Mask Math
The Covid virus size is 0.125 Microns diameter. The cross section area of the virus is 0.012 square microns.
The pore size in an N95 mask is 80 Microns in diameter. The cross section area of the pore is about 5020 square microns.
Dividing the hole size by the virus size, The holes in the mask are 409,600 times bigger than the virus the mask is supposed to trap.
That is the same as trying to catch a golf ball (diameter 1.68 inches) by using a net that has holes 89.6 feet in diameter.
I think the maskologist argument would be that the viruses are contained in droplets which are much bigger. Not saying masks work, but let's not make it easy for them.
Actually. Thats exactly what they are saying. The mask catches the droplets.
Wich it dies catch some but not all
But covid is airborne, which means it does not require a water droplet to expose others.
It is not airborne. I know what you are trying to say but usually in the case of viruses and pandemics and such something is only airborne when it can linger and survive in the air and continue to infect even at long distances. Covid isnt that.
From what I understand it is just that. I understand that it can survive for hours in the air in an unventilated environment.
Nope. It is transmitted through prolonged exposure (15 minutes minimum) to an infected person who is in close proximity (within 6 feet)
Cant believe everything the CDC says, but its also "airborne" according to them.
It is airborne in that it is transmitted through the is not “airborne” in the term of art definition which is transmission in the air over long distances and time. In other words it is not infecting people via traveling through the air vents in and office building ala the movie Outbreak Droplets can hang out in the air "from minutes to hours". If the CDC is lying, I get it. Gotta listen to someone as I'm not the guy who determines how its spread.
Medically speaking, you wouldn't call that airborne then. Just saying.
Except that is an hypothesis. They admit it is just a hypothesis on every paper and every website that says it. (Or they say "Authorities believe", "Authorities say", etc.) Every real test of that hypothesis has shown otherwise.
None of this matters. The zealotry of masking (ThE sCiEnCe) could be disputed via numerous thorough studies demonstrating the ineffectiveness of masks, and the Maskcolytes (a new term I just invented to describe adherents to the religion of COVID-19) will still come up with something to counter it.
It matters. All you have to do is get people to think. People get red-pilled by such facts all the time. It doesn't get everyone, but it gets some. Each little red-pill gets someone. We mustn't give up just because we don't get as many as we want with each red-pill.
Look at where we are now. 100's of millions, maybe billions strong, awake or at least questioning, all around the world.
Never stop the red-pills. Never stop believing in them. Keep poppin 'em, keep pushin 'em.
This is the way.
Thanks for the math, which never lies. Now we have some facts to support the anecdote that masks are as effective at keeping out the virus as a chain link fence is at keeping out mosquitos. I do not think it is futile to lob such facts at the fear-enslaved. The truth must be said, over and over. Repetition is the technique the liars use to convince people of their lies, which is the WW2 NAZI model of propaganda. If it can work with obvious lies, it is not unreasonable to think it will work with the truth. The only challenge is prying them away from the fear porn and entertainment propaganda they watch on TV. I have noticed that this has an effect. When their eyes finally re-moisten, they are much more apt to hear what you have to say, and if you don't frighten them with an initial blast, they often come back to have a conversation.