posted ago by SongDog ago by SongDog +29 / -1

That fully 1/3 of our military generals are FORESWORN OATH BREAKERS. I'm taking wagers on which branch of the Military is most infected with the scumbags...

My educated guess?

The United States Air Force.

See the weather warfare. See the abomination of drought creation and the manipulation of the Pacific Ocean jet stream. See these "LEADERS" for who they are: satanic worshipers of the self serving left hand path of DARKNESS That is why these traitorous Generals don't care about who they are making sick with their aerosoling ops, about the millions of acres of beautiful forested lands and critical watersheds that they have prepped and continue to prep to burn in catastrophic WILDFIRE.

They ain't never going to stop unless they are MADE TO CEASE AND DESIST BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY. Their reverence and allegiance to their creed of the primacy of the SELF is strong and committed. Do not for a minute underestimate the goals of these people and the lengths they will go to achieve them, even to "eating their own" if necessary. They are knowingly leading our military men and women and all Americans into the pit of hell. The strong will be celebrated, the weak will be sacked.

Merciful Lord, please guide and protect all our Patriots and Anons, President Trump and all those who stand in the Shield Wall for us all. And if any of you TRAITOROUS rat-bastard generals happen to lurk here, Archangel Micha'el COMES FOR YOU and the Sword of Righteous TRUTH IS hard upon your throat.