS are an abomination.
Tell me, which creed did Jesus embrace? If the answer is "None", then you are correct. Jesus asked us to repent and be baptized, that's it. Anyone who preaches more or less than this is teaching false doctrine.
b) "those professors were all corrupt" Find me a loud-mouthed Christian who goes around shouting what he believes to everyone he can, and I'll show you a Christian who is corrupt. This is NOT what Christ asked us to do. We are to declare repentance and baptism, that's it. We are not supposed to argue and fight over the finer points of doctrine.
c) Conveniently, you withdrew all of the scriptures that correctly teach what we actually believe about other faiths. Namely:
The church (meaning, the believers in Christ) were NEVER taken from the earth. Indeed, Christ himself ordained people to protect them throughout the ages.
Christ is pleased with the work many outside of our church are doing, and commands us not just to not interfere, but to assist.
There are many people who, for whatever the Lord's purposes are, are kept outside of our church. I can only imagine the reasons.
Concerning our church, what makes it "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth"? Why is the Lord only pleased with us and not, say, the Catholics or the Protestants?
Several reasons:
Our doctrine is simple and pure and 100% aligned with what Christ and the early apostles taught. You can write our entire set of doctrine on a postage stamp. It is, simply put, "Repent and be baptized".
Our church is the only church with priesthood authority, passed on by the hands of Peter, James, and John to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. And along with that priesthood is the commandment to bless the entire earth. In 1976, it was revealed that the Lord expects us to share that priesthood authority with every worthy adult male. If you are an adult male, and you have repented and been baptized, then you get the priesthood.
No other church that I can find relies exclusively on revelation to guide all its actions. We are taught, even at the lowest levels of the church, to seek revelation from Christ himself, and to act on it. Every official in our church constantly seeks revelation and acts upon it. To do anything else, to suppose or put our will ahead of the Lord's, is a gross sin and error and those who do it are called out and reprimanded. None of our leaders rely on their personal knowledge or insight, but exclusively on revelation.
That said, if you are dead-set on hating our church and our doctrines, more power to you. You are probably doing good works and have already accepted Christ, and increasingly likely to have the Spirit working in your life. I say God speed, whether you consider us Christian or not. I have noticed in the past 10 years that the Spirit is working miracles among pretty much every group that even remotely tries to point their way to the Savior.
Mormons are disproportionately tied to the child trafficking thing. Utah in particular.
Surprised me to find this out.
You are talking about the F-LDS. They are horrible. Making a broad statement about the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, however, you are false. There are bad people everywhere..... Mitt for example. He is a dirtbag and he fooled us all.
It didn't feel right to say that, to be honest. I read the Mormons were the most right wing Christian church.
Amish have us beat.
That said, we have a lot of kids and we're not exactly on high alert for pedos at every waking moment, so we attract pedos like the porchlight attracts moths.
Recently we've made BSA-style youth protection (aka, how to profile and beat pedos at their game) mandatory for anyone who might have anything to do with kids in any type of official capacity. I had to take the training each year and all I did was play the piano for the kiddos.
That's really good to know.
Mormons aren't a Christian church. They rejected the Christian church, the Bible and its doctrines, calling it an abomination:
“Jesus said to Joseph that all the churches were wrong, and that their creeds were an abomination in his sight, that those professors were all corrupt." (First Vision)
Elder James E. Talmage observed that “when we say that the Lord is not pleased with those churches, we do not mean that he is not pleased with the members thereof. … The church as such may be wholly corrupt because of the false claims that are being made for it, and yet within that church as members there may be people who are doing their best.” (In Conference Report, Oct. 1928, p. 120.)
The Lord himself declared that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually.”(D&C 1:30.)
Every Christian denomination thinks they’re the right one and the others are wrong.
We did not reject the Bible, its doctrines, or Christ. We DID reject the extra-Biblical dogmas that are found throughout mainstream Christianity.
Religions tend to have a "this is the one true religion" clause. I don't honestly think there is just one, though. Wouldn't be benevolent.
a) Their CREEDS are an abomination.
Pay attention to the words that Jesus used. He did NOT say:
He said the CREEDS are an abomination.
Tell me, which creed did Jesus embrace? If the answer is "None", then you are correct. Jesus asked us to repent and be baptized, that's it. Anyone who preaches more or less than this is teaching false doctrine.
b) "those professors were all corrupt" Find me a loud-mouthed Christian who goes around shouting what he believes to everyone he can, and I'll show you a Christian who is corrupt. This is NOT what Christ asked us to do. We are to declare repentance and baptism, that's it. We are not supposed to argue and fight over the finer points of doctrine.
c) Conveniently, you withdrew all of the scriptures that correctly teach what we actually believe about other faiths. Namely:
Concerning our church, what makes it "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth"? Why is the Lord only pleased with us and not, say, the Catholics or the Protestants?
Several reasons:
That said, if you are dead-set on hating our church and our doctrines, more power to you. You are probably doing good works and have already accepted Christ, and increasingly likely to have the Spirit working in your life. I say God speed, whether you consider us Christian or not. I have noticed in the past 10 years that the Spirit is working miracles among pretty much every group that even remotely tries to point their way to the Savior.
F-LDS is so damned blatant about their pedo stuff too. Like just search for the term and it's on the front page.