I've had so many people defend him for his stutter. I have a feeling that they've never heard the actual things he has said. I'd love to watch the mental gymnastics to make those stutters work. ??????
Only young idiots who aren't old enough to have watched Biden in politics for the last half century push the stupid stutter thing. He did not have a stutter until he started losing his mind. Send your friend a video from the 70s, 80s, 90s, Big O years..wtfever. Unrelated, he also had less hair in 1988 than he does now. Total phony.
I have watched a few of his older speeches, etc and he didn’t have a stutter back then. Personally, I think it’s a recently made up “disability” to shame those who bring up his lost train of thoughts and gaffes. At least that’s my observations.
His hair...I’m not sure about. I honestly didn’t pay attention to his hair.
My lib friend also likes to throw out the stutter as an excuse for Xidens obvious dementia. Some people will never learn. And I’m afraid my friend is the 4-6% Q warned would be lost.
Yeah my ex. Other in law keeps saying this now I use it against her and when she says something stupid which is frequent I say oh you must have a stutter, sooooo passed off lol. How the fuck you gonna stutter and say 120 years my god dims are so stupid it’s gross
I and my brother have had stutters all our lives, his is worse than mine, but stutters don't just SHOW UP somewhere 80 years into your life. If you have a stutter you have it from the start, you don't just "acquire" one all of a sudden. Obviously this is all a cover for his dementia, but idiots on twatter will believe anything.
The whole 'stutter' thing actually is not new at all and he really does/did have a stutter. But what we've seen doesn't have anything to do with sutters. A stutter doesn't derail your train of thought.
He sure didn't stutter when he was rolling all those N words out of his mouth...
Wha wha what c’mon ma ma man
This is my first time coming across this narrative. It's a good cover, for sure!
I've had so many people defend him for his stutter. I have a feeling that they've never heard the actual things he has said. I'd love to watch the mental gymnastics to make those stutters work. ??????
That was one of my first questions with her - Did you even watch his speech?? I just can't comprehend how people are blind to what's really gone on.
I realized that most have been conditioned to believe MSM and "reputable" sources. Thinking and listening for themselves is too scary.
Yea I guess his stutter made him fall on the steps and unable to make a complete sentence.?♂️
Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
gnome sane
Truth is powerful. GODS word is the way.
Only young idiots who aren't old enough to have watched Biden in politics for the last half century push the stupid stutter thing. He did not have a stutter until he started losing his mind. Send your friend a video from the 70s, 80s, 90s, Big O years..wtfever. Unrelated, he also had less hair in 1988 than he does now. Total phony.
I have watched a few of his older speeches, etc and he didn’t have a stutter back then. Personally, I think it’s a recently made up “disability” to shame those who bring up his lost train of thoughts and gaffes. At least that’s my observations.
His hair...I’m not sure about. I honestly didn’t pay attention to his hair.
I have never noticed a stutter and honestly, I'm surprised I haven't heard it pushed more from the MSM before now.
Unfortunately for her, there is no option to open her eyes or mind ? I will pull those to prep for the next one.
Ready the Porky Pig meme cannon!
The the the tha anyways
The original post contained the quote from Biden's press conference where completely forgot what he was even saying..
But wait.. if you spent years working to overcome it, and have done so...then doesn't that mean you're no longer disabled?
Ohhh you've got yourself a point ?
Ramblin' Joe Biden never had a stutter before.
No comment.
My thoughts exactly ?
Oh but he is the most popular president in history!! Dontchaknow?!
Yes - he can't even form full thoughts right now.
He's never been a stutterer. Ever.
LOL that can't be real has to be a bot or a troll, NOBODY COULD BE THAT STUPID HAHAHA
It is mind boggling to me how close minded they are.
Your friend went full retard
This is the first time I've ever seen this pushed. Thank goodness they have a cover story for his lack of ability to produce thoughts.
My lib friend also likes to throw out the stutter as an excuse for Xidens obvious dementia. Some people will never learn. And I’m afraid my friend is the 4-6% Q warned would be lost.
So is this one. It's unfortunate.
Got to be honest, I've been hearing about Biden's stutter for many years... It goes all the way back 120 years when he first came into the Senate
Got me.
What aaay crock of shit
If they want to start classifying a stutter as a disability I want my fucking gibmes.
Whe-w-w-where's my ch-ch-check?
These people are stupid
I laugh more than I should at their mindset
Ah, anyway.
A good time for, prove he ever had a stutter.
Though this argument of a good sign your already talking to a brick wall.
It's a tall and wide brick wall unfortunately
Yeah my ex. Other in law keeps saying this now I use it against her and when she says something stupid which is frequent I say oh you must have a stutter, sooooo passed off lol. How the fuck you gonna stutter and say 120 years my god dims are so stupid it’s gross
What a gullible Goober
Ummm the stutter is in his brain...
I and my brother have had stutters all our lives, his is worse than mine, but stutters don't just SHOW UP somewhere 80 years into your life. If you have a stutter you have it from the start, you don't just "acquire" one all of a sudden. Obviously this is all a cover for his dementia, but idiots on twatter will believe anything.
This was from quite a few months ago.
The whole 'stutter' thing actually is not new at all and he really does/did have a stutter. But what we've seen doesn't have anything to do with sutters. A stutter doesn't derail your train of thought.
Why havent we heard him say Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni, well you knownthe rest. When he wasnspeaking of super predators in his day
It's been around for awhile. I mentioned Xidens inability to talk and was accused of being insensitive to someone they has a stutter problem...
Isn't dementia a cognitive disability?
He 100% has a stutter Confirmed by multiple friends of mine that are SLPA/SLP's
Yes. And my mother, also an SLP who worked with the elderly in stroke recovery, is 100% certain he also has dementia.
So he developed a stutter in his 70s? Look at any video of him speaking that's more than 5 years old. There is no stutter.
But to use it as a crutch for his mental state? Nahhh
Thank you for this fact!