From the evidence I have seen, it is not uncommon for the children of Satanists to have already been involved in being gang raped, and been forced to commit baby sacrifices and consumption. Quite frankly, cross dressing and a few hormone shots may be the least of their problems.
““Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Matthew 18:6
There's always exceptions but messed up " parents " usually raise messed up kids. Some are so stupid they just don't know any better, but pedowood players KNOWINGLY abuse their kids, in more ways than mentally too.
They loan their kids out to each other like it's no big deal, because in their environment it's just the norm. I know that may be hard to wrap ur head around, but that's only because your not an insane pedophile.
Historically pink was for men, red for men red, danger, warning, blood, war, the older you are and the more combat you fought in the more sun faded your red clothing was.
This is a great example of how money corrupts and more importantly, perverts people into thinking they are woke when all they're doing is destroying human lives. The kids that aren't destroyed by abortion are being psychologically destroyed by parents whose political cultism knows no boundaries. The kids would have a far better chance of normalcy born to people of modest means who are conservative and God fearing. I've stopped going to movies and watching TV as my life and money are gifts from God and not to be wasted promoting this behavior.
Those poor kids are going to be so messed up.
From the evidence I have seen, it is not uncommon for the children of Satanists to have already been involved in being gang raped, and been forced to commit baby sacrifices and consumption. Quite frankly, cross dressing and a few hormone shots may be the least of their problems.
Anything to be in the “club”. Now keep in mind they trade kids to each other for sex too.
They’re all sickies and will or already have traumatized their children.
31 times Q said, "These people are sick". We really shouldn't be surprised.
God these people are sick!
““Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6
Clown World Honk Honk!
There's always exceptions but messed up " parents " usually raise messed up kids. Some are so stupid they just don't know any better, but pedowood players KNOWINGLY abuse their kids, in more ways than mentally too.
They loan their kids out to each other like it's no big deal, because in their environment it's just the norm. I know that may be hard to wrap ur head around, but that's only because your not an insane pedophile.
Will Smith's kid too
"Be like Mike" had a different meaning when I raised my kids.
To be fair, Adele's son just looks like he's from Arkansas.
^ nothing wrong with long hair imo
Historically pink was for men, red for men red, danger, warning, blood, war, the older you are and the more combat you fought in the more sun faded your red clothing was.
baby blue was for girls.
This is a great example of how money corrupts and more importantly, perverts people into thinking they are woke when all they're doing is destroying human lives. The kids that aren't destroyed by abortion are being psychologically destroyed by parents whose political cultism knows no boundaries. The kids would have a far better chance of normalcy born to people of modest means who are conservative and God fearing. I've stopped going to movies and watching TV as my life and money are gifts from God and not to be wasted promoting this behavior.
Throw Dwayne Wade in there
Did you hear that Mike Obama did an interview with that kid?
Fucking child molesters