So, I went in for my annual checkup at my local health center today. I fully expected to have the vaccine pushed on me and wasn't looking forward to the bullshit. Turns out, my expectations were wrong.
After checking in I met with a nurse. She immediately began making mask jokes and talking about how crazy everything is. She said it felt like living in a Twilight Zone episode. She took my vitals and left, so I sat and waited for the doctor. He came in a few minutes later and looked exhausted. Asked how I was and i said I was doing good despite the world going nuts. He looked at me and said "Tell me about it, this whole thing is ridiculous".
He proceeded to lament about all the insane restrictions and protocols they have to follow. " At one point I had to wear a plastic face shield like I was a salad bar " he joked. There was no mention or discussion of the vaccine at all. This is a guy who pushes the flu shot like it's candy and here he is ignoring the covid vaccine entirely. After some brief examinations he said we were done. As I was leaving he stopped me and said "Keep exercising and getting sunlight, you're doing it right". I laughed, said I would, and told him to have a good day.
I left the building feeling kinda refreshed and positive. It was nice to see that people are waking up to the bullshit of it all. More people are waking up every day, despite what the media and government are trying to say.
He's a keeper. Saw mine 2 weeks ago, only asked if I got the shot, I said no and that was it. No discussion.
I switched Dr's a few weeks ago and she did not even ask if I wanted the vaccine. I guess when I gave her the list of my medications which included Quercetin, Vit D, Vit C, Zinc she realized I was in control of my own COVID prevention. It was also refreshing to not be hounded about a vaccine. I thought that is was kind of interesting that when I made my appointment the opening message said that they do not test for COVID or administer the vaccine at their office. It suggested that you contact local officials for testing and vaccination sites. It made me think.....I wonder if the Dr. Group really doesn't want to be responsible to potential issues that may occur with testing or administering the vaccine and any side effects that may occur. If you make an informed decision to go to a state run facility for testing or the vaccine, their office won't be liable for a possible bad outcome, they will just clean up the mess if something happens.
Unfortunately, many doctors and nurses are being forced to take the Covid "vaccines" by the hospitals. Their work is restricted unless they accept the shot.
In 18 months from now... the U.S. may have a serious problem. What happens if 50% of our doctors, nurses, first responders and other medical / safety personnel are incapacitated due to effects from the mRNA "vaccines"?
I think around here, it was front line workers in the first wave, then factory workers in the second wave. ?♀️
He's the kind of doctor I would make an excuse for when it comes to human cloning. We need more people like him around when the deaths or disfigurements from vaccine side effects start hitting people en-masse.
He's can be an ass sometimes, but overall he's good. He's constantly telling people about how important vitamin D is and recommends 5000 iu a day to his adult patients, even more in some cases. Very pro flu shot too, which is why his total disregard for the rona jab was surprising.
Nice, I myself take Vitamin D + K2 (50mcg D + 90mcg K2 per tablet, x2) equaling 4000 IU of Vitamin D, daily intake, plus 30mg Zinc Picolinate. I would take more D, but I want to have my blood work done soon to see if my current intake is sufficient or if I need to increase or decrease at all.
Send or bring individually wrapped candy or cookies to them. It is a good thing to do.
Our family Dr didn't even mention the shot, just asked if we were well and then said, "I'm giving you both a Rx for Ivermectin that you can take as prevention or cure. He knows we just take vitamins and exercise. He's a Naturopath.
Took a Neurosurgeon's deposition yesterday. He wouldn't do it by Zoom which is now essentially the default. I got to his office, had my stupid mask on and thought, how am I going to talk in this thing for two hours? He walked in and said "I hope you are okay with no masks I don't want to have to talk for two hours with one on. I'm vaccinated." "I'm not", I said. Court reporter said "I had the first shot" as she took off her mask. "Let's get started," he said. Live and let live. It was like I lived in America or something.
Lucky you. My doctor refused to refill a maintenance rx for me because I haven't been there in the last year. I said "Do you have a mandatory mask requirement?". They said "Yes". I said "Well I can't wear a mask and I need this medication refilled. How do you suppose that we make this happen?" Next thing I know, I get a text from the pharmacy saying that my script is ready for pickup. Doc's aren't going to like not getting their twice a year visits at $25-50 a pop. Something's gotta give soon.
Sure hope my check up next week goes the same way.
Glad to know not all US physicians are criminal drugpushers and committing gross malpractice.
Your body your choice!
It's one thing to think your government is ridiculous. It's another thing to go down that rabbit hole and find out that the government has been totally infiltrated by the deep state and owned by the central bankers.
i had a similar experience w dentist n his assistant. yes, it was refreshing to hear this from medical ppl