Reminder that this has been happening forever. It's always the people who the media uses to push "peace and love" messages. The Beatles went to the Rothschild parties. The rush to ban this album cover wasn't due to decency, it was to hide the truth exposed by young drug addicts who got too blasé.
Cabal History Theory

Lyrics of “Imagine” has been described as the NWO / Globalist National Anthem:
Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Aha-ah...
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You...
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You...
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one
Such a “pretty” song... but knowing what you now do, can you see the depth of our brainwashing/conditioning.
Those celebrities singing it at the beginning of Covid takes on a whole new meaning too.
It was full on cultish "Great Reset" shit
May they burn in hell forever
Yup, they created the civilization back at his basic and studied human mind / planned the long term run, first they made us evolve for some centuries, created free love stuffs, then racial / integration troubles to show the world was not being good against poor war refugees, then same film with trannies and stuff, in the meanwhile generation after generation brainwashing was always more effective (look kids today with a smartphone at early age almost without control from the parents), they bought now us on the 'tip of the iceberg' mixing up again everything again in a single step to introduce us to the planned new world or better their utopia, and our de-evolution as they clearly said, their ultimate goal is to now destroy the society as we know it and leave us in a full scale war / internal fight situation like monkeys fighting for bananas
Someone said GME?
i'm afraid my friend that has nothing to do with GME, we talk about immensely bigger capitals at stake, GME is one of the dots in the paint, but there is much much more
Sgt. Pepper album cover is an occultic map. Even without relevant data to decode, it still contains two instances of Aleister Crowley. Most people only have one. One Crowley is plainly visible, but the second Crowley is situated behind the Shirley Temple doll with the bloody driving glove, who wears the jumper/sweater that says "Welcome the Rolling Stones".
RAOB references, Indian destruction gods, doubles and duplicates. The album cover contains a lot of secrets if you can string them together correctly.
In any case, they were clearly initiated enough into the occult that they were producing albums with Crowley on it.
There's a blog you can find, I think you can find it by searching BeaconFilms2011 or "A is for Apollo". Has pretty interesting possible decodes re: Sgt. Pepper map and speculation about certain songs being implanted in the Beatles' heads by burgeoning LSD-prescribing Doctors, like Jane Asher's father.
Also ties into the Paul Is Dead phenomenon. Compare Paul between 65 and late 66/67. Certainly a different person. Lots of interesting videos about regarding how deep it goes.
It's a rabbit hole, but Q always told us to follow the white rabbit. And they were certainly initiated into the Alice In Wonderland/Crowley Thelema style teachings circa that time, expressed in the Sgt. Pepper album particularly.
I don't know how to cover all facets and aspects of this thing in one post. It's the sort of thing you have to dig and research for years, with a healthy dose of skepticism, as there's a lot of "muddying the waters" going on, with conflicting stories and things.
Either way, there's so much to dig through here, and the Beatles were such a central focus of the massive global psyop that they're a good place to start. Far too in the public eye to conceal all their mistakes accurately. ;)
Thank you tremendously for your explanations and bread crumbs to follow.
I found the link for anyone else interested. I know I'll be reading up on it when time permits.
A is for Apollo
The SP cover was not designed by the Beatles but by Peter Blake who was an occultist.
"Most people only having one picture of Crowley", what people are we talking about?
As for the album cover OP posted, that is not an official Beatles album but some ripoff crap produced in the US to cash into Beatlemania, its yet another fake.
I'm saying that the other people on the cover have only one photograph cutout. Crowley has two.
The SP album cover has conflicting authorship, having been a collaborative work. One person credited on the album is a Joseph Ephgrave who doesn't exist, but the pseudonym is ominous considering the funereal tone to the album.
Also, no, how could that cover be a fake? Where would random US pressers get exclusive photos of the Beatles' butcher photo shoot?
It was released as the original cover to Yesterday and Today, and was quickly recalled and reissued with another version featuring 3 beatles and Paul in the box. Some of the early recalls simply had the new album cover pasted over the original butcher cover, meaning that if you own a copy of Yesterday and Today, there's a small chance the Butcher Cover is hidden underneath.
As I said, an unofficial ripoff LP cover from the US market.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
This chap knows where it's at
:) Would have linked my sauce, but I’m on the go.
Not too hard to find info though, look it up fellows. The fact the deep state has an interest in music is not a new phenomenon.
On the go as well, but a cursory glance suspects This Blog might be an OK place to start digging.
Thanks to both of you. God's gift of music being perverted by Evil is of much interest to me. My Soul can't stand it.
God bless
Just a few photos to red pill
Huh. Somehow I have never seen that upside-down cross image in all my years of research.
sick sick sick
The Funny thing is John Lennon is on record with being embarrassed by that Imagine song and before he died was getting into arguments with leftists about the Value of Capitol ism and his son sounds very based.....
Congratulations, you've been rolling-stoned !
Who said "depopulation" agenda?
It's about the children. It's about consumption of fucking children, bro.