In the military you are constantly “spun up” to do something interesting only to be pulled back after having gone through the motions. It’s important to go through the motions cause over time it becomes rote memory and instead of a spike in adrenaline and hopium, you eventually respond with a clear focused mentality that is appropriate and effective. You are able to see the forest through the trees, so to speak. When the happening occurs, we are going to be the most steel nerved, focused group of frens and we’ll watch as the NPC’s fall into hysterics because it will be the first time their evil cabal is powerless and won’t be updating their rage software. Just a thought.,.
Comments (21)
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In addition, all the datefagging and watching bleeding edge news from unknown sources trains us to spot a false narrative. When we make predictions and get them wrong, it hurts. nothing teaches better than that.
We become discerning.
I really liked the idea of the 4/3/21 boom just because it makes sense, but no way in hell they would broadcast their plan. Q is full of misdirection, which is a good thing considering who we're up against
Good thought. All the 'it's happening' posts (on various sites) that didn't come true have certainly caused me to now take a subdued wait-and-see approach about pretty much everything.
That’s extremely helpful for me. Thank you so very much
I think this is a very good theory. I feel calmer than I did at any time before the election. I don't know when the proverbial will hit the fan, but I am getting busy with my life in the meantime knowing I am ready. Not so much impatient anticipation anymore. I'm even kind of bored with the show. Not in a bad way.
It's given me more time to buy ammunition at least :p
Its giving me time to quit smoking and get in shape
Same here. Feeling calm, observing and preparing those around me as best I can.
Specially the Tier 1 and Tier 2 dudes, constantly spun up and then no-go before the middle east wars, would have been maddening.
Good point, it will be old hat for us since we've been through it so many times.
Q's mission- Stir the pot, spice it up with much hopium, until the Patriot stands strong on its own. Now we can carry Q across the finish line if need be.
Hurry up and wait. Its all good xp in the end.
Funny — I’m high strung for sure but anyone can date fag & I’m like whatever now. Just watching — just waiting—ready!
Feels a little more like the boy who cried wolf. I can see it as a tactic but it is getting stale.
You got that right nimble (;
Are you tucking kidding me?! My balls are super deep blue, nearly purple. When it happens, I will be celebrating by running up and down my street banging two pots together. Then I’ll set off some fireworks. I’m beyond prepared.
Love it!
I don't have a problem with datefags for 2 reasons. 1: I find it interesting and amusing. Interesting because of the Q drops used and amusing because I've gotten like you all and just sit back and watch. 2: It keeps the "bad" players lurking in here jumping like trained monkeys and that in itself is very pleasurable. Cheers frens