So there has been alot of complaints about what happened with the unity prayer thread getting removed yesterday. I understand where the frustration is coming from and I would like to offer my thoughts and a way for us to come together and live in the frame work of the mods. We all need to come together an unite. I have consistently posted a daily prayer thread here for over a month now. I at one point was doing 5 prayer related post here in one day. That was allowed for some time. I slowly over time was directed to cut back(which at time was tough for me but I put my ego aside). I now just do the daily thread here. There have only been a select few people to actually engage with me daily on it. I encourage everyone to say there prayers on the thread. I'm now gonna be posting th daily prayer thread at 12 pst noon daily. I believe this is our thread not mine. But those are just words unless you guys help me. I truely believe if we can all come to agreement on one thread to pray on, we stand a far better chance of getting a daily sticky like planefags use to have. United we stand divided we fall. I hope all of you will find the post at noon and give your us all your prayers your heart can say. There are many of us here. I've been praying for this board through post. And the love and support for Prayer and God is so present. Please think about these words and see if God puts it in your heart to become a prayer warrior with us.
Comments (74)
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As always I pray for the children. Their rescue is the most important thing. Those who know cannot sleep.
Secondly I pray for president Trump, for blessing, strength and wisdom.
Lastly I pray for all those living in fear of chyna virus, and especially post election America/the world.
I pray that the godless are removed from office and places of power, not just in our country but world wide. I pray that they are replaced by God fearing people.
I pray that the children and all people being trafficked are rescued and I pray for a miracle in their healing. I pray for healing for all of the brave people involved in the rescues who have had to see unspeakable things in doing their jobs.
I thank God for President Donald Trump, his family and all of the White hats who are working tirelessly to save our country and the world from this evil. I pray that they are all protected with the Whole Armour of God.
Winston Churchill understood the power of prayer. He asked the British people to pray every night at 8 pm. I think that helped win the war. We can do this also to do our part to help win this war against evil.
Amen your right the children are important. I hope you will join us on the daily thread at noon and post your prayers. You are part of the prayer warriors and we need everyone
Unfortunately I'm asleep during that time. I live literally on the other side of the world. But I will be praying in half an hour or so.
Yes friend never let anything keep u from praying. You can always find the post when u wake up and say a prayer then if you want. I could link it to u so u dont have to dig. It's fine either way you are a prayer warrior. Keep praying fren
Here's the policy. Ready? Same policy as before, same one that's been in the sidebar the whole time. We want high effort, high info posts. We're getting 10-20 religious posts a day—the majority of which take ten seconds on DuckDuckGo to find where the OP cut 'n scraped them from. LOW EFFORT POSTS WILL BE SMITED. AS IT WAS BEFORE. IN THE TIMES OF OUR FOREFATHERS.
Religious freedom LIVES at this WIN. You are free to post high-effort, high-info religious posts that are on Q and move the Q narrative forward. In other words, THIS thread is exactly what we want to see and what we wholeheartedly support.
Remove a low effort religious post? You should see modmail. "Unremove muh post yew fuckin' moron!" and worse. Isn't Jesus watching you?
This a Q board. Q said pray. Q said, GOD WINS. But low effort, low info posts will continue to be removed as always.
Now, praise the Lord and pass the ammo, we're done with this.
Nicely Put.
100% what ^ said
Thank you
This seems more than reasonable, plus the info on the sidebar is very clear as well.
People demanding special treatment of their "prayer" posts are missing the point of what the GA site is for...
Deport them, ban them, do not give in to their threats and/or demands. That is basically a leftist tactic, and they always demand more and more...
This is what we want. But progress requires five days of histrionic panic first. Hold the line
"Captain, my religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time for my death. I do not concern myself about that, but to be always ready, no matter when it may overtake me....That is the way all men should live, and then all would be equally brave."
Edit: i learned of this quote prior to my deployment to Afg anf it helped me a lot. I was more on the Agnostic side back then, but i always believed in a fate. This helped me be brave in moments it was needed.
