This just confirms my confirmation bias that pretty much everything is connected. Btw, Citadel handled Epstein’s money, one of the hedge funds shorting GME

just bought gme today. lets burn this bitch down.
Diamonds are forever !
HODL until it changes your life!!! Make it worth it!!!!!
I'm small time just picked up one share. I just wanna crush fiat.
saaaaame. cue the tendieman sea shanty
who knew shantys would be my preferred music these days...
I did too. because fuck ‘em.
it a good train to be on. No BREAKS!
how do you buy silver? hah! i dont know the proper way of purchasing silver without getting scammed
Try to use Fidelity as your broker. Vanguard works, WeBull is Chinese. TDAmeritrade is neutral, and Canadian. I try to stick with the bigger brokers, as they’re not easily manipulated like Robinhood.
Please don’t use robinhood This is from u/MakeAmericaWinAgain
Websites. I’ve recently used sdbullion. com
Try to wire transfer, as they charge a fee for paying with card. There’s a ton of websites, just gotta find one that has any silver in stock. From what I understand the supply is just about DRY
All leads back to Mossad. They are the intel agency that controls all others and those in turn direct and manage their respective govts and the puppets positioned there.Dark occultists run the world and the secret services are stacked to the rafters with them.
no mossad works for them. It goes like this: deep staters like HRC, BO, Brennan, Comey etc etc -> $oro$ -> Intel agencies -> r0thchilds -> European royal bloodlines-> Vatican -> ATONISTS
No. Close, but not really lol
Seqouia Capitol (Hedge fund) owns Dominion. Citadel is just a distraction, Seqouia is the target.
Ok, Sequoia owns several Israeli companies, shares in Google and Yahoo! As well as second largest shareholder of WhatsApp. Sequoia capitol was ACQUIRED by dominion, and the company that owns Dominion is Staple Street Capitol (still a hedgie or a front).
Well, they are mainly Israeli, but bringing down Alphabet and Yahoo! are the biggest ones to take down.
The one and only.
They also have big stakes in Robinhood as well.
https://www.sequoiacap.com/companies/ The links to each company owned or partly owned by sequoia, HUGE amount of Israeli companies on here.
Hmmm... Is that NLP for normies to memory hole GME?
I️ wouldn't so much say that it's NLP as much as I️ would say it's direct programming that they will accept and execute.
However it works, it might as well be a magic spell that turns free humans into scared zombies sharing a backwards thinking hive mind.
The rig’s afoot
Check this out. They are short selling shares and making huge trades not on the markets but overnight on Alternative Trading System (ATS). Want proof...click the link, select period of report you want to run, input stock symbol (GME, AMC, NOK, etc) and select NMS Tier 2. They are literally naked shorting these stocks to oblivion. 100%....psshhh that’s wishful thinking. Try 500% to 1500+%. When this bubble pops, the market is going into a nosedive!!!
The gains from gme will be worth nothing when the dollar collapses with it.
It appears Jen Psaki’s cousin Jeff works at Citadel. He just happened to be at Lehman during the 2008 crash as well.
Wow so weird what a small world ...
Obligatory tendieman post https://youtu.be/Z1LOERP74Es
Lol, they’re desperately trying to get people to get rid of their GME shares. I smell panic. I've only got 25 shares, but maybe it's time to buy more.
Ohhh, thanks! Buying even moar stonks now!
And silver to boot!
Ooh shit boys. Popcorn on the stove.
GME for short term tendies, PLTR for long-term wealth.
Also Roko's Basilisk
And $EEENF as a fun gamble
hehe ape together strong
The ONLY thing you need to do in order to make giant profit, no matter what the price right now, is to BUY and HODL. There is no way out for the hedgies with how theuve shorted this thing.
Maybe they exploited epstein being short shares that didn't exist opposed to flat out seizing his funds.
Sounds like you’ve been living under a rock, do you know anything about GME?
See my comment and try it out. They are using the OTC Market for penny stocks to trade back and forth “off the market”. If you need help let me know and I can walk you through it.
No, you don't have to hunt for these kinds of headlines. The media won't shut up about it.
Even on the app I use to buy stocks there was a giant article right near the "Buy Stocks" button from CBS saying "Don't use your stimulus checks to buy GameStop!"
Like, they don't seem worried that people will use their stimmies to buy crack, or to gamble in Vegas, or to buy any OTHER kind of stock. Just GME. If the retail investors continue to buy and hold, Wall Street is in BIG TROUBLE.