Whether by lack of effort, indoctrination, propaganda, dumbing down by stupid modern media, etc. we aren't as smart as we should be.
I've known brain surgeons that don't know how to balance a damn check book. Though they can operate like champ, anything outside of the operating room I wouldn't trust my dog with. And I don't have a dog.
'increasingly intense alliance'
'cauldrons of ludicrous claims'
i cant imagine the mindset of a person who still buys into it. i mean really, how dumb do you have to be.
- George Carlin
Don't miss movie night.
u/#popcorn u/#happening
I think about that phrase at least once a week.
i think carlin was a brilliant mind (big club and u ain't in it) but i've never been able to identify with this particular quote
i don't really think the average person is that stupid. humans are smart as fuck.
He says, being the only one in the store shopping without a cuckmuzzle on ?
This pandemic has shown me just how true the quote from Carlin is. I may not be the sharpest tool but at least I can see the BS.
Now go to the YouTube comment sections and realize these are the people who are smart enough to figure out how to access the Internet.
Humans are CAPABLE of being smart as fuck.
Whether by lack of effort, indoctrination, propaganda, dumbing down by stupid modern media, etc. we aren't as smart as we should be.
I've known brain surgeons that don't know how to balance a damn check book. Though they can operate like champ, anything outside of the operating room I wouldn't trust my dog with. And I don't have a dog.
I assume you've never had to deal with the general population. Any kind of customer service?
Fear can make the smartest people idiots
Fear is a primal instinct and if allowed to will completely over shadow rational thought.
Hold the line! It's working!
They're definitely getting desperate. Desperate and stupid people tend to make plenty of mistakes in their haste to obfuscate their crimes.
You forgot our violent nature?