Leave Minnesota now
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Once these officers are free to go. Then charges of domestic terrorism need to be filed vs Keith Ellison. Watch as Minneapolis burns down. All due to his own racist views. Knowing he would never get a 2nd degree murder charge. And actually why is their even a trial. Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. How is it racists and scumbags become the Top Cops in these states. Ellison and his son support both antifa and BLM. And How is Keith not in jail for beating his first wife. It truly is a clown world.
Wait until all the blm people find out what actually happened. Most haven't even seen the body cam footage. They are still in the dark
No, that's not it. Many will see the truth in front of them, but for BLM it's not about the truth. They care about black skin above all else - if you are black, they will assume you did no wrong in any court, in any circumstance.
These people aren't the type to watch the case, man. They will read whatever headline scrolls across Facebook and use that as an excuse to burn loot murder.
Had to wait until it warmed up to do the trials... It would have been so much better to do it in February.
In reality it's "leave Minneapolis and St. Paul now' .. Nearly everywhere else in the land of 10,000 lakes are solidly Red and while the threat of riots branching out is real, the 2nd amendment runs strong here. We (I am Minnesotan) have generally written off the Twin Cities counties sadly...just my two cents and I agree the setup by Ellison is obvious. Ballot harvesting and electronic ballot machines insure the power stays in their hands until we the people jail the political machine
Ah a fellow Minnesotan! Yes, the Twin Cities are basically what runs the rest of us, unfortunately. Thankfully I'm far enough away and in such a small town that BLM won't even see us on a map. Ellison and Fry are both crooks and I hope that they get arrested when the military starts with those. Ilhan the most though, she's ruined this once great state forever and there's no hope for the cities unless all the migrants are deported.
Don’t forget the iron range, which now is basically Duluth... if you look at the county election map 90% of Minnesota is red, but 50% of the state lives in the Twin Cities...
Minnesotan here also. I totally agree with you and valley-lily.
Just in time. The Biden administration is self destructing, and millions of people are waking up. I’m sure this won’t go the way BLM and such are hoping, so they will be up in arms again soon.
reburn kek
I don’t know if any amount of truth or evidence can calm people down over Floyd. People saw a cop on his neck. Doesn’t matter how Floyd got there, that he resisted arrest, that he had enough air to speak clearly, that he was behind the wheel of a car while high on fentanyl, the original autopsy said strangulation was not the cause of death, etc.. Normies want the cop(s) to be put to death, and anything less will have them burning everything to the ground all over the country. Unless the BLM/Antifa funding was already cut off...
Nothing will happen because there is no longer an election to influence
Wrong. The riots were never about an election they are about a color revolution.They are about the utter destruction of the American ideal.
George Floyd riots take 2. Are you ready for another spring and summer of peace and love??
It's really just the Twin City area that has this problem. Even other liberal metros like Rochester or Duluth are sane enough to not have full blown riots, especially Duluth since it's still very much winter there, while the rest of us are getting early spring.
Even so, I hope that arrests start happening soon. Take out Omar, Ellison, Walz, and Fry and that pretty much ends tolerance for any and all rioting. I will go out into the streets and shout for joy if I hear Omar has been arrested.
Correction: leave Minneapolis now.
Seriously, Minnesota, stand up, grow a pair, and take action against these feckless, libtards! Where are all my Vikings?! Uff da!
Where is the National Guard? They should be put in place! Will we be attacked on two borders?
WHY ?? There is enough Hunters and hockey players there, to save the State. Swallow the whistle and let the cleanse begin.
Sharpen your elbows.