Context: In the latest issue of the top selling Japanese comic (also known as manga) called One Piece. One of the heroes confronts the villain for using a deadly virus as a weapon.
This is the equivalent of Spiderman or Superman telling everyone in America about the dangers of weaponized viruses.
The whitehat psyop is real with this one.
For a long time, Japan have closed their borders to immigrants but now I don't know since Abe stepped down and this new prime minister said he want to open the borders...
Oda also has one of the best interpretations of racism I've ever seen with Fishmen vs. Humans. He does not shove it down your throat that fishmen are all innocent and humans are the big bad evil oppressors. Both sides have their good and bad people. Way better than any woke bullshit Disney or Marvel can come up with.
Even the hero of the fishmen story, Fisher Tiger is a flawed and racist individual who cannot let go of his grudge towards the humans.
One piece is literally about a group of people fighting against evil forces and an authoritative government that turns blind eyes to the worst atrocities to humanity for their own power. If it wasn't for the magical fruit and the fishmen I'd say it's a fairly accurate documentary of the US.
Manga/anime is one of the few places young people can stories without being propagandized to and be about happy friendships and traditional normal life. Stories about sports, adventure, etc.
Although some of what is popularized in the west happens to be of the interest of degenerates.
I would consider myself to be a big anime/manga fan but I can't stand how creepy neckbeards are always pushing their loli/school girl pedo shows in everyone's faces. I enjoy watching shows myself but I always stay away from anime fans in real life because of the weebs.
There is a meme quote called "anime was a mistake", and it's 100% true. The genre has been infiltrated by degenerates.
It’s a shame. I’ve seen some really interesting stories too. Don’t like American stuff because it’s all crime, drama, and medical dramas. I saw an anime once about dictionary making.
Oda-Sensai has created such an incredible tale and covers so many themes; freedom/individual liberty, government corruption, friendship, doing the right thing/moral compass, racism/segregation/slavery, family, religion and false idols, and so much more. Phenomenal story that has spanned 20 years and has several to go before it ends.
Highly recommended for anyone open to the genre (if they haven't watched or read it already), but there are more than 1000 chapters in the manga and the show isn't too far behind, so it will take some time to get through.
I'm a fan of his myself. He's a master of the art and can keep the story (mostly) PG without sacrificing the plot. I enjoy writing and will be honest that in any story with an ensemble I use it as a reference.
Man the fishmen story was just amazIng. It's honestly my favorite fictional interpretation of racism issues. Oda does not shove it down your throat that fishmen are all innocent and humans are the big bad evil oppressors. Both sides have their good and bad people. Fishmen were the victims in the story and they have good guys like Jinbei, but they also have bad guys like Arlong and Hody. Even the main hero of the fishmen story was not perfect. Fisher Tiger is a flawed and racist individual who cannot let go of his grudge towards the humans even on his deathbed. But despite his hatred for humans, he still was able to set that aside to save the human slaves and help return a little girl to her parents.
The writing is way better than any woke bullshit Disney or Marvel can come up with.
Surprised to see Toni Toni Chopper/One Piece here! Eiichiro Oda is based! Even though he have some trannies (Ivankov and his island of trannies) and Ivankov's special Hormones ability. I believe he's mocking the tranny community lol.
One Piece trannies are better than real life ones LMAO
They're actually the biggest bros in the story when things get serious, especially Bon Clay. Dude is a crossdresser but he doesn't force his shit on to his buddies.
Sanji gets trolled by trannies all the time but that's just Oda giving Sanji some karma for constantly being pervert and white knight. He's always creeping out women and annoying them with his antics. When the trannies chase him, he's sort of getting a taste of his own medicine.
This is why I enjoy anime than watching stupid "woke" T.V. shows nowadays.
I've been noticing that some anime being released last year/this year are starting to become "woke" so I'll be on the watchout for these then avoid.
But yes, you're spot on with Sanji lol
I know trannies is being viewed negatively but at least Oda made it a funny situation rather than having Ivankov or Bon Clay saying, "You have to accept my transgenderism (or whatever mental ill term they are going by nowadays) or I'll kill you!"
The only constant reminder we get from them being trannies is based on how they look and that's it and I'm OK with that at least.
Username check’s out! Too much ecchi for my taste though I did get through several hundred episodes before giving up. I took too long a break when I caught up and then I wasn’t desensitized. Too much fan service
Context: In the latest issue of the top selling Japanese comic (also known as manga) called One Piece. One of the heroes confronts the villain for using a deadly virus as a weapon. This is the equivalent of Spiderman or Superman telling everyone in America about the dangers of weaponized viruses. The whitehat psyop is real with this one.
