You wouldn't just have plan A because plans can fail. So there's plan b, plan c, plan d, plan Q, and so on. That is why nothing can stop what is coming.
rumours were DS threatened to go nuclear and do something massive and blame it on Trump so white hats backed off, probably moved to plan B which was let the hsitshow play itself out and give people a taste of Biden communism etc
It was massive all right. I reckon they planted a nuke on the Moon. There's thousands of people living on (mostly in) the Moon. It would not have gone well - especially if the Moon's orbit was shifted by even a fraction.
How can you possibly look back, now, and not see that this was all part of the plan?
This all would be a pretty absurd contingency option, for a Plan A that you're suggesting would have involved initially planning to arrest the election cheaters before inauguration. To, as a fallback, allow Joe Biden and his Deep State backers assume the f'ing Presidency and both houses of Congress?!? Yeah, I don't think so.
No, a fall-back plan to what you propose would have been something on the order of "delay the inauguration", or better yet, to have not waited until the very last minute and just hoped nothing went wrong that day.
Create a totally fake Presidency and plunge America into months of precarious surreality is simply not a fall-back plan.Zero chance what we're presently seeing is the *fall-back option" due to unexpected hiccups on the 20th.
Honestly it's all moot, we see so little. I don't give a flying fart about being right or wrong about which theory or event as long as the truth comes out. Even if that means michael jackson has been Trump's double on occassion or that nancy pelosi has secretly been a white hat all along.
I truly do understand the feeling behind that sentiment. But you'd save good people a fair bit of time responding to your toss-offs which you don't have any intent or ability to justify if you were simply more candid about what you're doing here, prefacing your contributions at least some indication that you have zero concern whether what you're saying might be right or wrong.
Because many, most of people who are here, are here for the express purpose of seeking the truth even in times when it's not being handed to them. Anyone who only wants the truth when it's easy doesn't really want the truth; they just want it to be easy.
I think something was supposed to happen on the 20th, but something went wrong.
If nothing can stop what is coming, how could something go wrong?
You wouldn't just have plan A because plans can fail. So there's plan b, plan c, plan d, plan Q, and so on. That is why nothing can stop what is coming.
You are correct, of course, but if they have everything it seems hard to believe that they couldn't just do it at any time at all
Ever heard the millitary saying that plan A doesn't survive first contact?
Alien first contact? Or contact with the enemy in combat.
Contact with the enemy.
rumours were DS threatened to go nuclear and do something massive and blame it on Trump so white hats backed off, probably moved to plan B which was let the hsitshow play itself out and give people a taste of Biden communism etc
It was massive all right. I reckon they planted a nuke on the Moon. There's thousands of people living on (mostly in) the Moon. It would not have gone well - especially if the Moon's orbit was shifted by even a fraction.
lol was that a serious comment?? cant tell anymore haha
How can you possibly look back, now, and not see that this was all part of the plan?
This all would be a pretty absurd contingency option, for a Plan A that you're suggesting would have involved initially planning to arrest the election cheaters before inauguration. To, as a fallback, allow Joe Biden and his Deep State backers assume the f'ing Presidency and both houses of Congress?!? Yeah, I don't think so.
No, a fall-back plan to what you propose would have been something on the order of "delay the inauguration", or better yet, to have not waited until the very last minute and just hoped nothing went wrong that day.
Create a totally fake Presidency and plunge America into months of precarious surreality is simply not a fall-back plan. Zero chance what we're presently seeing is the *fall-back option" due to unexpected hiccups on the 20th.
Honestly it's all moot, we see so little. I don't give a flying fart about being right or wrong about which theory or event as long as the truth comes out. Even if that means michael jackson has been Trump's double on occassion or that nancy pelosi has secretly been a white hat all along.
I just want the truth.
I truly do understand the feeling behind that sentiment. But you'd save good people a fair bit of time responding to your toss-offs which you don't have any intent or ability to justify if you were simply more candid about what you're doing here, prefacing your contributions at least some indication that you have zero concern whether what you're saying might be right or wrong.
Because many, most of people who are here, are here for the express purpose of seeking the truth even in times when it's not being handed to them. Anyone who only wants the truth when it's easy doesn't really want the truth; they just want it to be easy.
That thought makes my brain broil within my skull, the steam whistling from my ears like screaming twin teapots of madness
I feel that way any time I start thinking about project looking glass.