When Joe thanked John Kerry, Kerry looked the face of absolute dread and despair, like he wished to never have existed, then somehow he managed to thank Joe for his words.
I'm in shock. He was rambling, jumping from random thought to random thought, and spewing nonsensical gibberish with his mask dangling from his ear.
Unbelievable. And this was in front of international leaders? Wow; never thought in million years that the U.S.A. would be represented by such a pathetic individual. It is hard to believe that this is real.
In the second video, after rambling through the first video, he says "focus on the jobs". That was in the ear piece, someone spoke that. Right after saying it he went into a stump speech he's gave a million times about union jobs. This is pathetic.
Is this real, or a mislabeled shitpost?
It's real. There's videos floating around. Talks about "climate change" and then breaks out into this.
Not really sure what it's about? Was there a Navajo on the call, too? Was super confusing.
But, what's new. Laughing stock right now.
Ol' Jill is getting massages from John Redcorn.
For her Migraines...
Holy CRAP!!!
I think this is Joe Dumbs idea of pandering to a minority. But it comes off as insulting and just plain dumb. He is an embarrassment.
Just watched the video. It's real. Link posted below.
Try this, 2nd video at 1:45 https://twitter.com/thorsome1/status/1385638901260316676?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1385638901260316676%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2021%2F04%2Flet-wife-come-home-joe-biden-super-awkward-exchange-navajo-nation-climate-summit-video%2F
When Joe thanked John Kerry, Kerry looked the face of absolute dread and despair, like he wished to never have existed, then somehow he managed to thank Joe for his words.
I'm in shock. He was rambling, jumping from random thought to random thought, and spewing nonsensical gibberish with his mask dangling from his ear. Unbelievable. And this was in front of international leaders? Wow; never thought in million years that the U.S.A. would be represented by such a pathetic individual. It is hard to believe that this is real.
In the second video, after rambling through the first video, he says "focus on the jobs". That was in the ear piece, someone spoke that. Right after saying it he went into a stump speech he's gave a million times about union jobs. This is pathetic.