Thank you for your service patriot.
Amen wise words.
Prayer is what we need most! Though I'm usually not posting (or even logged in), I always read your prayer threads when I see them. Keep up the good work!
Thank you. Give all glory to God. We need to unite now and do it in a loving way. Not in a rebel against the mods way.
Glad you are taking the high road. Jesus approves.
Moderating a high traffic, shill magnetic, underground resistance website is HARD work.
Organization and ease of use for the end users is key to spreading all vital information here. Be it drop decodes, breaking news, or Prayer. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Those with ear to hear let them hear!!
Beautiful friend hope u will join me on the prayer thread at noon and see if we can bring some unity to this board
I have said for a long time now that what we're seeing everywhere is spiritual warfare. Many recognize that, many do not. When people stand in prayer, they become a target, just like our country became an unending target after its righteous Christian beginnings; this is what made our country so unique and so desirable to others from other countries. Certainly, things have gone wrong, sometimes very wrong, but that is the human condition. It's because people have absolutely no knowledge of our country's history as it was being formed that we see such opposition to the importance of prayer. I would challenge those who dismiss prayer as some practice of little importance to search our our true history. It's truly a revelation.
Amen fren I hope you will post on the noon prayer thread so we can unite together through prayer.
Just look out for my daily prayer thread in 3 hours. I'm hoping everyone will just pray there hearts out on it.
Not sure where to go for that.
That's fine hope all is good with u. Important this is that you pray. U can always post on it another day.
Down with the big J but do you have to make it sound so culty?
Leave the promises to the homeless shelters and rehab centers
Maybe dig a little deeper down.
That's a weird thing to hear someone day on a Q board where almost everything is about believing promises that haven't been fully realized yet. Tradox has a good point. Digging into Jesus' promises a little more will help you a lot. That's a promise, lol.
I’ve gotten banned twice before by catsfive for pointing out his self-stickied memes were low energy, low info, low quality, and in violation of the sidebar rules, but I suppose he liked posting them anyway because in his mind it was uplifting/hopium for the board. Sounds similar to what the prayer posters are trying to do.
However, neither fit in with the purpose of this board, which is Q RESEARCH, information/meme-sharing for redpilling each other and the masses.
Yeah, no, they weren't, bud. You might want to check my post history. See my post score? Got anything even remotely close? My memes are juuuuust fine, thanks
Thank you for posting the daily prayer. Always appreciated.
And thank you for being part of it with me. God bless you
Thanks for your post. I never used to read yours, even though I’ve consistently seen it posted daily over the past month. And then last week, I opened one, and read it, thought it was OK, then scrolled away. Then again, I read it the next day. Then, when listening to AndWeKnow - who always ends his videos with a prayer, I decided to listen in. And then again, so many of you saying how it’s important to pray got me thinking. Weird thing is, I DO pray everyday, but I think I didn’t know how to pray, if that makes sense. And now, I’ve started praying daily and I like the feeling it gives me. Anyway, long story short, as cliche as it might sound, you do not know how many people you’re reaching by the comments we make on it; and the reason it finally hit me, at least, is because you are consistent. So, keep at it!
Thank you fren that means alot. And just so u know along my journey so far God has always sent someone with a comment like yours at the exact right time. So thank you for doing Gods work. Let's both agree to give God all the glory through him all things are possible. And yeah I was like that with prayer as well. Honestly I feel God is using me for the exact reason u said. To show people it's not about fancy words or quoting scripture. Prayer is a moment between God and you.there is no wrong way. All it takes is consciously putting in effort. Thank you for these words fren and keep it up prayer warrior. That feeling you have will grow
I updoot to join you all in prayer.
God bless you friend. We are part of the prayer warriors together we help change the world
Thanks for posting them. I read them every day. God should always be top of mind as we battle these forces of darkness.
Give God all the glory. I hope you will join us at noon prayer thread and say a prayer. You are a prayer warrior with us we need everyone in on this
I encourage you to post this on the 12 pst noon prayer post. I will pray it with u. There beautiful words.