Proof Japan hates globalism as much as we do
Unfortunately it's lost on the main audience of manga-readers, who don't know English.
Exceedingly likely that this is a translated version. Big fanbase translation work done on manga. Original will be in Japanese.
Edit: Yep. Original is ワンピース.
For a long time, Japan have closed their borders to immigrants but now I don't know since Abe stepped down and this new prime minister said he want to open the borders...
Oda also has one of the best interpretations of racism I've ever seen with Fishmen vs. Humans. He does not shove it down your throat that fishmen are all innocent and humans are the big bad evil oppressors. Both sides have their good and bad people. Way better than any woke bullshit Disney or Marvel can come up with.
Even the hero of the fishmen story, Fisher Tiger is a flawed and racist individual who cannot let go of his grudge towards the humans.
Let me guess, It's One Piece isn't it.
One piece is literally about a group of people fighting against evil forces and an authoritative government that turns blind eyes to the worst atrocities to humanity for their own power. If it wasn't for the magical fruit and the fishmen I'd say it's a fairly accurate documentary of the US.
Manga/anime is one of the few places young people can stories without being propagandized to and be about happy friendships and traditional normal life. Stories about sports, adventure, etc.
Although some of what is popularized in the west happens to be of the interest of degenerates.
I would consider myself to be a big anime/manga fan but I can't stand how creepy neckbeards are always pushing their loli/school girl pedo shows in everyone's faces. I enjoy watching shows myself but I always stay away from anime fans in real life because of the weebs. There is a meme quote called "anime was a mistake", and it's 100% true. The genre has been infiltrated by degenerates.
It’s a shame. I’ve seen some really interesting stories too. Don’t like American stuff because it’s all crime, drama, and medical dramas. I saw an anime once about dictionary making.
One Piece of the reason we can't quit believing.
Oda-Sensai has created such an incredible tale and covers so many themes; freedom/individual liberty, government corruption, friendship, doing the right thing/moral compass, racism/segregation/slavery, family, religion and false idols, and so much more. Phenomenal story that has spanned 20 years and has several to go before it ends.
Highly recommended for anyone open to the genre (if they haven't watched or read it already), but there are more than 1000 chapters in the manga and the show isn't too far behind, so it will take some time to get through.
I saw an interview about Oda-Sensei. He sacrifices up to 4 hours of his sleep just to create One Piece. He's a hell of a hustler.
I'm a fan of his myself. He's a master of the art and can keep the story (mostly) PG without sacrificing the plot. I enjoy writing and will be honest that in any story with an ensemble I use it as a reference.
Man the fishmen story was just amazIng. It's honestly my favorite fictional interpretation of racism issues. Oda does not shove it down your throat that fishmen are all innocent and humans are the big bad evil oppressors. Both sides have their good and bad people. Fishmen were the victims in the story and they have good guys like Jinbei, but they also have bad guys like Arlong and Hody. Even the main hero of the fishmen story was not perfect. Fisher Tiger is a flawed and racist individual who cannot let go of his grudge towards the humans even on his deathbed. But despite his hatred for humans, he still was able to set that aside to save the human slaves and help return a little girl to her parents. The writing is way better than any woke bullshit Disney or Marvel can come up with.
Surprised to see Toni Toni Chopper/One Piece here! Eiichiro Oda is based! Even though he have some trannies (Ivankov and his island of trannies) and Ivankov's special Hormones ability. I believe he's mocking the tranny community lol.
One Piece trannies are better than real life ones LMAO
They're actually the biggest bros in the story when things get serious, especially Bon Clay. Dude is a crossdresser but he doesn't force his shit on to his buddies.
Sanji gets trolled by trannies all the time but that's just Oda giving Sanji some karma for constantly being pervert and white knight. He's always creeping out women and annoying them with his antics. When the trannies chase him, he's sort of getting a taste of his own medicine.
This is why I enjoy anime than watching stupid "woke" T.V. shows nowadays.
I've been noticing that some anime being released last year/this year are starting to become "woke" so I'll be on the watchout for these then avoid.
But yes, you're spot on with Sanji lol
I know trannies is being viewed negatively but at least Oda made it a funny situation rather than having Ivankov or Bon Clay saying, "You have to accept my transgenderism (or whatever mental ill term they are going by nowadays) or I'll kill you!"
The only constant reminder we get from them being trannies is based on how they look and that's it and I'm OK with that at least.
Tell you what, me likey!
What hentai is this?
Not even hentai in the slightest. Sure, it has some ecchi here and there but not even close to hentai! One Piece is based.
Username check’s out! Too much ecchi for my taste though I did get through several hundred episodes before giving up. I took too long a break when I caught up and then I wasn’t desensitized. Too much fan service