Sorry but I think that comment is in poor taste. Regardless of how one feels about the vaccine or those who take it, this person was important to someone and they are feeling a loss. Have some respect...
"The telling of jokes is an art of its own, & it always rises from some emotional threat. The best jokes are dangerous, and dangerous because they are in some way truthful."
Yup some people have an adverse reaction and the jab kills them faster. The normal reaction is to destroy your body over the next 2 years so we cant blame it on the jab.
President Trump was for ALL people, which is why he's a leader. Yours is the kind of comment that separates the followers from the leaders and gives peaceful patriots a bad name.
GA needs to unrig their election. GA was RINO central. You disarmed yourself with your "peaceful demeanor" and allowed Stacy Abrams to run rough shod over you. There is a time for peace, there is a time for war. War has been waged against you and no meaningful resistance was mounted.
It may be wrong to celebrate death just as we should not celebrate war but that will change nothing. War begets suffering and death. Worse case, what happens when vax deaths are measured in the thousands, or hundreds of thousands?
People are angry, and they have a right to be. People want revenge, and maybe they have a right to that too.
There are many conservatives who have gotten the vaccine too, some just don't know better.
"Sara realized a lifelong dream by winning a spot in the Jeopardy Teachers Tournament where she reached the semifinal level. Sara excelled in NRA and CMP service rifle competition. She won the Women's National Championship in the 2020 Civilian Marksmanship Program Home Range Series. She is a current board member and was a past-president of Wisconsin Firearms Owners. Along with her father, she coordinated the State of Wisconsin Junior Service Rifle Team."
She was a teacher but doesn't sound like a crazy libby to me.
Well... at least she won't get Covid-19 now. The vaccine worked.
Sorry but I think that comment is in poor taste. Regardless of how one feels about the vaccine or those who take it, this person was important to someone and they are feeling a loss. Have some respect...
"The telling of jokes is an art of its own, & it always rises from some emotional threat. The best jokes are dangerous, and dangerous because they are in some way truthful."
I know I'm not losing any sleep over a fat libtard believing the fauci lies.
Apparently her appendix burst, so that ties right into what we know that these vaccines are engineered to destroy organs.
Yup some people have an adverse reaction and the jab kills them faster. The normal reaction is to destroy your body over the next 2 years so we cant blame it on the jab.
Either way it is meant to kill you.
President Trump was for ALL people, which is why he's a leader. Yours is the kind of comment that separates the followers from the leaders and gives peaceful patriots a bad name.
GA needs to unrig their election. GA was RINO central. You disarmed yourself with your "peaceful demeanor" and allowed Stacy Abrams to run rough shod over you. There is a time for peace, there is a time for war. War has been waged against you and no meaningful resistance was mounted.
It may be wrong to celebrate death just as we should not celebrate war but that will change nothing. War begets suffering and death. Worse case, what happens when vax deaths are measured in the thousands, or hundreds of thousands?
People are angry, and they have a right to be. People want revenge, and maybe they have a right to that too.
Making a lot of assumptions there.
There are many conservatives who have gotten the vaccine too, some just don't know better.
"Sara realized a lifelong dream by winning a spot in the Jeopardy Teachers Tournament where she reached the semifinal level. Sara excelled in NRA and CMP service rifle competition. She won the Women's National Championship in the 2020 Civilian Marksmanship Program Home Range Series. She is a current board member and was a past-president of Wisconsin Firearms Owners. Along with her father, she coordinated the State of Wisconsin Junior Service Rifle Team."
She was a teacher but doesn't sound like a crazy libby to me.
Ya I am sure lots of republicans will die too. But this will just make more people open their eyes.
But as a whole like 90% of liberals are getting the jab vs like 40% of republicans.
Either way in the end we will have more people standing. That is why they are trying so hard to get white people vaccinated.