researching the vaccine adverse event reporting system cdc database. I literally cant believe what I am reading. These event descriptions are unreal. Healthy people dropping dead. They are seriously pushing a vaccine to people and CHILDREN that can seriously harm them...What the fuck timeline am I living in..
Comments (56)
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"Those you trust the most." -Q. Get it?
I think the vaccine is to destroy reproduction. One study shows a male vaccinated that has sex with an unvaccinated female can cause the female to become infertile. Destroying the family is the NWO’s top agenda. Without children in the home what’s the point of marriage. There will be no families people will be easier to control. For reproduction they’re already testing an artificial wombs. They no longer need us.
I agree with you. Quote from GCE-PIC Hearing #37: WW: "In the case of pregnant women one also has the problem that the immune system reacts differently than in those who are not pregnant. Because in pregnancy the immune system is switched so that the foetus is tolerated and not rejected. It reacts differently as a result. This may also have a bearing with this vaccination, it can lead to complications in pregnancy, and also in older people, where certain processes no longer take place – the immune system tolerates more than normal, and immunological complications arise as a result. This could happen in elderly people and in pregnancy." Source:
Thank you for this link. I will read it in full tomorrow. Reading the first few pages this Dr. Schmidt-Kruger seems to have some really valuable input (and unlike many medical doctors quoted here actually knows what she is talking about).
While Syntactin-1 and the SARS-cov-2 spike protein are not completely unrelated proteins, the sequence similarity is very low.
The article that picture is from (see section 10) gives more information. While I strongly disagree with the conclusions of the article, the science on the protein is good.
Given such a low similarity (a mere 4 amino acids in a similar place on a similar heptad repeat (a very common protein pattern)) it is unlikely that an immune response to one would have any immune response to the other. Nevertheless, testing should be done to prove that.
Without evidence this is purely speculative. Indeed, given the above information it is unlikely that an immune response to the spike protein itself is what is causing the miscarriages. The same evidence suggests it is also unlikely to cause future infertility.
There are many possible reasons the vaccines are causing miscarriages. For example the very large immune response to the vaccine may be causing the immune system to overcome the natural protections that pregnancy induces to prevent fetal rejection.
This is just a guess off the top of my head, though given the above evidence of (non) similarity between the two proteins, I find it to be a more likely explanation.
However, both need to be tested before any conclusions, and indeed anything other than speculation are warranted.
It is essential that we not state speculation as fact in a disinformation war (especially speculation without evidential support). It only feeds false narratives and false fears. Such actions promote a Luciferian victory condition.
I am not sure what you are saying. I agree 100% that there is substantial evidence that these vaccines and pregnancy do not mix. There is NOTHING in that statement that supports the assertion that it is because the vaccine promotes an immune response to syntactin-1.
That doesn't mean it ISN'T because of that, it only means the data does not support it. The data doesn't support any reason, because no one is gathering data on it.
I agree it should be tested. Hell, I INSIST it must be tested. I also am stating (as an expert) that the proteins are insufficiently similar to think that this is the likely cause.
That is an expert guess it is not a fact. Facts come from experiments. The experiment should be done. I think this pregnancy issue is for other reasons. Testing those other reasons should also be done. All of these tests should be done in animals, as our highest code of ethics and laws demands.
Yw. It get's more interesting the further you read. It's not as long as it seems (the 2nd half is the German transcript).
Children of men comes to mind
Please point out this study, because it makes literally ZERO sense to anyone who understands biology.
makes sense to me infected male sperm infects female egg = no baby. look for it. woNetaucavE referenced it below
How exactly do you "infect" male sperm? Infect it with what?
Even if the mRNA vaccines could alter DNA in any statistically significant way (they can't if they contain the ingredients they list), altering the DNA of the germline is even more impossible.
Even if you altered the DNA of the male germline and one of those altered sperm created an inviable zygote, or (somehow magically) prevented the formation of an inviable zygote that would NOT BE making the woman infertile, that would only be a single event of an inviable zygote. That woman could happily mate with anyone else with no decrease in viable offspring.
There is not one thing in that reference that says anything remotely close to a single thing you said.
As a biologist, it makes zero sense to me.
I was wondering about this!! I was concerned the virus can be shed through bodily fluids..
