This is hilarious how the Dems keep selecting candidates that will OBVIOUSLY lose- like have some common sense. Why don't you get someone that has some charisma who's sold their soul? Why is it always these robotic idiots they select?
What about Republicans doing this as well? Remember Obama's mid terms he was doing really bad and we can totally get him out of office so who do the Republicans run? Ducking Mittens who even IF he could have ever won well he would have been crap. It's all been a game except Trump.
International gold digger to international carpet bagger. Gtfo.
Anyone who uses racism as an excuse for anything needs to be hit with one...
As if preying on Harry’s mommy issues aren’t enough, now she wants to become an American political issue.
That was always her end game...... I say this because I know this.
It’s a put on
Sunshine...people forget.
Utterly tone deaf..
If you make a loop with your finger and close it around her head blocking out everything but her face then she's allot less attractive.
I’m squishing her head. Squishing! ??
She should run for President.....not.
ALL of their money from the UK should be stopped NOW!!! Why are they paying them anything?
I'm fairly certain that's very illegal
This is hilarious how the Dems keep selecting candidates that will OBVIOUSLY lose- like have some common sense. Why don't you get someone that has some charisma who's sold their soul? Why is it always these robotic idiots they select?
What about Republicans doing this as well? Remember Obama's mid terms he was doing really bad and we can totally get him out of office so who do the Republicans run? Ducking Mittens who even IF he could have ever won well he would have been crap. It's all been a game except Trump.
Agreed, it is all disgusting. But the dems are a particular group of idiots.
They control the voting machines so the soulless robots are easier to control from behind the scenes.
You have to be a natural born US citizen to be President if there is any rule of law left in this country