There is no way Trump could have remained in office and get anything really done that would evaporate the swamp. (It looks like Trump is running a real Shadow Government. Trump needs the anonymity to work with the military to round up all the bad actors.
The last statement is correct. The US Military has been used as a tool to further the cabal agenda for well over a century now. All major wars within recent history that the US was involved in was manufactured and outcomes were predetermined; they were lost on purpose, or won on purpose. We are up against a NWO plan centuries in the making, which makes the scope of this sting unimaginable.
I've met some mercs and idk what all they did exactly but I can tell you most of them are in a few categories.
1: Retire to a quiet country life and gtfo
2: Find God
3: Ignore all "news" because they know some kind of dark truth
4: All of the above
They are all based and none of them are left leaning.
And yes I'm sure they have been used for all kinds of things which is why its SAP and none of them know what the others did.
One told me "if the American public knew what happened under Clinton there would never ever be a Democrat again"
Color me naïve, but I just wonder why they don't start dropping evidence of "what happened under Clinton"; if they were brave enough to be mercenaries, why wouldn't they have the courage to expose what they know. And there surely are ways to do it without endangering yourself or your family.
Because it was classified Im sure and I doubt it would be evidence in the form of physical documents it would likely be putting pieces together from people they knew and their own missions.
Think about how many people were involved in Manhattan project and no one knew? Its actually really rare for military to go public because the punishments are insane and I imagine if they don't trust the president they sure don't trust whistle-blower protections. Chelsea manning is one of the few and I have a sneaking suspicion that was an intentional plant by CIA because I see no reason why Obama would pardon It unless it was a reward for something they did.
Also, even if you did go public no one would believe a lot of the stuff anyways so you would be burning your whole life down and quite likely going to jail or getting suicided.
It's not time for that just yet. Setting the board, running the board. There's time and place for it..everything is in a controlled precision.
It's a it play out.
I'll try: Our military has been used in Special Access Programs to achieve cabal goals. Including the bribery tactics used by the cabal, ie, child rape/torture/. Matt Gaetz could be the one to expose it all (his situation). CEOs, elected govt officials (local, state, federal), police depts., CPS, Religious Orgs, etc are all targeting with these crimes against humanity.
USAPs too, those are the big ones. The trillion dollar a year black budget super advanced shit. As is anti-gravity, zero point energy, teleportation tech. The rabbit hole is deeper than you can imagine.
So I started watching this documentary called JFK to 911 - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick. I've still got a ways to go (it's 3.5 hours long) but it seems to touch on this theme.
I trace our DS infestation to Allen Dulles and how he converted the CIA from a fundamentally patriotic organization to one that ended up so far off course it became an organism that had to defend itself.
Follow the money - Dulles saw that Iran was turned for a song in 1953. What could the CIA do with even more money? But congressional funding was limited (as was oversight). So where does he go to get the money for all of his 'patriotic' ideas? Illicit markets. That is my thesis in how the CIA was corrupted - by involving itself in arms, drugs and probably human trafficking in order to finance its various projects.
The rogue elements of the CIA then went about compromising key people to support their agenda. I think that is why Trump went to Langley so early in his administration and why Pompeo did a stint there before becoming SecState.
The CIA was never a patriotic organization. Our government secretly brought 10s of thousands of Nazis to the US after WW2 and given new identities in most cases while also putting them in high level positions throughout our government. You know what's one of the first things they did? They formed the CIA. This is another rabbit hole that I suggest you research. Heinrich Himmler is rod rosenstein's father. Heinrich Mueller is Bob Mueller's father and there's many more. Obama's mother is related to Eva Braun somehow
I disagree. I have done considerable research in this area. The CIA, essentially became the successor to the OSS from WW2. Do you have any problem with what the OSS did in WW2? Ambrose had a great account of how Eisenhower utilized intel during the war. The seeds of the CIA were planted long before any Nazis were involved. Though I agree with you that we did (largely due to Dulles' influence) wring what we could from what knowledge they had developed.
The first few CIA directors were patriots and I think even today most CIA employees are patriots. Allen Dulles, however, was a sociopath. It was him that got the CIA involved with programs like Mockingbird and MK Ultra. It was him that got the CIA involved with drug trafficking and arms trafficking. It was him that sat in the cat bird's seat of the Warren Commission and no doubt scrubbed anything that could pin him or the CIA to the assassination of JFK.
It does seem that way.
There is indicators that trump was in it since about 83.
I think x22 talked about how Trump used one of his new buildings that was under construction to help Giuliani bring down the mafia.
Sources, please.
Thank you for the link.
What is time, to a time traveler?
A roaring river become a reflecting pond.
There is no way Trump could have remained in office and get anything really done that would evaporate the swamp. (It looks like Trump is running a real Shadow Government. Trump needs the anonymity to work with the military to round up all the bad actors.
