If there was one argument you could make to the Democrat supporters, it would be every single one of us should support the ending of human trafficking.
Yet they are supporting a party who not only refuses to condemn it, but is complicit in it.
It's truly disgusting how brainwashed these people are.
Dems aren't the only pedophiles. A series of q drops showed just how many on both sides of the aisles were caught and prosecuted which probably means they pissed off somebody. The left may openly support these sick policies but remember it's not left vs right. It's good vs evil.
Thanks dude. I see it way too much on this and TDW to not point it out every time one of our people go on about the dems. Over on TDW it makes a little more sense since you never know who's a normie and who's taken the time to dig into these ugly subjects. When I see that shit on GA it actually bothers me. I can only hope they're new to this whole thing. It's hard to shake off old programming but that's our job in the end. Shifting paradigms one day at a time.
I think people need 100% conclusive evidence. Most of the dems don’t have the capacity for “skepticism” like us pedes so they call Q a conspiracy theory.
It’s a self defeating problem though, how do you show people evidence of pedophilia without spreading the pedophilia and harming the kids.
Don't know if everyone will have to see all the evidence, just enough. You don't have to show the acts or nudity. The court would see it just enough. The people who are brave enough to do this type of work would have to be in the business of protection. Military. The people reporting on it would have to be trustworthy. Not what our current situation is. Taken over? Hmmm, military channels exists. Court channels exists. Put them together.
this won't be a popular opinion but this law may not be the answer if we really stop to think about it. and i have because it's a complicated issue and we also need to be careful not to set up the same kompromat system that's currently in place which allows the 3 letter agencies to control so many through fear. it's unclear to me (because i didn't read bill) what will qualify as "pedo" under this law. a 20 year old dating a 16 year old in states where 17 or 18 is legal age? an 18 year old having sex with a girl that's 15 but says she lies and says 17? we can all come up with lots of unique examples. while I'm sure the are many differing opinions on all possible scenarios and what is right or wrong, life in jail, or perhaps any jail, likely isn't best corrective action in lots of these cases unless we're looking to be overrun with prisons and prisoners and really make the depraved evil creeps hide even deeper.
we all believe there are lots of pedos and worse out there and to different degrees. i do believe in reform and second chances where reform seems reasonably possible or complete leniency if it's say a 17 and 15 year old dating. i think we need to be more inviting to low level pedos and give them a chance to repent and perhaps aid them in how to get away from these evil thoughts and then perhaps have a law similar to this that is very harsh (e.g., jail for life) for 2nd offenders.
i just think that anyone looking at a life sentence for certain crimes, whatever crime that might be, is more inclined to the death and go to extremes to avoid being caught. this law could lead to kids being killed. example: some 40 year pedo is molesting a 5 year somewhere where they don't expect people around. suddenly there are people coming in the distance and carrying the kid off or silently hiding aren't an option so that the pedo can avoid JAIL FOR LIFE so the pedo in the moment decides he is going to kill the child and take his chances that way. life in prison either way likely if caught, and maybe actually less of a sentence for killing if rape can't be proven because the child is dead/mutilated
not knowing the details of the law i could be of but i do think this is a more complex problem and I'm not one to find joy in killing others
We need to keep AZ red, Maricopa County is slowly turning blue. And Flagstaff AZ is turning into the Portland Oregon of AZ and is the reason coconino county was blue this year on top of the fraud.
Beautiful. Life is what I wanted for these types of criminals as oppose to soft punishments. There is another really good one though. Maybe that's for the traffickers.
Why do we keep these fuckers alive? If there is absolute proof and admission of guilt, then just kill them. If it's not absolute, sentence to life just in case the wrong judgement was made.
The Person that Voted NO, Rep. Powers Hannley, Pamela [D]
Sorry my Edit did not take for the Sauce,
I wont try to change your mind since I agree with you.
Interesting she's in Tucson close to border.
It is my first-hand observation that almost everything bad in Arizona is in Tucson. It needs to be torn down and replaced with Twoson.
Literal shantytown near the airport ??♂️
If there was one argument you could make to the Democrat supporters, it would be every single one of us should support the ending of human trafficking.
Yet they are supporting a party who not only refuses to condemn it, but is complicit in it.
It's truly disgusting how brainwashed these people are.
I’ve had some who actually downplay the fact that sex trafficking is RAMPANT in our country. “No, people aren’t THAT evil..”
Dems aren't the only pedophiles. A series of q drops showed just how many on both sides of the aisles were caught and prosecuted which probably means they pissed off somebody. The left may openly support these sick policies but remember it's not left vs right. It's good vs evil.