A daily prayer thread sounds great! We don't need 20 of them though, and I support catsfive in this.
I agree we dont need 20 of them. I also support catsfive and the whole mod team. They do an amazing job and I hate seeing all the negative towards them. We are better than that
Your reaction to all this has been outstanding, by the way. Hats off to you for putting the community before your ego!
I love all you guys and care very deeply about this board. I to am just as broken as everyone else. I find my strength through God. Thank you for your kind words though. I hope everyone can see my heart and where it's at cause truely I care about everyone here
This is a Q board, not a prayer board. One prayer thread a day seems sufficient. There are some (not necessarily here) who are trying to undermine the inclusive MAGA agenda by trying to make it seem like a religious party. This drives away all those who share the agenda of restoring liberty and taking down the psychopathic Luciferians, but who are concerned about any religion using government power to force its teachings on those who do not share them.
I agree with you and hope all the prayer warriors will come together on this.
OP, I'm so glad that your taking a stand to keep the prayers flowing. We need this! For a lot of people, this might be the only reminder for them have that relationship with god. Just keep planting the seeds!
The Church I go to out here in Idaho is called Rock Harbor and they have a great youtube if anyone is interested. But they have a few "sayings" that I love. Everyone here is real stinkin people. And Life is always better in circles than in Rows.
I consider this platform to be a form of gathering in circles. And we need that now more than ever! High five to you Slechta5614!
Thank you friend. I'm just following what God has put in my heart. Wont ever stop doing. I love everyone here you all are like my family. I just want everyone to feel the feeling God gives you. High five to you back I hope you will join in the 12pm pst prayer thread and say a pray with us
Pacific time...............ah, I am eastern time. Will look for the post later.
Yes please do. It's time we unite and start praying. Thank you for being part of the prayer warriors now fren God bless you
Thank you. Hosea 4:6 is the one that covers well the astounding ignorance that so many people display. It includes our country's founding, its proper and lawful workings, our knowledge of our Creator and Redeemer and our relationship with Him (them). Those who live in fear demonstrate their very sad ignorance of all these vital areas. Hence, the Great Awakening....
Hey thank you for that I always appreciate when people use the bible in there responses. I admit I'm still young in my bible knowledge so I always welcome friends that can tie it in. God bless u
Lord, send unity!
We're pretty poor if we can't stop for 15 seconds to say a prayer. I'm definitely in favor of everyone stopping for a contemplative moment before acting. It might nip a few arguments in the bud, that can only be helpful. Prayer can't be a high effort research post. We can't exceed the Lord's Prayer which in a few words consolidates all we can ponder on for years. So I say, though I don't update or comment most prayer threads, let them be if they improve cameraderie.
PS: That goes for individual prayer requests too. It's a sad thing when someone is so distressed they have to turn to strangers for consolation. Maybe a community of anonymous strangers they sort of know is better than the even less known strangers on the suicide hotline.
I pray as many as possible transition to awakened. I pray society's rebirth is one of joy and happiness.
We know those of evil deeds will get theirs.
Amen "I pray society's rebirth is one of joy and happiness " I loved those words friend. I hope you will post a prayer on the prayer thread.
I agree I encourage you to post a prayer on the 12pm pst prayed thread. We need everyone in on this. Its gonna be a thread for all of us.
I just pray that the eyes of the people would be opened and the scales removed so that they can see and understand the monstrosity that sits in the halls of power in the US and throughout the world.
The normies are so locked in to the false paradigm, that it will truly take an act of God to set them free. "The truth shall set you free...".
Amen friend I encourage you to keep an eye out for our prayer thread at 12noon pst. In about an hour. We need everyone in on this God bless you fren
God bless you fren. My work schedule is extremely dynamic so I can't commit to daily or even the time, but will set a reminder and will join when I can. WWG1WGA, and God Wins so our destination is clear no matter what!
Thank you patriot
I encourage you to plz pray for them and the board on the daily thread
They are just humans just like us. We all need God