273 [FROM LIN WOOD] Interesting, conference about freedom AND HEALTH: a better and healthy world coming? (www.thrivetimeshow.com) posted 3 years ago by blockchaindude 3 years ago by blockchaindude +273 / -0 28 comments share 28 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I see it is being held in Broken Arrow, OK.
Operation Broken Arrow targets child predators!
Damn there's no way I can get to Tulsa for that. Any info on whether they're live streaming or recording in any way that we can watch online?
Would love to be there in person and hear from some amazing speakers - will see if I can get the time off and travel.
I remember Lin announcing he'd be attending on the last fire side chat but I had no idea it'd be this big.
A conference on freedom & health w/o inviting Dr. Shiva? Still untouchable?
Or Fauci ??
No lizards allowed!
Wait....it’s about health and I don’t see Dave Nisepisode featured. ?
There was a live stream last night with Gen. Flynn and they announced this. Trying to start more commu nity/grass roots conservative movement.
Anna Khait can come off of the list.
I'd like to see her only as a Survivor fan. Why single out her?
Her promotion of Alan Parrot, Hari Singh Khalsa
Let’s talk about our health.
Mike Adams! Kewl.
Love his site. Naturalnews.com
Will a mask be mandatory?
What, no Fauci?
Mere greedy lab techs need not apply!! :)
why do so many pastors feel the need to claim expertise in things they were not commissioned to do. its just the flipside of the pope making pronouncements on climate change.
It is about HEALTH & FREEDOM and the election was lost due to CORONA & LOCKDOWN / VOTING BY MAIL - or not?
Yes, that is a point!
Don’t worry.. Trump won’t let them steal 2024 like he let them steal 2020
It will be wild.he was right about that.
Buy a ticket and find out?