114 Feeling Like Pure Shit, Just Want my Crack Back (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by worcester 3 years ago by worcester +114 / -0 24 comments download share 24 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Apparently I missed the thing about parmesan ...
Hunter admitted to smoking a chunk of parmesan cheese think it was crack when he was feeming.
... oh my. Thanks.
No he snorted it
That's some interesting looking cheese. Made in the "cigarello". Zippos not recommended for smoking cheese.
Thanks for the advice, will note it for next time i go this low
Can you actually use those teeny papers or have to glue a couple together?
I can't roll for shit to be honest with you, only thing in the house
Don’t forgot to cut the rind off son, Srs.
Hunter was used to crack that smells like cheese.
The better, cleaner women wouldn't go near him.
Smartest guy I know u/#cmon
is dat a Ronson?
Nah what Hunter was aiming for was some Saganaki. Lol
2 for 5s dudes got garbage down the way. Shits imported over here son.
Hunter Biden told me I could smoke Parmesan cheese and now I'm in the hospital. When can I sue, and how fast will I get my money?
Could almost be a Donald Trump logo there.
"Fruity and Nutty", a good description of the DNC in general
Best I can do for ya... https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/04/naked-models-arrested-dubai-031.1.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1286
You are now the second most smartest person Joe Biden knows hahaha
Chunk Yogurt! That's a throwback. I wonder what he's up to nowadays...maybe driving for Uber?