When people claim "Well these are private companies and they can mandate you to take a vaccine.If you dont want it, you dont have to work there", this gives the perfect response.
"Well, these are private companies and they can ask you to sleep with them. If you dont want to sleep with them you can find a new job. But in reality thats not how it works - its called sexual harassment. So what we have here is a medical harassment"
No, this only applies to government mandates. Private property/business owners can set whatever conditions of employment they want, unless politicians say otherwise as an infringement of their property rights.
Also, taxation without consent is theft/extortion. Just like sex without consent is rape. A boxing match without consent is assault.
If they have an EIN they are claiming to be "an agency or instrumentality of the US government" - or possibly the State government. That's the definition of an "employer". And when it comes to sexual harassment the EEOC would apply. It should apply to this example as well.
In healthcare hospitals require you to take the flu vaccine yearly, annual TB testing and during the pandemic rapid covid teating and temperature screens. The only reason the covid vaccine is not required yet is it is not FDA approved past a emergency approval. What they accomplish is lowering abscences due to flu outbreaks and help ensure a safe enviroment for co workers and patients. I have no problem with employers doing this...heck most health systems wont hire you if yoy smoke or do smokess tobacco as a nicotine screen is part of the drug test to be hired.
I work in Healthcare, never had a flu shot until my new hospital job required it "for patient safety", got it was sick a month later and worked while sick because "prob not the flu, I had the shot" no ot WAS Flu A and I probably exposed dozens of patients to it unknowingly. That year it was 26 percent effective. Flu shot is a money making scam, places get financial incentives for compliance rates.
I am not talking about healthcare and other frontline workers. I am talking about just a regular company that tries to enforce mandatory vaccine for absolutely no reason.
What we have is tyranny. Internment camps have been built already. They will say those that don't get vaxed must be sent to internment camps so as not to "infect" others.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of these camps being built but I can’t find any recent information on it. Do you know if there is any? All I find is stuff from the World War era
Very possible but I’m not gonna put it past Biden to try sticking either non-compliant citizens about the vaccine in a “camp” or Trump supporters in general. They (Dems) were calling for blacklists of Trump supporters after the election so they could specifically target us.
That's a great way to look at it. This is the real "me too" movement; the movement against forced penetration of any kind. Let's use their own bullshit against them for a real cause.
Him saying the vaccine is safe is one thing I disagree on. I know too many people who have gotten the double shot vaccine and been very ill a few days after.
That depends on the person. Everyone has their own red line that they will not cross. Ironically the same people that scream "my body, my choice!" Are the same ones demanding thst everyone else give up their bodies to be stuck with this phony vaccine.
When people claim "Well these are private companies and they can mandate you to take a vaccine.If you dont want it, you dont have to work there", this gives the perfect response.
"Well, these are private companies and they can ask you to sleep with them. If you dont want to sleep with them you can find a new job. But in reality thats not how it works - its called sexual harassment. So what we have here is a medical harassment"
No, this only applies to government mandates. Private property/business owners can set whatever conditions of employment they want, unless politicians say otherwise as an infringement of their property rights.
Also, taxation without consent is theft/extortion. Just like sex without consent is rape. A boxing match without consent is assault.
If they have an EIN they are claiming to be "an agency or instrumentality of the US government" - or possibly the State government. That's the definition of an "employer". And when it comes to sexual harassment the EEOC would apply. It should apply to this example as well.
In healthcare hospitals require you to take the flu vaccine yearly, annual TB testing and during the pandemic rapid covid teating and temperature screens. The only reason the covid vaccine is not required yet is it is not FDA approved past a emergency approval. What they accomplish is lowering abscences due to flu outbreaks and help ensure a safe enviroment for co workers and patients. I have no problem with employers doing this...heck most health systems wont hire you if yoy smoke or do smokess tobacco as a nicotine screen is part of the drug test to be hired.
Flu vaccine is bullshit too. LOL its laughable efficacy rates.
enjoy your aluminum induced alzheimers
I work in Healthcare, never had a flu shot until my new hospital job required it "for patient safety", got it was sick a month later and worked while sick because "prob not the flu, I had the shot" no ot WAS Flu A and I probably exposed dozens of patients to it unknowingly. That year it was 26 percent effective. Flu shot is a money making scam, places get financial incentives for compliance rates.
I am not talking about healthcare and other frontline workers. I am talking about just a regular company that tries to enforce mandatory vaccine for absolutely no reason.
What’s the difference?
“Frontline workers” bullshit.
THIS ☝?. Frontline (o)
What we have is tyranny. Internment camps have been built already. They will say those that don't get vaxed must be sent to internment camps so as not to "infect" others.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of these camps being built but I can’t find any recent information on it. Do you know if there is any? All I find is stuff from the World War era
Canadian internment camps FEMA camps
Very possible but I’m not gonna put it past Biden to try sticking either non-compliant citizens about the vaccine in a “camp” or Trump supporters in general. They (Dems) were calling for blacklists of Trump supporters after the election so they could specifically target us.
When someone takes money from my wallet its robbery, when the government does it, its "taxation".
That's a great way to look at it. This is the real "me too" movement; the movement against forced penetration of any kind. Let's use their own bullshit against them for a real cause.
Him saying the vaccine is safe is one thing I disagree on. I know too many people who have gotten the double shot vaccine and been very ill a few days after.
Some people need to he shocked past their comfort zone with images like this to wake them up.
If you don't like it, don't look at it.
That depends on the person. Everyone has their own red line that they will not cross. Ironically the same people that scream "my body, my choice!" Are the same ones demanding thst everyone else give up their bodies to be stuck with this phony vaccine.