I was so happy he did Ohio because i would have bet my left nut Trump won Ohio with more than the 8% that is recorded. My prediction was in the 15 -20 % and thats what his conclusion came to.
I am not a statistician, but i drive all over this state, from rural to the city and there was no support for Biden.
Didn't he say in the documentary that he'll do Wisconsin next after Lindell asked him to do so?
I just wish the patriot stays safe.
Don't worry once the first domino falls the rest will soon follow.
Charlie LeDuff is on the case and he is a friggin pitbull.
It was obscene to see Kenosha, Wisconsin ripped apart by left wing terrorists and then supposedly vote for Biden.
Those were PeAcEfUl left wing terrorists
Mostly peaceful
I just remember him showing Ohio and Colorado in the documentary, then he said the same algorithm was used in every state. I hope he shows everything.
I was so happy he did Ohio because i would have bet my left nut Trump won Ohio with more than the 8% that is recorded. My prediction was in the 15 -20 % and thats what his conclusion came to.
I am not a statistician, but i drive all over this state, from rural to the city and there was no support for Biden.
The Racine Pede will be very happy!