Most new social media sites get what? A thousand people at first. Then they invite friends. During this time they fix bugs and grow. Frank speech is getting millions of new sign ups from haters and patriots, while being attacked constantly by deep state activists and countries. Stop crying that they're down and not working correctly. It's a Damn miracle they are up at all! Be patient. It's the least we can do compared to what they're doing for us!
You are very important, fren :D They're doing maintenance on the site right now, seems there's no precise ETA. Hopefully soon! Bless you and have a nice day.
I agree! And I have had almost no trouble, either. I've watched it all day for the last 2 days. Working great for me, a little blip now and then but really no big deal.
Won't let me log in. Says wrong info. Requested new password and no link gets sent to email. No optuon to just make new account. Damn, poor Mike, cluster F. Temp tho I'm sure. It is too easy for the forces if evil to block what needs to be seen. They sure don't want people to see Absolute Interference.
Based on the information being presented, which U.S. cyber operatives surely have and can use (if not compromised), there is no need to wait any longer for "white hats" to take action. If there is no action within the next week, two at the most, I just don't see it ever happening, and it is all over, in terms of civilized resolution of this widespread problem.
General Flynn mentioned the shot heard around the world, and now Mike Lindell referred to FrankSpeech as "the shot heard around the world". Interesting.
Uh huh. What other great piece of insight do you have to offer? That the letter Q was a popular one on Sesame Street? You glowies are so pathetic. Soros still has you on the payroll?
I'm stoked for Mike Lindell, this is a great day for America. He's a true Patriot. No disrespect but I'm watching right now (Monday 8:30PM PST) and I know he's a recovering addict but G-D! I need a hit of what he's smokin' ... Mike has more energy then a high school football team on a Friday night! Mike is a beast!
Mike is talking to some liberal reporter who brought up Mike's comment on Trump coming back into office by August. Mike responded with after watching his video tomorrow you'll be thinking Trump is back in office in June.
Most new social media sites get what? A thousand people at first. Then they invite friends. During this time they fix bugs and grow. Frank speech is getting millions of new sign ups from haters and patriots, while being attacked constantly by deep state activists and countries. Stop crying that they're down and not working correctly. It's a Damn miracle they are up at all! Be patient. It's the least we can do compared to what they're doing for us!
Does anyone know when we'll be able to create Frank Speech accounts?
I heard some VIPs have already received invites.
I wish I were very important. :-(
You are very important, fren :D They're doing maintenance on the site right now, seems there's no precise ETA. Hopefully soon! Bless you and have a nice day.
In the new video, did they ever say where thevraw data come from? I listened to the video twice and can't figure out where the data came from.
For a social media site there sure isn't a lot of ways to socialize
Lindelltv is still live.
Sucks it went down again.
Any numbers on how many that watched all in all?
According to this pede it was at 90 million last night
Idk where all the complaints are coming from. The stream has been working for me like, 90% of the time.
How do you not realize how INCREDIBLE it is that frank speech is able to handle so many page views after only being live for a little over 24 hrs??
I agree! And I have had almost no trouble, either. I've watched it all day for the last 2 days. Working great for me, a little blip now and then but really no big deal.
same here. thoroughly enjoyed the stream.
Won't let me log in. Says wrong info. Requested new password and no link gets sent to email. No optuon to just make new account. Damn, poor Mike, cluster F. Temp tho I'm sure. It is too easy for the forces if evil to block what needs to be seen. They sure don't want people to see Absolute Interference.
What the heck, suppose to be 48 hours live and they are playing feeds from earlier. Can’t log in either.
Get in here!
And it's down. Again.
Are you not able to create an account at this time? But watch the live stream?
Where is absolute interference?
I can't find the new movie
Sorry this is just the trailer.
Here you go:
it maybe what will be re broadcast at 4pm and 8pm central time today
I have tried several times to create a account and have been unsuccessful. Any tips would be appreciated.
I'm getting the cloud flare this site is not active thing you too?
Yes, that's the exact message I am receiving.
Based on the information being presented, which U.S. cyber operatives surely have and can use (if not compromised), there is no need to wait any longer for "white hats" to take action. If there is no action within the next week, two at the most, I just don't see it ever happening, and it is all over, in terms of civilized resolution of this widespread problem.
Wahoo!!!! I love this!!!! So much!!!
This is big! Great job Mike and all that worked on this!
It IS huge to find out that EVERY precinct of EVERY county of EVERY state had votes flipped from Trump to biden... :O
General Flynn mentioned the shot heard around the world, and now Mike Lindell referred to FrankSpeech as "the shot heard around the world". Interesting.
Okay shill. Go back to CNN.
Uh huh. What other great piece of insight do you have to offer? That the letter Q was a popular one on Sesame Street? You glowies are so pathetic. Soros still has you on the payroll?
Ladies please, one of you dropped your purse.
Who goes through this much trouble to prevent his site from coming online?
People who send the world into a pandemic to “win” a presidential election
Evil controlling people
So what's going on?
What happened to continuous live stream? They went off the air.
Jimmy Kimmel is a pedophile, confirmed. Same with the other cuck late night fake news hosts.
How evil, publicly shaming a recovering addict like that. All because Mike is a man of God who dares to boldly expose their lies and propaganda.
Good on Mike for calling him out on the stream like that... loved it.
Fuck the Fake News Media. God Bless the Patriots.
I'm stoked for Mike Lindell, this is a great day for America. He's a true Patriot. No disrespect but I'm watching right now (Monday 8:30PM PST) and I know he's a recovering addict but G-D! I need a hit of what he's smokin' ... Mike has more energy then a high school football team on a Friday night! Mike is a beast!
God Bless America!
Mike is talking to some liberal reporter who brought up Mike's comment on Trump coming back into office by August. Mike responded with after watching his video tomorrow you'll be thinking Trump is back in office in June.
As of 945p Eastern, there were over 85 million viewers worldwide! Incredible!
As of 11:10 he now says it's over 90m. He claims they are unique visitors which is crazy if that is true.
Wow! Didn't realize 2 out of ever 5 adults have seen this. Will make sure to talk about this tomorrow at work!
I'm still filled with hopium this is reaching the masses and sharing accordingly.
Incredible! I bet even more tomorrow.