Q Post 3898 1 year delta coming tomorrow
https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/10/farrell-spygate-could-make-watergate-look-like-a-third-rate-burglary/ The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. Q
Deltas are never a guarantee, but so many things lining up right now. Really like the sound of "The Start". I am so ready for the start...
You guys can have the "Start." I'll take "THE END."
I'm sick of this movie and in the spirit of Bill Parcells, HOF football coach, "Just show me the baby, baby."
Yep, this "movie" has been about as entertaining as 1997's Batman & Robin and 2000's Battlefield Earth rolled into one and played at 1/100th normal speed.
Chris O'Donnell just said "eeeeh"
I needed that laugh.
Thankfully, I never saw Battlefield Earth. Cool title though . . .
Take Batman & Robin and tilt your TV screen 45 degrees in either direction.
That's Battlefield Earth.
every day it all builds up a little more
Q https://qposts.online/post/3921
We're 18 days from a 1-year delta on this one. There are a few other mentions of FISA + START, this one is just the closest.
Bring it...PLEASE!
Ok, I still don't get this 3 year Delta, 1 year Delta thing. whats it mean????
It’s the start of something big. Watch the show and trust the very slowly moving plan.
We will revisit this post in 10 years thinking its about to finally start.
Oh that is so Depressing!
Thats what shills do. They say things to demoralize. Dont fall for this shills crap.