Thanks dude. I see it way too much on this and TDW to not point it out every time one of our people go on about the dems. Over on TDW it makes a little more sense since you never know who's a normie and who's taken the time to dig into these ugly subjects. When I see that shit on GA it actually bothers me. I can only hope they're new to this whole thing. It's hard to shake off old programming but that's our job in the end. Shifting paradigms one day at a time.
Truth, unfortunately.
I think people need 100% conclusive evidence. Most of the dems don’t have the capacity for “skepticism” like us pedes so they call Q a conspiracy theory.
It’s a self defeating problem though, how do you show people evidence of pedophilia without spreading the pedophilia and harming the kids.
Don't know if everyone will have to see all the evidence, just enough. You don't have to show the acts or nudity. The court would see it just enough. The people who are brave enough to do this type of work would have to be in the business of protection. Military. The people reporting on it would have to be trustworthy. Not what our current situation is. Taken over? Hmmm, military channels exists. Court channels exists. Put them together.
Death penalty for human trafficking. They kill people a the time and the end result for many is death. If they are involved they should DIE.
Agreed but at the very least it's headed in the right direction.
Let's tell this pedo-protecting cunt how we all feel about her decision.
Pamela Powers Hannley Contact Info:
(602) 926-4848
Source: https://www.azleg.gov/memberroster/?body=H
should be execution
Public execution..
The obvious pedo.
I was thinking the same thing...WTF
Can't we just.. execute them and not waste taxpayer money?
Proud to be an Arizonan today. But like they said ??Who voted no?
this won't be a popular opinion but this law may not be the answer if we really stop to think about it. and i have because it's a complicated issue and we also need to be careful not to set up the same kompromat system that's currently in place which allows the 3 letter agencies to control so many through fear. it's unclear to me (because i didn't read bill) what will qualify as "pedo" under this law. a 20 year old dating a 16 year old in states where 17 or 18 is legal age? an 18 year old having sex with a girl that's 15 but says she lies and says 17? we can all come up with lots of unique examples. while I'm sure the are many differing opinions on all possible scenarios and what is right or wrong, life in jail, or perhaps any jail, likely isn't best corrective action in lots of these cases unless we're looking to be overrun with prisons and prisoners and really make the depraved evil creeps hide even deeper.
we all believe there are lots of pedos and worse out there and to different degrees. i do believe in reform and second chances where reform seems reasonably possible or complete leniency if it's say a 17 and 15 year old dating. i think we need to be more inviting to low level pedos and give them a chance to repent and perhaps aid them in how to get away from these evil thoughts and then perhaps have a law similar to this that is very harsh (e.g., jail for life) for 2nd offenders.
i just think that anyone looking at a life sentence for certain crimes, whatever crime that might be, is more inclined to the death and go to extremes to avoid being caught. this law could lead to kids being killed. example: some 40 year pedo is molesting a 5 year somewhere where they don't expect people around. suddenly there are people coming in the distance and carrying the kid off or silently hiding aren't an option so that the pedo can avoid JAIL FOR LIFE so the pedo in the moment decides he is going to kill the child and take his chances that way. life in prison either way likely if caught, and maybe actually less of a sentence for killing if rape can't be proven because the child is dead/mutilated
not knowing the details of the law i could be of but i do think this is a more complex problem and I'm not one to find joy in killing others
Good thoughts... and you are correct - it depends on the letter in the law.
If you’re on Facebook here is REP who voted nay. Just in case you want to stop bye to leave her a comment ?https://www.facebook.com/PamelaPowersHannleyforHouse/
Meanwhile, in IL, a man who violently raped and killed his ex's baby was released from prison on parole after only serving half his 48-yr sentence.
Fuck that state.
Spez: So this is worse than I thought.
Standing Ovation.
I'm all for it. I hope this spreads across the entire United States.
It's amazing it wasn't a life sentence from the get-go...
Awesome!! Let every state follow suit!
Thank you Paul Gosar, excellent representative from Arizona.
Why the NV's? Anyone know why the heck Mark Finchem (big vocal proponent to election fraud) did not vote?!?!?
We need to keep AZ red, Maricopa County is slowly turning blue. And Flagstaff AZ is turning into the Portland Oregon of AZ and is the reason coconino county was blue this year on top of the fraud.
West side Maricopa is True Patriots. They still have pop up Patriot tents selling merch over here. Too many CA migrating to AZ.
If by "blue" you mean more election fraud, you're right.
Should've been 52-0 but there's gotta be a Dem defending pedophiles and child traffickers.
So, when are they going to pick up @jack?
Beautiful. Life is what I wanted for these types of criminals as oppose to soft punishments. There is another really good one though. Maybe that's for the traffickers.
Is NV = no vote?
Why do we keep these fuckers alive? If there is absolute proof and admission of guilt, then just kill them. If it's not absolute, sentence to life just in case the wrong judgement was made.
Death penalty would be better...