Can we bring back beheadings instead?
Think mirror indeed. He's using their tactics against them, just without the pederasty and satanic sacrifices.
The last statement is correct. The US Military has been used as a tool to further the cabal agenda for well over a century now. All major wars within recent history that the US was involved in was manufactured and outcomes were predetermined; they were lost on purpose, or won on purpose. We are up against a NWO plan centuries in the making, which makes the scope of this sting unimaginable.
I've met some mercs and idk what all they did exactly but I can tell you most of them are in a few categories.
1: Retire to a quiet country life and gtfo 2: Find God 3: Ignore all "news" because they know some kind of dark truth 4: All of the above
They are all based and none of them are left leaning. And yes I'm sure they have been used for all kinds of things which is why its SAP and none of them know what the others did.
One told me "if the American public knew what happened under Clinton there would never ever be a Democrat again"
Ex mil guy I know said that a guys in a letter agency, That he knew, said that they brought in more prostitutes for Hillary than they did bill.
Special Access Programs
Special Access Program. You may be a spy but you don't get access to everything just your special piece of the mission.
Color me naïve, but I just wonder why they don't start dropping evidence of "what happened under Clinton"; if they were brave enough to be mercenaries, why wouldn't they have the courage to expose what they know. And there surely are ways to do it without endangering yourself or your family.
Because it was classified Im sure and I doubt it would be evidence in the form of physical documents it would likely be putting pieces together from people they knew and their own missions.
Think about how many people were involved in Manhattan project and no one knew? Its actually really rare for military to go public because the punishments are insane and I imagine if they don't trust the president they sure don't trust whistle-blower protections. Chelsea manning is one of the few and I have a sneaking suspicion that was an intentional plant by CIA because I see no reason why Obama would pardon It unless it was a reward for something they did.
Also, even if you did go public no one would believe a lot of the stuff anyways so you would be burning your whole life down and quite likely going to jail or getting suicided.
It's not time for that just yet. Setting the board, running the board. There's time and place for it..everything is in a controlled precision. It's a it play out.
Can someone translate this into normie. Not following
I'll try: Our military has been used in Special Access Programs to achieve cabal goals. Including the bribery tactics used by the cabal, ie, child rape/torture/. Matt Gaetz could be the one to expose it all (his situation). CEOs, elected govt officials (local, state, federal), police depts., CPS, Religious Orgs, etc are all targeting with these crimes against humanity.
USAPs too, those are the big ones. The trillion dollar a year black budget super advanced shit. As is anti-gravity, zero point energy, teleportation tech. The rabbit hole is deeper than you can imagine.
So I started watching this documentary called JFK to 911 - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick. I've still got a ways to go (it's 3.5 hours long) but it seems to touch on this theme.
Thanks for the link; wow, quite convincing. Recommend setting that as its own post.
I trace our DS infestation to Allen Dulles and how he converted the CIA from a fundamentally patriotic organization to one that ended up so far off course it became an organism that had to defend itself.
Follow the money - Dulles saw that Iran was turned for a song in 1953. What could the CIA do with even more money? But congressional funding was limited (as was oversight). So where does he go to get the money for all of his 'patriotic' ideas? Illicit markets. That is my thesis in how the CIA was corrupted - by involving itself in arms, drugs and probably human trafficking in order to finance its various projects.
The rogue elements of the CIA then went about compromising key people to support their agenda. I think that is why Trump went to Langley so early in his administration and why Pompeo did a stint there before becoming SecState.
The CIA was never a patriotic organization. Our government secretly brought 10s of thousands of Nazis to the US after WW2 and given new identities in most cases while also putting them in high level positions throughout our government. You know what's one of the first things they did? They formed the CIA. This is another rabbit hole that I suggest you research. Heinrich Himmler is rod rosenstein's father. Heinrich Mueller is Bob Mueller's father and there's many more. Obama's mother is related to Eva Braun somehow
I disagree. I have done considerable research in this area. The CIA, essentially became the successor to the OSS from WW2. Do you have any problem with what the OSS did in WW2? Ambrose had a great account of how Eisenhower utilized intel during the war. The seeds of the CIA were planted long before any Nazis were involved. Though I agree with you that we did (largely due to Dulles' influence) wring what we could from what knowledge they had developed.
The first few CIA directors were patriots and I think even today most CIA employees are patriots. Allen Dulles, however, was a sociopath. It was him that got the CIA involved with programs like Mockingbird and MK Ultra. It was him that got the CIA involved with drug trafficking and arms trafficking. It was him that sat in the cat bird's seat of the Warren Commission and no doubt scrubbed anything that could pin him or the CIA to the assassination of JFK.
The business of The Republic.
23 skidoo
Will Gaetz be the one to open the “gates”?
Rampant speculation.
A sweet yes to all.