Yup. Same with removing the mask mandate. The legislators were about to remove it for him. He knew that was going to look bad, so he beat them to it.
Of course removing that unconstitutional garbage isn't really doing anything because individual stores/businesses and school districts are still requiring them. So basically nothing has changed. I only hope more Texans start standing up to the individual stores. If enough people ignore it and make it a giant headache for them to enforce, I truly believe they will just stop trying.
The problem is, people don't like confrontation and they don't want to be hassled, so they just go along with it. Grrrrr
Trying to be optimistic, but after my venture to Walmart yesterday, people are already removing their masks and the mandate isn’t even rescinded yet. It just takes a few to make it catch on. ??
I hope that sort of thing starts here.... so far it seems very business as usual. I'm in a suburb/rural mixed area. I know there are a lot of people here that hate the masks, but people seem to be doing whatever the individual businesses want.
I was literally thrilled to see at least 5 people sans masks yesterday at Walmart. Usually, I’m the only one without a mask. At times, there might have been one other. I think this week there will still be quite a few people wearing them, but I think you’ll be surprised that there will also be those who’ve had enough. And once others spot the one’s who’ve had enough, the masks will start to come off.?
I hope so! I've just lost so much faith in humanity as a whole. I can count on one hand the # of times I have worn a mask.... and even then most of those times it was a mask made of lace lol
I honestly avoid being around masked ppl as much as possible, so when I am out and about and see ppl in masks, it still feels odd and foreign to me which is good. Psychologically, I never wanted to get to the point where masks seem normal.
The conundrum is that private businesses could require you to dress as Darth Vader if they wanted to. If they really want customers to wear masks in their businesses, they have that right, and most will respect it. However, without a mandate, many should cease requiring masks, and people will choose to patronize those.
I think the issue comes down to where you live. We mostly have big box stores and chains. There are very few small businesses in my area. These places are following whatever their overlords say.
It's frustrating because outside of a few restaurants, it seems like everywhere around me will continue requiring masks. That's the downside of living more rurally, we have a lot less businesses to choose from. There are only 2 grocery stores near me. Aldi and Walmart. There is a Kroger that is drivable, but it's still pretty far from me. It's just frustrating.
I'm hoping people just start ignoring it. If half of their customers refuse to wear masks, I'm pretty sure businesses will just give up. How can they enforce it if 50 people aren't complying?
He f'd up so badly with the "Snowvid" that he's doing everything to try and save face. And I agree. I wish people would ignore mask rules like I did. It's so sad to see so many people blindly following it. I'll be going to the store here in a bit, again with no mask, and I always hope to see more people like me
But but but but he was trying really really hard for cereal to understand imminent domain laws to build the wall even when the ranchers were begging him to take their property for the wall/road easement for cereals!! He’s a super duper for cereal lawyer!!
I absolutely love how active states are being in steering their own ship. I want states to be a free market of ideas and policies, fighting for my residence.
Low property taxes? School vouchers? Abortion banned? A welfare support system that encourages free-enterprise and helps train people with meaningful job and life-skills? A safe, clean and efficient public transit system? Clean water, cheap power and a great road system? Free enterprise zones encouraging new businesses?
California should do same but we have to dispossess california of its leadership first. We must dump ted lieu as nd nancy pelosi and her gang of bad leaders here so we can protect americans from the refugee border run.
All states need to sue Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Skank ass California for trillions and trillions in damages for leaving our southern border wide open for decades.
About time his weak ass did something.
Yup. Same with removing the mask mandate. The legislators were about to remove it for him. He knew that was going to look bad, so he beat them to it.
Of course removing that unconstitutional garbage isn't really doing anything because individual stores/businesses and school districts are still requiring them. So basically nothing has changed. I only hope more Texans start standing up to the individual stores. If enough people ignore it and make it a giant headache for them to enforce, I truly believe they will just stop trying.
The problem is, people don't like confrontation and they don't want to be hassled, so they just go along with it. Grrrrr
Trying to be optimistic, but after my venture to Walmart yesterday, people are already removing their masks and the mandate isn’t even rescinded yet. It just takes a few to make it catch on. ??
I hope that sort of thing starts here.... so far it seems very business as usual. I'm in a suburb/rural mixed area. I know there are a lot of people here that hate the masks, but people seem to be doing whatever the individual businesses want.
I was literally thrilled to see at least 5 people sans masks yesterday at Walmart. Usually, I’m the only one without a mask. At times, there might have been one other. I think this week there will still be quite a few people wearing them, but I think you’ll be surprised that there will also be those who’ve had enough. And once others spot the one’s who’ve had enough, the masks will start to come off.?
I hope so! I've just lost so much faith in humanity as a whole. I can count on one hand the # of times I have worn a mask.... and even then most of those times it was a mask made of lace lol
I honestly avoid being around masked ppl as much as possible, so when I am out and about and see ppl in masks, it still feels odd and foreign to me which is good. Psychologically, I never wanted to get to the point where masks seem normal.
The conundrum is that private businesses could require you to dress as Darth Vader if they wanted to. If they really want customers to wear masks in their businesses, they have that right, and most will respect it. However, without a mandate, many should cease requiring masks, and people will choose to patronize those.
I think the issue comes down to where you live. We mostly have big box stores and chains. There are very few small businesses in my area. These places are following whatever their overlords say.
It's frustrating because outside of a few restaurants, it seems like everywhere around me will continue requiring masks. That's the downside of living more rurally, we have a lot less businesses to choose from. There are only 2 grocery stores near me. Aldi and Walmart. There is a Kroger that is drivable, but it's still pretty far from me. It's just frustrating.
I'm hoping people just start ignoring it. If half of their customers refuse to wear masks, I'm pretty sure businesses will just give up. How can they enforce it if 50 people aren't complying?
Same here in DFW. I’m on the outskirts though, so we have a good mix of the mask lovers and haters. I would say more mask haters though.?
He f'd up so badly with the "Snowvid" that he's doing everything to try and save face. And I agree. I wish people would ignore mask rules like I did. It's so sad to see so many people blindly following it. I'll be going to the store here in a bit, again with no mask, and I always hope to see more people like me
Nah, I’m in pa and our commie Gov and the sheeple here are just pathetic—cane back from wv and tn and nobody cares. Freedom lives there
Everything the GOP is doing now is panic mode. They're trying as hard as they can to prevent the party from crumbling down to nothing.
But but but but he was trying really really hard for cereal to understand imminent domain laws to build the wall even when the ranchers were begging him to take their property for the wall/road easement for cereals!! He’s a super duper for cereal lawyer!!
I absolutely love how active states are being in steering their own ship. I want states to be a free market of ideas and policies, fighting for my residence.
Low property taxes? School vouchers? Abortion banned? A welfare support system that encourages free-enterprise and helps train people with meaningful job and life-skills? A safe, clean and efficient public transit system? Clean water, cheap power and a great road system? Free enterprise zones encouraging new businesses?
Yes please.
California should do same but we have to dispossess california of its leadership first. We must dump ted lieu as nd nancy pelosi and her gang of bad leaders here so we can protect americans from the refugee border run.
Anyone else see a problem with the Highway Patrol having a Patrol BOAT?
FYSA State Government Overreach is a thing too...
Texas, and all of its Police resources, are just on bad election away from an abusive relationship with its citizens.
Good. It's about time he did that.
hell yeah, we need more of this kind of state level action
Is he transitioning away from being a RINO?
What do they do with them when they catch them?
All states need to sue Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Skank ass California for trillions and trillions in damages for leaving our southern border wide open for decades.