They been using virus weapons on people every 100 years or so. I think they started planning this in the 80s. We need to set our own virus loose and not give the the cure.
God gave us the ability to choose and life is full of a crapload of choices. This is a huge one. You are responsible for yourself and your family if you have one. Make the right choice.
I'm probably not going to get an mRNA shot
*But if you have ~100million people who got Pfiser/Moderna shots, then even an adverse reaction rate of 0.0001 would produce tens-of-thousands of adverse reactions.
*However, the scary part is the fact that these are the first mRNA "vaccines" means that we have no idea what the long-term effects of these shots will be. (Fucking up the immune system, infertility, etc)
Don't get any of the C-19 shots. They're all bad news.
Black pill? Why not just drink some whiskey?
Yes, I a agree the insanity around us is so profound that people are shutting down to it because they don't know how to cope with it and live their lives.
In any case I think this was a big function of Q. Q has given us the psychological vaccine for this moment, there is a plan and that is exactly why we are seeing all this exposed in this way.
I have no other choice other than to believe that we will make it through this.
Be steady, hold the line, love your family and friends and hold them tight.
I've been telling everyone I know this. Blaze of Glory. I have the Kingdom awaiting, I fear not.
(Somewhat out of context, but) Q said, "The truth won't be for everyone"(4915). And, "The end won't be for everyone," but, "That choice, to know, will be yours" (749).
Sadly, as we ARE in a(n undeclared but real) war, it would seem that there's going to be collateral damage and casualties, which would imply that the journey (to the end) may not be for everyone, either.
Have faith and pray.
How does someone search the data base it seems like you have to sign up for something?
nope! it is free. go to > search VAERS data > Scroll down and click search CDC wonder > Accept the disclaimer > VAERS data search > then you scroll and can filter by covid vaccine. make sure you change the event dates from jan-mar 2021.
I also click group results by "symptoms" and "VAERS id" and then click adverse event description in the optimal measures section. you can look up and/or report adverse reaction for any vaccine ever made
This is how zombie movies start.
Interested in learning more?
There’s a very dark history of vaccines that nobody talks about.
Sorry for Reddit, but this breakdown is very thorough and includes numerous sources and studies.
yea its crazy
Q:If vaccines actually do harm, why are they given?
A:First of all, there is no “if.”They do harm. It becomes a more difficult question to decide whetherthey do harm in those people who seem to show no harm. Then you are dealing with the kind of research which should be done, but isn’t. Researchers should be probing to discover a kind of map, or flow chart, which shows exactly what vaccines do in the body from the moment they enter. This research has not been done. As to why they are given, we could sit here for two days and discuss all the reasons. As you’ve said many times, at different layers of the system people have their motives. Money, fear of losing a job, the desire to win brownie points, prestige, awards, promotion, misguided idealism, unthinking habit, and so on. But, at the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it’s true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them.
don't think you have to sign up for anything
hopefully these reported injuries are just part of the show
I agree. Only thing that makes me think Trump might not be on our side.
yeah, he promoted this shit
Have you been on the VEARS website?
WWG1WGA .. it's the Way we all must go.
Sadly, yesterday I was involved in a conversation about the shot for children and someone mentioned 'hearing' it could cause reproductive issues. I did a quick search to provide them a link to information I know exists confirming this....and the first full page of returns was 'debunking' this....on duck duck go. It's getting harder to spread truth.
Welcome to reality fren. All your institutions have been subvert for cabal gains. all your base are belong to us.
Well, up until trump won. 4 years of clandestine war set the stage for the most unconventional theatre of war ever - the news.
Holly Crap!!!
And scary that it is easy to research, publicly available information yet the public is ignorant of those facts because they trust the media to tell them what they need to know.
What they need to know is far too many people are harmed or killed by this "vaccine" that is nothing more than a gene therapy that is untested (until now directly on humans) and unproven long-term. It is causing grotesque disabilities in some who are adversely harmed yet live through it.
The timeline where we fight back and not give in.
Last night in the Gonzaga-USC game a ref dropped to the floor. He was standing there, seemingly fine, then just fell straight backwards like a tree being felled.
How much you wanna bet it was vaccine related?
Don't worry, Q and Trump will save us all from this.
That was a little rude for no reason haha. Forgive me for my human reaction ?. Appreciate the advice